Chapter 1264: The Dead (Second Change)

"Drip!" A reading bar appeared on the screen, and within a few seconds, the data stored in the hard disk was continuously displayed on the screen.

"Daily government reports, work records..." Xingye kept swiping his fingers, throwing some worthless materials aside, sorting the potentially valuable materials together, and then sorting out the relationship between the files Mark it out.

If this Prosecutor Takizawa is not a pseudo-cosmic person, then he is really a very competent official, with a clean style, serious work, and everything will become very simple in his hands. Breaking records one after another in speed, he is simply a model official, and his future is even more limitless. If his colleagues on the earth know that the best official is actually a cosmic person, he will die of shame and anger.

After sorting out all the information, it was almost dusk outside, and the isolation board set up on this floor had also been put down to block the light to prevent the light from leaking out.

A TV airship slowly flew into the forest along the flight route set in the program, and it will arrive at the location of the building in more than ten minutes.

After all the information was revealed at the same time, what Prosecutor Takizawa had hidden was finally revealed. It was an order hidden in a pile of inconspicuous documents. If you look at it individually, then this The order is very normal. It's just an ordinary government purchase order from the private sector, but after arranging all the orders placed by the prosecutor Takizawa during his tenure, it will be found that he will place an order with the same company every half a month. Then ship the ordered items to Building UW665.

"It's this building." Alia on the side has already quickly found this building. The building on the picture is very familiar to Alia and Xingye, and it is the building that hides the spaceship.

"The ordered items are marked for the maintenance of public facilities. It is really normal and cannot be recorded normally." Xingye sighed with emotion, and then began to look up the specific information of this company.

The legal representative of this company is a 30-year-old man wearing glasses, with a very friendly smile, and his name is Tian Maru. The company's introduction is also extremely simple and simple: "The company recruits a large number of people, there is no limit, the work is easy, the remuneration is generous, and the payment is made on the spot."

"I didn't find any information about this company, not even the company's address," Alia shook her head in disappointment: "It's really strange, how could it be an unknown company that can undertake orders from the government? "

"It is necessary to investigate." Xingye nodded, looked at the time, and then stood up: "Let's go, Alia, the TV airship is coming soon."

Speaking of Xingye, he pressed several switches one after another to turn off all the power, then opened the curtain that blocked the lights, let the mountain wind blow away the heat in the room, and then took Alia back to the city by car.

Using this building far away from the city as the place to read the data is to stay away from the government's sphere of influence, so that even if exposed, they can escape quickly. Compared with the cosmic people, Xingye is more reluctant to deal with the government. After all, the cosmic people can still start fighting, but if it is a human being, it will be very troublesome if it is really impossible to kill unless it is absolutely necessary.

The vehicle had just driven into the urban area, and the news broadcast from the TV airship had already reached Xingye and Alia's ears: "The government has set up a special working group to achieve zero unemployment, and only need to go through very simple procedures , will provide you with valuable work and a spacious room, please enjoy your work, citizens."

"Does everyone have a job?" Xingye looked at the TV host with only a head portrait in the TV airship outside the car window. Even TPC, which has launched a new field plan, would not dare to say that it can be given to everyone. To provide suitable jobs, you must know that TPC has developed bases on the moon, Mars, and Jupiter. The large-scale development of these places has provided countless jobs.

And even though this world is so advanced in technology, it doesn't have the slightest intention to explore outer space, or some people don't want this world to enter the era of exploring the universe, but want human beings to remain trapped on this earth. After all, weak human beings are easy to rule and fool.

When the vehicle drove to a square, through the window glass, you could see a lot of people lying on the benches in the square, and many people were strolling casually on the grass, looking like they had nothing to do.

Alia followed Starry Night's eyes and explained in a general way: "These people have no jobs and lost hope of life. They idle around all day and go to parks or benches in squares at night. They are called HOPELESS and have no future. people."

"Didn't the government promise to provide jobs and housing? Why not go?" Xingye sighed, preferring to live a leisurely life here rather than go to work, and exchange his hard work for the needs of life. Such a person really has no future. But why did they become like this? Is it just because of laziness?

At this moment, a person holding a small package walked out of the square slowly, and walked towards the road. He didn't even look to see if there were any cars on the road, and stepped on the road directly towards the road. Go to the store across the street. The shaky appearance made one wonder if a gust of wind could blow him away.

"Crack!" Xingye stepped on the brakes quickly, looking angrily at the man who was slowly passing by the front of the car, if he had stepped on the brakes a little slower, this guy would have flown out now.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Xingye stuck his head out of the car window and shouted at the man.

The man stopped, turned his head mechanically like a rusted shaft, and looked towards Xingye. Under the light of the car lights, Xingye could see the man's face clearly. Looking at the starry night with blank eyes, the eye sockets are deeply sunken, and the dark circles under the eyes are as obvious as a panda.

The man swayed twice, fell directly to the ground, and lay motionless on the road. The package in his hand also immediately split a huge gap, and several bundles of banknotes were pulled out from it.

Xingye hurriedly opened the car door, walked up to the man, squatted down, put his right hand on the vein on the man's neck, there was no movement at all, it had stopped beating.

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