Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1191 The Captured Planet

And when the Kingdom of Light was attacked, Nexus finally arrived at the coordinates provided by Jambert and Emerana. Although there is still a long way to go from Emerana's home planet, Nexus has already started to slow down.

He has already seen from a distance the sparse patrolling troops around, which are the mixed troops composed of spaceships and robots that chased Emerana before, covering each other and patrolling their respective areas.

"The security is so strict, it seems that I have found the right place!" Nexus was overjoyed, and after avoiding the two patrols, he continued to fly forward cautiously. Along the way, Nexus spent more than ten hours avoiding more and more dense patrols like hide-and-seek. The short distance was only tens of millions of kilometers.

Carefully along the way, he finally got close to Emerana's home planet. Nexus was astonished by the sight in his eyes. The planet Esmeralda is more than ten times larger than the earth, but now this huge planet is unexpectedly Caught in the palm of a huge hand.

This huge palm made of metal has a width of 70,000 to 80,000 kilometers, and the planet Esmeralda looks extremely small in front of it. The most conspicuous thing is the five sharp tapered fingers, each of which is two to three thousand kilometers long, sinking into the ground for tens of kilometers, tightly grasping the planet Esmeralda and unable to escape .

These five fingers are used to fix the huge palm, allowing the palm to slowly rotate with the autobiography of the planet. The palms and fingers are covered with dense light spots, and there are millions of them at a rough count. Looking closely, each light spot turns out to be a pipe with a thickness of more than 20 meters and a length of more than a thousand kilometers. Each pipe is deeply embedded in the planet, extracting the huge amount of energy contained in the planet, and transporting it to the huge three-handed palm.

Surrounding this huge palm are dense black dots that look like stars all over the sky, and each black dot is a battleship and a mechanical soldier for space warfare.

This group of 20 to 30 million fleets and mechanical soldiers surrounded this huge palm tightly. Nexus is still 380 million kilometers away from that palm, but he has already touched this group. The outer edge of the fleet is gone.

"It seems that something extraordinary is definitely being created here." Nexus said softly, his body tightly attached to the bottom of a spaceship, and slowly moved forward with the movement of the spaceship. The fleet in front is too dense, and the difficulty of avoiding spaceships will increase exponentially with each step forward.

If they are discovered at the center of the spaceship, I am afraid that so many spaceships will not even try to escape if they do not transform into Noah.

"Explore here first and then talk!" Nexus made up his mind, and his body immediately blurred into a stream of light passing through the outer wall of the spaceship above his head, and appeared in the corner of the spaceship without a sound.

Xingye squatted in a pipeline channel, and his mind carefully extended out, covering the entire spaceship without finding any life. .

Xingye couldn't help looking outside, through the gap of this spaceship, he could clearly see the densely packed fleet outside. If this spaceship is not an exception, then so many fleets are probably controlled by intelligence.

"Could it be a mechanical civilization?" Xingye couldn't help guessing, only a civilization developed by artificial intelligence would have so many unmanned spaceships. Just like Xiaozao, if she develops by herself, I am afraid that a new mechanical civilization will appear in the universe in a few years, with artificial intelligence as the core, and large and small unmanned spaceships.

Although it is impossible to judge the civilization level of this force, judging from the tens of millions of fleets in front of us, the level of this artificial intelligence must not be low, and it may be discovered by the other party if it is not careful.

"Just be careful!" Xingye said and began to observe the surrounding wires. The passageway was a square with a width of more than one meter and a height of more than one meter, and many cables of different specifications were laid.

After observing the starry night for a long time, he pulled up a wire, then gently peeled off the wrapping layer on the surface, and then connected the computer in his hand to the wire.

"Let me see what you are capable of!" Xingye said in a low voice, tapping the screen with five fingers quickly, and quickly swipe lines of data, Xingye tentatively connected to the spaceship bit by bit. It didn't take over the control of the spaceship. After all, it would be troublesome if the artificial intelligence was alarmed.

However, as lines of data passed by, Xingye felt something was wrong, and connected to the main control network of the spaceship without encountering too much interception, and quietly established a new account, but This process was not blocked.

"This artificial intelligence can't be so useless, right?" Xingye was a little surprised. Why does it feel worse than Xiaozao? You must know that Xiaozao only has a small number of optical quantum servers available, and the computing power can only be used to control a million spaceships. Intelligently manipulating tens of millions of battleships should be more advanced than Xiaozao.

"Could it be that this is not a mechanical civilization?" Xingye guessed, and started to log in to the intranet of this group of fleets with a new account, and then began to browse the information.

All kinds of information were displayed on the screen one after another, and Xingye understood the situation of the fleet at a glance. The spaceship hiding here is an Imperial Beta warship, and the group of mechanical soldiers is called the Imperial Mechanical Soldier Regionoid. There are two types, one is the land combat type and the other is the space combat type.

Xingye stopped sliding his fingers one after another, and he had already transferred to the server on the huge palm in front of him through the servers at all levels of the fleet. Xingye is hesitating whether to go in or not. Although more information can be obtained, the risk will also increase a lot. Although this is just logging in rather than seizing control, there is still a great risk.

"If you find it, you'll find it. At worst, go in and download some information and then run away." Xing Ye said ruthlessly. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles. Attacking without knowing your opponent is the worst. It's better to take a risk than to act in the dark as if you don't know anything.

"Come on, let's see who is more capable." After making up his mind, Xingye devoted himself to it, carefully passed the verification of the firewall, and entered the central server in the huge palm in front of him.

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