Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1244 Extra-Distance Space

Xingye just experimented, spread the power of time and space all over the body, and then increased the upper limit of the speed of light of the cosmic matter around his body by more than 30 times without being repelled by the universe, and then without consuming too much energy. Under such circumstances, his speed soared up.

"Come on, let's see where my limit is?" Nexus's speed was raised to another level again. The energy consumption did not increase much, but the speed soared up terrifyingly.

The galaxies were left behind by Nexus. I don't know how long it took. No new galaxies appeared in front of and on both sides of Nexus. They had already flown to the edge of the universe. There were only diffuse dust clouds here. No new galaxies have been formed yet, and it may take a long time before stars are born due to the aggregation of dust, and then a series of celestial bodies collapse to form black holes, and then galaxies are born.

The cosmic barrier that cannot be seen from top to bottom, left, and right has already appeared in the field of vision of the starry night, and it is hundreds of millions of light-years away from the nearest galaxy. Nexus crashed into this boundless space without the slightest hesitation. among the cosmic barriers.

The thick cosmic barrier slowed down Nexus's speed a lot. Compared with the previous one, it was like the difference between a sports car with a speed of 180 mph and a snail. Even so, this extremely hard cosmic barrier was still broken through by Nexus in an extremely fast time.

'call out! ’ The silver giant rushed out of the barriers of the universe and came to the big universe with ultra-distance space.

"Is this... hyperspace...?" Nexus was suspended in the empty void of the big universe, looking at the densely packed and countless bubble-like universe around him with great joy.

Each of the cosmic bubbles doesn't look very big, just like the cosmic bubble that Nexus just rushed out, it's only a few hundred times the height of Nexus, it's hard to believe that these are not very big The bubbles actually contain billions of trillions of galaxies spanning millions of light-years, as well as a larger, empty cosmic void. But after actually entering it, you will find that there is a hole in the sky, let alone a hundred Nexus, even a hundred million Nexus is not as big as this universe.

This is the magic of hyperspace, where all time and space lose their original meaning. This is the magic of "one flower, one world, one leaf, one universe" created by the World Tree. Even Noah could not create such a magical ultra-distance space, because this is no longer a question of power, but involves the laws of the universe.

Just like when Xingye got the power of Nexus, he was obviously not very powerful, but he was the only Ultraman who could create a space channel, even if the current Zero is more than ten times stronger than Nexus back then Times, but still unable to create a space channel alone.

Nexus looked around and up and down, looking at this long-distance space that he hadn't set foot in for a long time, and compared everything here with the long-distance space in his memory. Even after hundreds of millions of years, everything here has not changed much, because time also loses its effect in the ultra-distance space, which is why the time axis of the universe that is not connected is not the same.

Many universes are like clusters of grapes, with vine-like black holes connecting them in series. The matter in one universe is swallowed by the black holes, and then comes out from another universe. The galaxies that disappear in one universe will disappear in another universe. Appearing with a brand new look, this is the reason why the Great Universe never declines.

When Nexus was looking around, he suddenly found something very strange. A universe in the extreme distance actually extends a very small channel towards another universe, and this channel is about to touch a universe next to it.

"That's not a black hole..." Nexus' gaze suddenly became extraordinarily sharp. Neither of these two universes is new, and there is no similarity in nature, so there should be no difference between them. The connection is right.

The appearance of such a space passage means that such a space passage appeared for other reasons. The biggest possibility is that the civilization of this universe is studying how to break through the barriers of the big universe so that it can travel to other universes.

Xingye frowned involuntarily. The battle against Noah and Reggiedo hundreds of millions of years ago gathered all the super civilizations in the universe, and the revenge of the four of them wiped out all the super civilizations. Even if hundreds of millions of years have passed, a new super civilization should not have emerged so quickly and have developed to the point where it can break through the barriers of the universe.

Nexus hesitated for a moment and rushed over there. If this is really a highly developed civilization that wants to go to other universes, then this must not be ignored. But Nexus was still at a loss. If this civilization explored other universes out of curiosity, what should he do? Should they simply cut off the tentacles extending to other universes like Noah and the others, or just ignore it.

Nexus flew all the way to the edge of the universe and didn't think about what to do. He could only comfort himself to take a step at a time, first to find out what this civilization was going to do, and then make another plan.

Looking at this space channel that was about to be opened almost immediately, Nexus suddenly raised his arms, and the endless power of time and space gathered on Nexus' arms, and as Nexus shouted, The power of time and space converged and hit this space channel.

Almost without any hindrance, a passage was opened on this space passage, and then Nexus flew in directly. Nexus, who was wrapped in the power of time and space, was not affected by the space-time correction force circulating in this space channel. Nexus turned his head and looked at both ends of this space channel without end.

Nexus hesitated for a moment, then made up his mind and raised his arms to continuously transfer the power of time and space in his body to his hands. Two dazzling beams of light emanated from Nexus' hands, entangled and outlined The optical cables were quickly compiled into a huge optical network. This space channel was completely blocked, even if it was repaired, it would not be possible without the consent of Nexus. This can prevent this civilization from going to other universes maliciously, and now Nexus can only do this.

Now Nexus doesn't know how to deal with this kind of natural curiosity that leads to the exploration of the unknown, so he can only use this kind of gentler way. If he is still the same Noah, he will probably follow Dao The rules of the universe wiped out this space channel without hesitation, and then set out to destroy this civilization that dared to violate the rules of the universe, but now it is only blocked and then to understand the situation before making plans.

"Let me see, what are you going to do!" Nexus turned around without the slightest hesitation, and his huge body turned into a stream of light and flew towards the origin of the space channel at an extremely fast speed .

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