Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1279 Fake World

"It's fake, Jin, this is their conspiracy," Alia froze for a moment, and hurriedly explained to Xingye, her face was full of anxiety and panic: "They just want you to doubt me, They should never be trusted."

Xingye didn't speak. Under Alia's nervous gaze, he raised his right hand and put it on the VC communicator on his left wrist, and pulled it off with a forceful pull.

"JIN?!" Alia was taken aback for a moment, and then saw Xingye throwing the VC communicator out of the window, and it disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye, and she didn't know where it fell.

"This thing is useless," Xingye turned his head and glanced at Alia, then accelerated the car and drove straight towards the city: "Since you can't break through the News Bureau from the outside, then go directly to the inside."

The Government Information Bureau is the department used to manage the TV airships set up around the world. Each city has a dedicated news building to produce news for the city's TV airships.

Arya sat on the co-pilot, pointed to the building in front of her and said, "This is the building where news announcements and government information are sent out. This is the center of information operations," Arya hesitated. After a while, he continued: "This is the place with the strictest secrecy. There must be something hidden, but the danger is also very high."

"Nengzhuhu Lake is blocked. Someone wants to do something there. It may be a conspiracy by the cosmic people. We must definitely find out." Xingye said and opened the car door. Alia nodded silently and got out of the car. Looking at the tens of meters tall building in front of him, he immediately walked towards it.

The two did not directly enter the building of the News Management Bureau. This building has the strictest access control, and non-insiders are not even allowed to enter the gate. After climbing to the top of the building next to it, which was only more than ten meters high, Xingye put down the two boxes he was carrying in his hand, then opened one of the boxes and took out a bundle of wires inside, connected the firing gun and pulled it. When the trigger was triggered, the drill-like flying claws rushed straight to the building that was only 20 meters away, and penetrated deeply into the wall before opening the claws to stabilize the figure.

Xingye pulled the wire connected to that building and walked to the simple board room built on the roof. Alia had already turned on the computer and connected it to the small data analyzer in another box.

Xingye plugged this line into the socket of the data analyzer, and immediately a line of data appeared on the computer. By entering the line inside the News Bureau building, it was connected to the internal network in that building, bypassing the external line. firewall.

Soon Alia had called up the internal structure diagram of the News Bureau building, removed the daily areas one by one, and then dyed different areas in different shades of colors according to the access control level.

"That's it," Arya said, pointing to the darkest area on the screen, "According to the internal information of the Information Bureau, this is the highest level of access control, and it is the news production area."

"Then go here." Xingye nodded, carefully looked at the structural diagram of the building, and then walked out of here, followed closely by Alia. The two went all the way to the basement of the News Bureau building. After knocking out a security guard, Xingye used a welding torch to cut open the iron grille of the ventilation duct, and then climbed in first, followed closely by Alia.

Crawling through a ventilation duct that is only one meter square is very uncomfortable, not to mention that the duct is crooked and up and down. If it takes 20 minutes to climb the stairs, it took an hour to climb the duct and finally reach the target area.

It has to be said that the secrecy of this area is really tight, even the ventilation ducts did not extend there, Xingye gently lifted the grille of the ventilation opening, then jumped down immediately when there was no one there, and reached out to catch it. After Arya.

The two cautiously ran towards the room in front of them. What surprised Xingye and Alia was that there was no one there. The empty corridor echoed their footsteps, and the silence made people feel hairy.

At the end of the corridor is a thick iron door with a sign on it: "X production room!"

"Unknown?" Xingye stepped forward, took out the shock wave launcher and pulled the trigger. The tiny light penetrated the door lock effortlessly, cutting several steel columns in half.

'Crack! 'The door opened, Xingye walked in with a shock wave launcher, Alia walked behind with a laser gun, but to the disappointment of the two, it was still empty inside, no one was here, only rows of Cables of various specifications are neatly arranged on the server and the ground.

"It seems that the news is not made here, but transferred from other places." Alia put down the laser gun in her hand, walked quickly to the console, glanced at the densely packed buttons on the console, and then tried to operate stand up.

Xingye walked around this room. The walls, ceiling, and floor of this room are covered with thick steel plates. Several high-power air conditioners cool the room. The rest are cables of different specifications and colors. .

The defense of the internal network is simply undefended. Alia didn't spend too much effort to find the information she wanted: "This is just an information transfer station, responsible for receiving news from other places, and then passing it to the city's In the TV airship, broadcast to the residents of the city."

"Follow the line to check the place where the message was sent. There must be something relevant there." Xingye said and walked over, and started to decipher the code with Alia. It didn't take long for the new message to enter the room, and then The images of the two hosts appeared on the screen in the room, and new news began to be broadcast: "The government has started to clean up the radioactive substances in Zhu Neng Lake, and the pollution has been kept to a minimum. The Science Bureau has begun to plan how to restore Zhu Neng Lake. environment of...."

In the clear voice of the host broadcasting the news, Xingye and Alia also quickly searched for the place where the broken signal was sent, and finally settled on a place: "Neng Zhuhu!"

"It's there!" Xingye and Alia were all shocked, and at this moment, a harsh siren sounded outside.

"It was found." The two had to give up continuing to pursue the action, turned around and ran towards the outside of the room, and only halfway through the long corridor, soldiers in uniform appeared at the exit.

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