Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1203 The Fallen Kingdom of Esmeralda

In the cockpit of this spaceship, Esmeralda's second princess, Emilana, was sitting on a luxurious seat, holding the gauze skirt with both hands, her face full of hesitation and intolerance.

Jambert kept persuading: "Your Highness, because of saving them, we had to leave the planet Anu. Now the energy has only been replenished by one-third, and it was discovered by Beria's army. They must be cleaned. The memory of Her Royal Highness’s whereabouts is good, otherwise Her Royal Highness’s traces may be exposed, I really love danger.”

"But Jambert..." Emilana opened her cherry mouth, trying to say something but couldn't say anything, because Jambert was completely thinking about her, and what he said was very correct and the safest.

"Your Highness, this is necessary." Zhanbert said, and the door of the driver's cab opened, revealing the figures of Lan and Xiao Zhi behind.

Lan pulled Xiao Zhi into the room, looked at Emilana who was sitting with her back facing them, and said, "Did you save us? Thank you very much."

Xiao Zhi enthusiastically introduced: "My name is Xiao Zhi, this is my elder brother Sai Luo, and you are..."

Before Xiao Zhi could finish speaking, the ceiling version suddenly opened, and several beams of light were shot out, binding Xiao Zhi and Lan tightly together, and then the two beams of light enveloped Lan and Xiao Zhi's heads inside, a wave of A strange wave of energy crazily impacted Lan and Xiao Zhi.

It caused the two of them to suffer unceasingly, they kept shaking their heads but they couldn't get rid of the shroud of this wave of fluctuations.

"Damn it!" Lan struggled vigorously, but with Lan's body, he couldn't break free from these light threads, it was just a futile struggle.

The pitiful screams of Lan and Xiaozhi echoed in the cab, and Emerana finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly at the big screen that went out in front of her: "Stop, Jambert!"

"No, Your Royal Highness..." Jambert hurriedly dissuaded him, but before he could finish speaking, Emerana stood up abruptly and ordered: "Order, lift the defense!"

Following Emelana's words, the light cords that originally bound Xiao Zhi and Lan shattered immediately, and the eight pieces of the ceiling that had been turned down also returned to their original positions.

Emelana hurriedly ran over to pull Xiao Zhi up from the ground, and asked with concern: "Are you all right?"

"Get out of the way!" Lan pushed Emilana aside, pulled Xiao Zhi, backed uncontrollably, looked at Emilana warily, and shouted sharply: "Who the hell are you? What do you want to do?" ?”

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry for doing such an exaggerated thing to you" Emerana bowed her head guiltily.

"Your Highness, why do you have to apologize?" Jambert said angrily, "We saved them, and as a price, we have to cleanse their memories and exile them to a planet suitable for their survival."

"Cleaning the memory...who wants you to save it?" Lan stared at Amyrana angrily: "Who are you?"

Xiao Zhi said from the side: "Brother Sai Luo, there was a strange voice calling her Your Highness the Princess just now!"

"Irreverent!" Jambert reprimanded righteously: "I am Jambert who has served the royal family of Esmeralda for generations, and in front of you is the second princess of Esmeralda——Amela Na Rulud Esmeralda!"

"You are...His Royal Highness Princess!" Xiao Zhi looked at Emilana in astonishment, and couldn't close his mouth in shock.

Lan asked strangely: "Xiao Zhi, do you know her?"

"No," Xiao Zhi shook his head: "Brother Lan, my grandma and I live on Planet Anu, which is the territory of the Esmeralda Kingdom, but there has been no Esmeralda for a long time since the Aymeralu ore was exhausted. The envoys of the royal family have come to the planet Anu. The spaceships that transported them have disappeared, and everyone’s life is becoming more and more difficult. Dad, he is just looking for mineral veins..." Xiao Zhi couldn’t continue talking, He lowered his head and his eye circles were red.

Emerana sat back on the throne-like seat, and said with a heavy heart after listening to Xiao Zhi's words: "You have also seen it just now, in fact, the Emeralu ore on the planet Anu has not been exhausted. It’s only one-fifth of the storage.”

Lan asked very puzzled: "Then why didn't you continue mining?"

"Because of the Caesarbelia Legion..." Emerana said with a trace of hatred: "More than a hundred years ago, the Caesarbelia Legion occupied a plant rich in amelia in the Kingdom of Esmeralda. For the safety of other planets, my father stopped the mining of Aymeralu ore...I'm sorry, I didn't expect to cause such great damage to you.”

"Why do you apologize? This is for their sake," Jambert said loudly, "If it wasn't for this, the planet Anu would have been occupied by the Caesarbelia Legion long ago, if it wasn't for the fact that the fleet was sent to protect other planets How could the home planet of the Kingdom of Esmeralda be easily captured by the Caesarbelia army, and no one else could escape except Her Royal Highness?"

"Caesar Beria?" Lan's eyes widened suddenly, and he hurriedly walked up to Emilana and asked loudly, "You just said Beria!"

Emerana was taken aback by the excited Lan, she couldn't help but took two steps back, shrank her body like a frightened little rabbit, and nodded timidly: "The one who captured the home planet of the Kingdom of Esmeralda was Caesar. Belial Legion, not long ago he released a broadcast to the whole universe, and sent fleets to attack many planets."

Emilana seemed to have thought of something, she hurriedly sat up straight and resumed her original princess demeanor, and said, "Jumbert!"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!" Jambert's voice sounded, and then the big dim screen lit up. The black and red figure appeared on the screen, which made Lan's eyes widen in disbelief as he looked at Beria on the screen. , the crack next to his eyes made Sero have to admit that this is Beria.

"This guy...isn't dead?!" Lan's tone was incomparably surprised and astonished. He had seen Belia die in the monster cemetery with his own eyes, so why did he appear here now?

The picture on the screen is still going on, Beria is wearing a red big claw, walking slowly on the ground, behind him are rows of mechanical soldiers and dark cyclops walking in neat steps, densely packed The queue stretched to the end of the earth, and the sheer number alone felt suffocating and hopeless. And under their feet and all around them are burning ruins

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