Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1224 Massacre in the Great Universe

In the hyperspace of the outer universe, within the field of vision of Noah and Reggado, there are all kinds of space battleships, space war fortresses, mechanical soldiers... The war machines counted by billions of trillions are densely packed all the universe.

Starry Night just wiped out the Beria Fleet and the scale of the war in Noah's memory is simply not worth mentioning. If this battle is a battle of nations, then the war to wipe out the Beria Fleet will even fight with children levels are not comparable.

Xingye felt that he was standing on the top of this battlefield that spread tens of millions of light years. Noah and Reggie could clear tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of warships in a large area with one punch, but countless warships Continuously rushing out of various space channels, Noah destroys a space channel, and those civilizations will rebuild another space channel elsewhere.

But Noah couldn't seal this tens of millions of light-years area at all, so he had to keep destroying the fleets that dared to challenge the authority of the guardians of the universe. The arrived Reggiedo, Pete, Noah and Reggiedo joined hands, like slaughtering pigs and dogs, completely wiped out all the fleets of this Civilization Alliance in a short period of time, without even a single ripple, but let the four A warrior consumes a lot of energy.

Then the four fighters launched a campaign against these civilizations that dared to challenge the order of the universe, and one by one civilizations disappeared into the universe. Facing the guardians of the universe that fell from the sky, some civilizations cried bitterly and begged for another chance, some civilizations were hysterical and even blew up their planets and wanted to drag the four of them to die together...

When the four of them came to the last civilization, they found that this civilization still maintained the original order, and all the lives had calm faces, looking indifferently at the four warriors who were about to bring about destruction.

A voice sounded in Xingye's mind, but Xingye clearly knew that it was the leader of this civilization, and also the voice of the founder of the Alliance against the Guardians of the Universe.

"You say that you are the guardians of the order of the universe to maintain the peace and stability of the universe. But I saw four executioners with lives in their hands. Didn't you hear the wailing of those dead lives? "The leader stood on the top of the tallest building on the planet, blaming the four fighters suspended in the air: "Life has been exploring the surroundings since its birth. When I was on the bottom of the sea, I wanted to see Then, one by one, the seabed creatures rushed to the land to explore the unknown land with their lives, and the amphibians living on the seaside began to explore the inland... This is how life goes from single cells living on the seabed to those that can live inland For multicellular organisms, the driving force of evolution is the exploration of the unknown."

The four warriors stopped gathering energy, lowered their arms to stare at this life, and listened to his justification.

"Exploring the unknown is the nature of life. If civilization cannot explore other universes, then why does the big universe allow life to have curiosity and exploration of the unknown? Tell me the answer, guardian of the big universe!" The leader unfolded With both arms, he asked loudly: "If this nature is wrong, why is it given life? Is the purpose of life in the universe is to let life die in your hands? If not, then tell me The answer, what is wrong with those civilizations that follow their instincts to explore other universes?"

"..." Noah, Reggado, Saiga, and Pete were all stunned. Since their birth, they have been strictly carrying out the tasks entrusted to them by the big universe. Those civilizations that explore the outer universe will give other civilizations The universe has an impact, and even changes the trajectory of the explored universe. The war that affected countless universes is a good example.

But now the question asked by the leader of this civilization suddenly made the four of them speechless. They had never thought about this question, let alone thought about it. Now under the responsibility of this life, the four of them began to think about this question, and the more they thought about it, the more frightened the four of them became.

Yes, life's curiosity about the unknown pushes civilization to explore the unknown world continuously. When this universe is explored, civilization's sights will naturally turn to other universes. As long as there is no civilization that dies halfway, it will inevitably embark on the road of exploring the outer universe. Doesn't that mean that all civilizations will be wiped out as long as they develop to a certain extent?

Seeing the four warriors hovering there for a long time without making a move, the insignificant leader below laughed loudly: "You are just puppets, you have no thoughts of your own, and you don't even know why you are doing this, the guardians of the universe! It turned out to be like this... We are ruled by such puppets, does such a big universe still have value?"

Following the leader's words, the universe suddenly shook violently, and Noah immediately raised his head and looked at the sky. The wings of time and space endowed by the big universe behind flashed suddenly, and countless bubbles projected around Noah along with the light of Noah's wings. Countless cosmic bubbles are shaking violently, and even some newborn universes are beginning to collapse.

"This is the wail of the undead, and it is the revenge of the lives that were wiped out by you." The leader yelled frantically: "Many lives were born much earlier than you four puppets. This is the birth they got. The dimensional energy core of the big universe, don’t think that no one knows about you destroying so many civilizations that have developed to cross the universe. Since this big universe is so ruthless, let’s destroy it together.”

"You're crazy!" Noah stared at the leader with cold eyes. This guy actually detonated a whole dimensional energy core. According to the current power, even if he can't destroy the entire big universe, it can destroy tens of millions of universes. No problem at all.

"Ha!" Lei Jiedo bent his arms, his body glowed with endless energy, and then his body spun rapidly, and the energy in his body was released in one breath, sweeping the entire planet in an instant, and all the artificial buildings in his path , Life all turned into fly ash and disappeared without a trace.

However, what is amazing is that Legend of Sparks didn't even hurt a single grass, but completely wiped out the traces of life activities on this planet.

"Let's go!" Noah said that he had opened the space-time channel, and then rushed to the place where the dimensional energy core exploded.

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