Chapter 1256 Numb World

"JIN?!" Alia saw the silver-white giant disappear, and eagerly shouted Jin's name to the surroundings. After only two calls, a familiar figure walked towards this side from the road ahead. The lights on the side of the road shone on him, as if covering him with a layer of light.

JIN stopped in his tracks, looked at the girl in white standing on the side of the street, and said, "Alia..."

"JIN!" Alia ran over, hugged her lover, and said with joy in her words: " are the savior, and you are here to save the world."

"Well! This world really needs to be saved, use the power that this prayer of hope can summon." Xingye raised his head and looked at the TV airship slowly flying over his head in the sky. Only the head portrait host was still broadcasting What happened: "Just now the silver giant wiped out the unidentified life forms that destroyed the city, and then disappeared. Is this silver giant the savior who came to save the world? The authorities have not yet expressed any opinion on this..."

While the TV airship flew by, a camera-like lens in the top hidden corner of the TV airship slowly turned, aiming at Jin and Alia below.

And in an unknown corner of this planet, in a garden-like illusion, several cosmic beings mimicking men and women on earth are floating in the garden like wandering spirits. When the TV airship flies over the head of the starry night, four The man turned his neck one hundred and eighty degrees at the same time, with a strange smile on his face, and the same voice came out of his mouth at the same time: "Unknown power, you can use him to remove obstacles and adjust the DEUS mission..."

'drop! drop! The VC communicator rang, Xingye reached out and opened the VC communicator, the four letters DEUS were displayed on the screen, and then the mechanically synthesized voice came out from it: "Agent JIN, mission No. 147 has been completed, and the mission reward has been issued! "

Xingye immediately looked at the time. It was only three minutes since the spaceship was destroyed, and the DEUS Command had already confirmed the completion of the mission and issued mission rewards. This efficiency is simply too high, and how did the DEUS Command determine that the task was completed?

Xingye raised her head and looked at the TV airship on the left that had drifted away, where various news were still being broadcast. If there was anything that could be monitored in real time, then this was the only one. It is too easy to install some high-definition cameras on such a large spacecraft, and it is easier to take clear pictures than artificial satellites while suspended in the sky.

Alia, who was standing aside, followed Starry Night's line of sight, and then said, "This thing is not only a news channel for the government to broadcast information, but also one of the systems to monitor humans in this world."

"Has no one raised any doubts about this thing? Why spend such a big price to spread this kind of TV airship all over the world. I'm afraid it's easy to install some laser weapon systems on such a large airship!" Xing Ye watched the TV. The airship glanced at it, shook its head, turned around and stopped paying attention to the TV airship that was blocked by the building.

"JIN," K ran over panting, the laser gun in his hand hadn't been put down, he slowed down when he saw JIN standing here, looked around and asked, "Where's the silver giant? Did you see him?" Where have you been?"

"No, it disappeared suddenly."

"First, the spaceship hidden in the urban area, then the huge creature that destroyed the city, and then the silver giant. What happened to this world?" K looked at the messy streets and broken streets in front of him with great depression and doubts. Even in the dark night, one can vaguely see the black smoke pillars soaring into the sky, and faintly see the flames emerging from the ruins of the collapsed building.

"Let's go first." Xingye nodded to K, and then pulled Alia to the parking lot of the bar hundreds of meters away. The disaster relief work was done by someone, and they were not needed.

Driving the car on the wide road, you can see ambulances and fire engines speeding in the opposite lane from time to time, and the TV airship suspended in mid-air is also starting to broadcast the loss.

The time for the huge life form to wreak havoc was actually very short, only a minute, but in this minute, more than 20 buildings were destroyed. The glass of more than a hundred surrounding buildings was turned into slag, and the loss was as high as more than one billion. It is initially estimated that there are more than one hundred casualties.

However, on the way back home, the pedestrians on both sides of the road did not respond at all to the loss reported on the TV airship. The face is still so calm, without any hint of sympathy, but it is more numb than flat, not only the indifference to other people's misfortunes, but also the numbness to their own ordinary life.

"The hope of this world is about to disappear." Xingye was very worried about this. If the brightest light of hope in the human heart disappeared, then only the deepest darkness would be left.

At the beginning, I felt the shining light of hope in Alia in the space channel at the bottom of Nengzhu Lake. Perhaps it was not because the light of hope in Alia's heart was very bright, but because the world was too dark, so it seemed that Alia The light of hope in Ya's heart was very bright. It's like if you light a candle during the day, the candle light is very inconspicuous. But in the dark night where you can't see your fingers, even if the candlelight is weak, it still looks extraordinarily bright.

The weird sense of rejection in this world that I felt at the beginning may be because the hope of this world is gradually dissipating. Ultraman, who is a life form of light, will naturally be rejected by the world full of darkness.

"How did this world become like this?" Xingye whispered. Judging from the report of the TV airship, there has never been a huge life form or a powerful creature such as Ultraman in this world. Even though it has been invaded by the aliens, the mysterious organization DEUS has been fighting these invading aliens.

The battle with Queen Monera had completely destroyed that bustling city into ruins, which was nothing compared to the more than 20 buildings destroyed by Galuchimes just now.

The bustling city commerce and the mediocre news broadcast also show that the world has not encountered any crisis of destruction recently, so where does this despair-like numbness come from?

PS: Ahem, have you not noticed that the title of this volume is X instead of "Seven X"? So it's no wonder I don't have Seven!

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