Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1258 R?

"Boat?" Xingye frowned involuntarily, and turned to look at the 100-meter-wide river outside the railing. Although there is no wharf here, the river is 30-40 meters deep, and there are more than 10 meters away from the shore. deep. Docking a large ship is no problem at all, and it doesn't take much effort to build a temporary boarding platform.

But the second case of disappearance was in the inland area, and the first case of disappearance was in the hilly area, where not to mention the big boats, even the toy boats had no water to let them float.

The city where more than 20 people who disappeared this time live is also very prosperous. Many of these missing people have regular jobs, and some of them earn a lot of money. What made them collectively abandon their families and jobs and board an unknown ship? What about the 'boat'?

"The problem now is this. When the victims came here, their minds were clear. What method was used to lure them here in the middle of the night?" K scratched his head in great distress. Unable to figure it out, he memorized the information of everyone in the first two missing cases, but no matter how he compared them, he couldn't find anything in common among the missing persons.

"Is there something that everyone lacks?" Xingye slowly turned around, leaning on the railing and looking at all kinds of people walking on the street. They have different personalities and different experiences...but one thing in common is the lack of I hope that everyone lives numbly and spends every day repeating yesterday's life.

"Hope... Hope for the future?" Xingye murmured in a low voice. Perhaps this is what all the missing people lack. Money cannot buy a hopeful heart for the future, nor can family make up for it.

"Okay, let's investigate these people separately and see who can find the answer first." Agent K said as he walked away, not intending to investigate with the 'rookie' JIN at all.

Xingye didn't care about K's departure, but thought about what the woman meant by "ship". If it couldn't come from the water, then it could only be a spaceship from the sky. That is the abduction incident of the aliens from the universe, but why do the aliens from the universe kidnap human beings? What kind of channels did the cosmic people use to make the victims gather willingly, scrambling to get on the spaceship that was very strange to them.

"The spaceship must have given them hope," Alia's voice sounded behind Xingye, Xingye immediately turned around, and Alia, who was wearing a white dress, walked over and looked at the ships passing by on the river and opened her mouth Said: "People who have lost hope face the place of hope that may exist, just like people who see an oasis in the desert, no matter whether it is a mirage or not, they will go there."

Speaking of which, Alia turned her head to look at Xingye, with a smile on her jade-like white face: "JIN, you said yesterday that knowing too much will make people lose their way, but I still want to explore the hidden real world, Even if the oasis I seek may be a hopeless mirage, I will go there."

Alia stepped up to Jin's side, then gently raised her arms to hug Jin, put her head on Jin's strong chest, listened to the strong beating heartbeat, and said softly: "Actually, since I learned the hidden truth , I'm really desperate, the two of us alone can't save this world. Until that silver giant stood in front of me, the light was really warm, and that powerful force came to save the world, right? That's right, Jin."

"Well," Xingye looked up at the blue sky and said, "He told me that he heard your prayer and came here to save the world. Arya, that's in your heart Miracles caused by the ray of hope."



"Drip! Dip!" At this time, the VC communicator rang, Xingye raised his left wrist, and opened the communicator with his right hand, and two lines of text appeared on the screen: "I heard that you and K are tracking down the ship's identity." Information, I know some news about the ship, I will wait for you at the Delphi club. The signature is R!"

"R?" Xingye couldn't help squinting his eyes. Although this was his second DEUS mission, judging from K's attitude, the agent desperately completed the mission for the reward. No agent would kindly help others, right? What is the purpose of Agent R looking for him?

The Delphi club was still very lively, without any influence from the outside world. When Xingye walked in, a man sitting on the bar turned his head to look at Xingye, and raised his wine glass towards Xingye.

Xingye tightened the windbreaker in his hand, and then walked over. He just walked to the man's side, and before he could speak, the man said first: "I heard that you are looking for information about that ship."

"You are R!"

Agent R turned his head to stare at the starry night, and then turned his head to the TV at the side, which showed the image of the battle that happened last night. The focus of the picture was on the silver giant standing among the tall buildings.

Agent R sipped a glass of wine, stared at the silver giant on TV and said, "I heard that you were nearby when the silver giant appeared. You should have seen it, this silver giant has its own consciousness when fighting, but Is that really his own consciousness? Is he really himself?"

Xingye didn't answer, and stared at Agent R, his words seemed to mean something.

Agent R just said with emotion, did not continue this topic, but started to talk about the ship: "This is not a kidnapping incident, the ship is not kidnapping people, but for those who still have hope, the ship will Come down to this rotten world. When there is no more hope here, the ship will not come."

"Who the hell are you?" Xingye put his right hand on his waist, and at the same time, a needle-like golden light appeared in the pupils of his eyes, scanning the man, but the man in his field of vision was an out-and-out human being. Not a cosmic mimic.

"Heh," Agent R drank the wine in his glass, stood up and walked outside: "I'm Agent R!"

Xingye did not stop him. Watching Agent R walk out of here, he turned his head and glanced at the Nexus battle scene repeatedly played on the nearby TV, stepped out of the club, then opened the VC communicator, and then logged into the network of DEUS headquarters, searching for Agent R's message. R definitely knows something, but why would DEUS agents protect that ship?

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