Chapter 1185 Beria's signature from another universe

These star points are constantly expanding, and soon reveal their specific image, a fiery red streamlined spaceship rapidly shuttles through the void of the universe, and behind this spaceship are as many as three or four hundred cylindrical ships. Spaceships, what is even more peculiar is that the front ends of these spaceships are made up of dark red vertical lines and horizontal lines, which are about 70 to 80 meters long. If Nexus is not mistaken, that symbol seems to be Belia A combination of Autograph signatures.

There are also eighty or ninety robot troops. These robots are covered with dark gray hard armor. Their arms are two laser cannons with a caliber of five meters. There is a powerful jet engine behind them. Although they are robots, their speed is a bit slower. No slower than a spaceship.

The dark red spaceship and the robot kept firing raging lasers at the fiery red spaceship in front, and the spaceship in front was flying at an extremely fast speed, but it seemed that the horizontal rudder was broken. Instead of rolling and turning sharply, it just uses left, right, up and down movements to avoid incoming attacks.

Nexus took a closer look at these spaceships, and immediately recognized the large force of spaceships chasing after them, which were exactly the same as some spaceship wreckage in the debris sea in the galaxy behind.

"Although I don't know what happened, but so many spaceships chasing one spaceship, and Beria's signature, it will definitely not be a good thing." Nexus shook his head, and rushed up directly, with no speed at all. The fiery red spaceship passed by in a short amount of time. Whether it is the spaceship or Nexus itself, the speed of both sides is extremely fast. The spaceship chasing behind saw a silver light flying from the front. Before they could react, Nexus had rushed into hundreds of people. center of the spaceship.

Nexus crossed his arms together, emitting an incomparably bright energy light all over his body. With the waving of Nexus' arms, the intense energy condensed into small energy light arrows, which flew towards the surroundings.

'boom! boom! boom! ’ Brilliant flames spread from the center of the fleet from the inside to the outside, and the effect of the explosion in the center was very obvious, and the orderly formation of the fleet was instantly disrupted. In just a few seconds, most of the spaceship was blown to pieces. The impact of the huge explosion pushed millions of fragments to spread in all directions, causing a chain reaction that damaged more spaceships.

After Nexus lowered his arms, almost all the hundreds of spaceships around were wiped out, only twos and threes flying sideways, dragging black smoke, and exploded not far away.

Nexus sideways avoided the laser beams fired by hundreds of robots, gathered energy and on the stratospheric blade, eight crescent-shaped particle feathers flew out, whirling and rushing towards dozens of robots on both sides. These heavily armored robots were unscathed under the attack of flying debris, but they were as soft as tofu under the attack of the particle feather. They were directly cut in half, and then exploded.

The flames that exploded around Nexus envelop Nexus like a ring of fire. Nexus raised his right arm and shot out particle feathers. The rest of the spaceships and robots were generally called. All exploded into flames and scattered fragments.

"Why does Beria's Ultra signature appear in this universe?" Nexus lowered his arms, full of doubts and worries in his heart. He had already eliminated Beria in the monster cemetery. How could such a violent explosion survive? Even if he survived, it is impossible for this guy to travel through many universes and come to this universe. Not to mention that these spaceships and robots seem to be mass-produced. How did Beria build this huge army in a different universe by himself?

But if Beria is not still alive and has come to this universe, why are the emission holes of the laser transmitters at the front of these spaceships arranged in the shape of Beria's signature?

"It seems that this time it is necessary to explore this universe well." If it is said that Nexus was looking for Noah's traces around before, as a form of play, then Nexus wants to take a good look at it now. Probe into this universe and find out why these ships and Belia's signature.

Although it is possible that the arrangement of laser emitters in this Beria combination is just a coincidence, Nexus must investigate this matter before confirming it. After all, if it is really Beria, he cannot appear in this universe for no reason, there must be some special reason for him to come here, of course, it would be better if it is not Beria in the end.

Nexus turned around, and the fleeing spaceship had stopped, floating quietly about 10,000 kilometers away from Nexus. And in a luxuriously decorated and comfortable room at the front of the spaceship, a young girl in complicated court attire sat on a large seat, and in front of her was a 60-inch display screen.

The girl opened her mouth slightly, and looked at Nexus above and the flames of flames bursting around Nexus' body with a face full of surprise.

"Your Highness, the opponent has extremely strong combat power, I suggest leaving here immediately." A masculine male voice sounded in the room, and the voice was full of worry.

"But Jenbert, he saved us. I don't think he has any malice." The girl who was riding the princess said, her voice was ethereal like a lark.

The unknown life form called Jambert said, "Your Highness, I think it's better to leave as soon as possible. Your safety is more important than anything else."

While they were still arguing, Nexus on the screen had already flew towards here. Jambert's voice immediately increased by two decibels: "Unknown life is approaching, activate the third-level security..."

Before Zhanbert finished speaking, Nexus' huge body on the screen had blurred into a streamer of light that was heading directly towards the fiery red spaceship, causing the screen of the spaceship to immediately flicker to represent an alarm. At the same time, the hurried voice of Jambert sounded: "High energy approach detected, danger, Your Royal Highness!"

"I don't mean anything malicious, I'm just thinking about a few questions." A third voice sounded from this luxuriously decorated room, and then dots of golden light gathered from all directions, condensing the figure of the starry night.

"Ugh!" The little girl sitting on the throne-like seat was obviously taken aback and almost fell off the chair, staring at the starry night standing near the door of the room with a look of seeing a ghost.

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