Ultraman Senki

Chapter 128 Rebellion

"This is?" Mayumi couldn't help opening her mouth.

"Secret passage, there are many of these in this base!" Xingye pulled Mayumi into it, and the elevator went down quickly. Mayumi looked at Xingye with a serious expression on her face that had never been seen in a daze.

The elevator reached the bottom very quickly, and Mayumi scanned the depth displayed on it and reached the lowest level of the base. The 200 meters from here to the top are strictly guarded restricted areas, and ordinary people cannot enter here. Mayumi only came here once with Xingye.

Walking out of the elevator, the automatic door closed and turned into a wall again. If you hadn’t come out of here just now, it would be hard to believe that there is an elevator here. to a person.

Finally, they came to a huge door. Just from the outside, they could see dozens of forearm-thick steel columns running through the inside of the door. Xingye stretched out his right hand and put it on the operation panel, slowly pulled out dozens of steel balls, and the door slowly opened as the gears turned.

Mayumi couldn't help moving her throat when she saw the gate. The ultra-high-strength alloy gate is three meters thick and has steel pillars every 20 centimeters. Countless steel pillars make the entire gate indestructible.

Entering the vault, the shelves are filled with various seemingly tall things, and the styles are not only different from each other, but also very different from the creations on the earth. Xingye pulled Mayumi all the way to the innermost part, flipped over the password disk on the wall to open it, and a mechanical arm rose from the ground with a small box on top of the sound of mechanical rotation.

Xingye breathed a sigh of relief and quickly picked up the box and put it in his clothes, then pulled Mayumi up and ran outside.

The atmosphere in the commander's room was still very depressing. The captain Ju Jianhui sat there silently and his face was ugly. Even Hori, who always liked to be funny, didn't mean to make a joke. Instead, he sat in front of the computer with Ye Rui, and the two of them tapped The sound of the keyboard became the only sound in the command room.

At this moment, the radio at the base rang, and it was Director Sawai's voice, followed by a warrant for Xingye's arrest.

"What? How is it possible?" Ju Jianhui suddenly stood up.

"Impossible. Xingye was the one I watched him grow up. How could he be an alien?" Xincheng's reaction became even more intense and he wanted to demolish the house.

"Let's find Xingye first, so he must know what happened?" Dagu, the one who knew the most, hurriedly took out his PDI to contact Xingye, but he couldn't get through no matter what.

"I found his research department at the bottom of the base!" Ye Rui quickly inquired about the location of PDI.

"En!" Xincheng and Dagu nodded and immediately ran out of the command room, Jujianhui nodded at Zongfang, Zongfang hurriedly ran out with Horei.

As soon as Xingye pulled Mayumi out of the vault, he saw several soldiers running over from the corner. Xingye pressed the button next to it and the vault quickly closed and it couldn't be opened again without Xingye's password.

He took out the shock wave launcher and fired a shot at the ceiling. There was a violent explosion, and the ceiling quickly collapsed and the falling debris made the soldiers take a few steps back.

Xingye took the opportunity to pull Mayumi to another direction, opened a secret passage again and took the elevator up.

During the slight vibration of the elevator going up, Xingye took out the small box and took out a thin silver card under Mayumi's curious eyes and inserted it into the small computer that he carried with him. The program codes on the computer screen quickly Swipe across, Starry Night's five fingers fly to pull the codes and slide them up.

The elevator soon reached the top, Xingye had already put away the computer when the elevator door opened, walked out of the elevator door and looked around vigilantly, here was a quiet corner of the stairs, no one was there as far as he could see. Xingye turned back and pulled Mayumi to the hangar, which is not far from the hangar, just walk through the air corridor in front to get there. Once you get there, everything will be fine.

This air corridor spanned a hundred meters away, and the two sides were completely transparent glass, from which one could see many ants-like tiny people coming and going busy. Along the way, many people saw Xingye, and everyone was very surprised. Some people wanted to say something, but Xingye was not in the mood to talk to them at all. He dragged Mayumi and ran up the air corridor.

Just as they were about to run to the exit, a group of soldiers suddenly appeared at the corner of the exit in front. The people in the front row half kneeling on the ground and the people in the back row put their guns on the shoulders of the people in front, and with the click of the gun The sound of gun bolts sounded, and everyone pointed their guns at Xingye and Mayumi.

Seeing this, Xingye immediately put Mayumi behind him and slowly backed away. Before she had taken a few steps, she heard a burst of orderly footsteps behind her. She turned her head to see a group of heavily armed soldiers holding their guns and slowly moving towards this place. Forced over.

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

Xincheng strode over and Hori behind him was already out of breath. Speaking of Hori's body, if he was flying a plane, he would not belong to Xincheng, but once he ran in a land battle, his flying skills were the worst. You can despise Hori in the ancient capital.

"Let me go!" Xincheng wanted to walk over but was stopped by those soldiers. Xincheng couldn't help but struggled violently, but he fell to the ground with the two soldiers who stopped him.

"Don't move!" Several soldiers from the police station raised their guns and aimed at Xincheng.

"Don't move!" Hori, Daiko, and Zongfang who came after them quickly drew out their Haipa guns and pointed them at them. Several soldiers immediately turned their guns and aimed at the three of them.

"What are you doing, does the Victory Team want to rebel?" Director Ji Gang walked over with a displeased face, and reprimanded Zong Fang and the others.

"Why is Xingye wanted? I grew up watching him, he can't be an alien invader." Xincheng yelled at Director Ji Gang angrily.

"Isn't it your turn to talk about it? Go back to your posts now. The victory team is not allowed to interfere in this matter!" Director Ji Gang pointed at Zong Fang and shouted.

"Why?" Zong Fang asked, holding back his dissatisfaction.

"There's no reason, it's TPC's regulation!" Director Ji Gang didn't have the slightest intention to explain.

"Mayumi," Xingye whispered close to Mayumi, "Tighten me up!"

Xingye's body instantly turned into light particles, and under people's astonished eyes, she quickly wrapped Mayumi and disappeared.

Horii's mouth opened into an O shape, his fingers were trembling, and the expression on his face was completely dull. Not only him, but also Xincheng and Zongfang, who couldn't believe the scene in front of them.

"The target has arrived at the F4 hangar, start hunting immediately!" A gentle voice came from the headsets of the soldiers of the police station. Hearing this, they immediately put away their guns and rushed to the target location.

Xincheng wanted to chase after him but Zong Fang grabbed him, Zong Fang shook his head slightly towards Xincheng.

Director Ji Gang saw that the victory team did not chase after him again, so he turned his head and left with a cold snort.

Just after returning to the command room, Xincheng punched the wall heavily and glared at Zongfang: "Commander, why are you stopping me?"

"Just now unless we forcefully break through, there is no way to pass!"

"I never believe that Xingye is an alien invader!" Hori said.

"I don't believe it either," Zongfang said, "Just now you saw that people from the police department couldn't catch them, so now we need to quickly find out what happened? Why was Xingye killed by Zejing?" Director wanted!"

"It all started with the Carlo base incident, so we need to find Captain Gale to find out what happened!" Ju Jianhui said.

"But TPC failed to find Captain Gale's spaceship, but can we find it?" Lina was a little worried.

Hori and Ye Rui looked at each other and nodded, Ye Rui said with a little pride: "Actually, I have been looking for Captain Gale's spaceship."

"Hey, how about me!" Hori was not happy.

"Have you found it?" Xincheng was anxious.

Ye Rui nodded: "Actually, I couldn't find it before, but Xingye sent me a login code ten minutes ago, and you can see the result!"

Ye Rui spoke and projected it on the big screen: "This is part of the Mars construction plan in the New Territory plan. It is about the construction of the long-distance contact satellite between the Earth and Mars and the detection satellite on the ecliptic plane in the solar system. This landing code is You can enter this detection system to get permission."

"I remember that this system is just a plan and it has not been built at all?" Hori asked suspiciously when he heard the words.

"The information inside the TPC does show that the construction of this system and the satellite has not yet started, but the deployment of the satellite between Mars and the Earth has actually been completed. I just used this to find Captain Gale's spacecraft and found that the Lear was lost. The power is floating at a distance of 2.13 million kilometers from the orbit of the moon." Ye Rui said as an irregular red dot on the screen moved slowly.

"The F4 hangar door has been opened, and the Phoenix is ​​ready to go!" The broadcast sounded, and there was a distraught voice at the same time: "Close the orbital door immediately!"

"No, the system is completely inoperable!" The operator looked at the supervisor helplessly with his arms outstretched.

Xingye skillfully operated the Phoenix, and Mayumi sat in the back seat and looked at this novel thing excitedly. Although she had seen it on various pictures and TV before, it was the first time for her to take a fighter jet!

The system of the entire F4 hangar was completely out of control, and Xingye kept beating on the computer in his hand, causing the Phoenix to rush out of the base smoothly and quickly.

"Immediately fire the missiles and shoot down the Phoenix!" Director Ji Gang walked in with an open face and ordered.

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