Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1247 DEUS

"Boom!" An earth-shattering thunder sounded, waking up the man lying on the bed at once. Jin opened his eyes suddenly, then straightened up quickly, his piercing eyes swept around vigilantly, and quickly looked around. Take a look at your environment.

The light was not turned on in this room of only more than 20 square meters. The dim light coming in from the window allowed him to vaguely see the layout in the room. On the white wall facing the bed was a wall-mounted LCD. TV, under the TV is a row of long mahogany tables neatly arranged.

"Where is this place?" Jin or Xingye got up and got out of bed, looked around the room, picked up the mirror on one side of the table, and a slightly unfamiliar face was reflected in Xingye's eyes.

This man named Jin looks several years older than Xingye. His not-so-short hair is slightly curly and hangs on his shoulders. Xingye pouted and then put down the mirror in his hand and walked to the white curtain. , gently pulling the curtains to the sides with both hands.

"Patter!" The sound of the rain suddenly became clear, and countless raindrops slapped the two-meter-square glass window with a crisp sound, turning into small streams of water flowing down slowly, passing through the window. What you can see through the slightly blurred glass window is a city that never sleeps under the curtain of night.

There are tall and short high-rise buildings with countless lights on, row upon row, and neatly arranged. The colorful neon lights on the street below dispel the thick night, and the lights of cars on the road are connected into rivers of light. , men and women in the city hurriedly walked on the road holding umbrellas, everything seemed to be in order, and there was no big difference from the earth in each universe that Starry Night had visited.

The only difference found so far is that the anti-gravity airship hovering over the city now, the host-like voices of men and women in the holographic projection above come from the loudspeaker, constantly broadcasting various news, celestial body conditions and government affairs. speech etc.

However, the weird thing is that these two hosts only have avatars and no bodies at all. Even though their voices are very gentle, they look extraordinarily weird and inconsistent, and even a little scary.

Xingye reached out and opened the window, and the cold wind wrapped in rain came in with a 'huh', shaking the curtains on both sides uncontrollably, making a 'crawl la la' sound, the cold rain was blown in by the wind, indiscriminately Hitting Xingye's body made Xingye feel the cold that he hadn't felt for a long time.

Ever since being completely integrated with Nexus, Xingye has been almost unaffected by temperature, but now this body has a long-lost coldness. However, Xingye didn't care about the rain-wet clothes at all, but took advantage of the airship slowly passing by the window to carefully look at the unidentified aircraft through the rain.

The huge head of a woman in the holographic projection is broadcasting the weather conditions: "It's raining a lot tonight, citizens and friends, please bring rain gear when you go out. If you don't bring rain gear outside, you can go to various bus stops to use the rain gear there..."

The holographic projection of this aircraft is emitted from the four corners of the airship, converging below to form a cube projection of more than 20 meters square, which shows the head of the host, and one of the hosts seen in the huge lake People are exactly the same.

"Could it be that the news broadcast of these aircraft is the same host? Or is this city right next to the lake?" Xing Ye couldn't help guessing. The aircraft had already flown far away, but he still saw something. The aircraft is by no means made by the technology of this earth.

The technological content contained in this aircraft is very high, and Starry Night has just glanced at the facilities in the hotel room, and it is almost the same as the earth in the era when TPC has not developed a new field. Civilization of aircraft, not to mention the luxury of using this anti-gravity spaceship as a mobile TV screen.

"There is indeed a problem in this world. Could it be that the evil forces are aliens? But why is it broadcasting that the aliens have been eliminated?" Xingye looked at the mobile TV screen, and the spokesperson on it had already started broadcasting how many aliens had been eliminated. The alien invaders who invaded the earth: "...the alien invaders have been wiped out. Our government will ensure the safety of all citizens. Please enjoy this peaceful night."

Xingye lowered her eyes, then raised her left arm, and pulled up the sleeve with her right hand, revealing a box-like thing that was no more than ten centimeters long and five centimeters wide worn on her left wrist. The smooth lines on the surface had a mechanical texture.

Xingye stretched out his right hand and fiddled with the 'box'. Fumbling with the thumb and middle finger of his right hand, he flicked the overlapping covers of the 'box' to both sides. It reveals a small screen inside, with several rows of English letters displayed on it, and the middle row of large characters is 'NETWORK'. There are several small buttons under the two triangular covers that pop up, and a detector on the top. There is a small camera and the general number '47' on the small screen.

Xingye fumbled and pressed one of the buttons, there was a light 'di' sound, and the picture on the screen changed, showing that there were a few lines of brief introductions about Jin next to Jin's profile picture.

Xingye focused on the constantly rotating characters in the upper left corner of the screen: "DEUS... God?"

"If the numbers represent the number of this organization named DEUS, then this organization of gods is not small. And it is equipped with heavy weapons..." Xingye's right hand hung down and pulled out the laser at his waist gun, and put it in front of his eyes.

The silver-white gun body is only 20 centimeters long, and the surface is very smooth, except for the energy tube at the back for energy supply, there is not even a trace of gap, it is completely cast in one go.

'Shua! Xingye inserted the laser gun in his hand back into the holster, raised his left arm and tapped the micro-communicator lightly, and within a few seconds, he called up some information about the DEUS organization that could be used by members. known superficial data.

This young man named JIN is an agent of DEUS. Through the mission records, it can be found that almost all of JIN's missions are to find out the aliens who invaded the earth and secretly wipe them out.

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