Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1183: Alternate Space Base of Salome Stars

Sai Luo soared all the way at high speed, and soon reached the range indicated in the intelligence. According to reliable sources, a large number of spaceships of the Salomei Stars disappeared in this area of ​​about one light-year. The spaceships were full of various instruments and Building materials and a large amount of energy reserves are completely ready for the construction of a secret base. The task of Sai Luo's trip is to find this secret base, and it is best to find out what this base is for. And the task that Sai Luo gave himself was to destroy this base no matter what the Saromei people wanted to do, and avenge his father.

Sai Luo searched for the secret base of the Salomei Stars, while muttering incessantly: "What does Mr. Ao Wang mean? Isn't this just a mission? Why do you stop me and say that you can't reveal the truth of the light?" Some things about the country, do I know something that needs to be kept secret? It’s true that I’m still playing riddles at such an old age.”

The race quickly traveled through the dark and silent space of the universe, and time was also passing by rapidly. It had already turned this not-so-large area upside down, but Sai Luo didn't find any abnormal areas. It was the meteorite field that spread tens of millions of kilometers. After searching several times, Sai Luo couldn't find a place like a base. This place is completely barren and empty space.

After a long time, Sai Luo stopped searching, suspended in the void of the universe, and looked at the dark space around him, frowning: "Could it be that the information is wrong? There is nothing here. Forget it, search again, and go back if you don't have any." Ask clearly."

Thinking of Sai Luo flying up again, he continued to search. This time, Sai Luo didn't give any hope, just casually glanced at the surrounding void, completely treating it as a game.

"Buzz!" A strange wave swept across the void of the universe, startling Sai Luo, who was flying at high speed, immediately stopped his body and turned his head, looking towards the direction from which the wave came.

A thousand-kilometer-long gap suddenly opened in the pitch-black cosmic void, and then the gap quickly expanded, turning into a huge funnel-like space hole in just a few seconds.

It looked like a bullet pierced through a thick wall, the entrance was small but the exit was dozens of times larger than the entrance. This space loophole is much smaller than the space loophole caused by the powerful energy gathered by the Milky Way, but the harm is not small at all.

Without the slightest hesitation, Sai Luo rushed directly to this space hole, but within half a minute, he crossed the long cosmic void, suspended at the edge of this space hole, and looked at this space hole in amazement.

"How did it form?" Sai Luo looked around, but found nothing at all, except for himself, there were no people or objects at all, and this universe did not have the conditions to create space loopholes at all.

"By the way, the base of the Salomei people!" Sai Luo's heart moved, and he thought of a question in an instant. There is a secret experimental base of the Salomei people in this area, but Sai Luo has not found anything after searching for so long. Coupled with this sudden space hole. A thought could not help but arise in Sai Luo's mind: the secret base of the Salome stars was built in a different universe, or in a different space attached to this universe, so no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find it.

After Si Luo figured it out, he clapped his fists and said with a hint of pride: "I finally found you, the Salomes let me see what you are doing!"

Saying that, Sai Luo rushed into this space hole, and quickly disappeared into this space hole with the color of lava.

Quickly pass through this long space hole, and what appears in front of Sailuo Rock is an extremely strange space. In front of Sailuo is a star system with a size of about 1.5 billion kilometers. There are nine shapes in the galaxy. and various planets. But what surprised Sai Luo was that the surrounding star system turned out to be the barriers of the universe, and here turned out to be a small universe with only one star system.

Sai Luo glanced across the star system and looked around. There are dense space holes like a honeycomb on the cosmic barrier. One by one, it is impossible to count how many space channels there are, or how many universes this small universe can lead to.

"What happened here?" Sai Luo was completely stunned, staring at the countless space passages, and it took a long time before he finally came back to look at the galaxy in front of him.

'call out! ’ Sai Luo flew up and flew towards the galaxy in front of him, muttering incessantly: "Let me see what happened here!"

And when Sai Luo flew towards this strange galaxy, Nexus had already flown into the created space tunnel. The colorful space tunnel exuded gorgeous colors, as beautiful as a fantasy land full of rainbows.

On both sides of this space channel, there are irregular bodies of various sizes like soap bubbles everywhere, and each 'bubble' represents a universe. In just over ten seconds, thousands of universes passed by Nexus.

Nexus didn't stop at all, and flew towards the distant universe ahead at the highest speed. Nexus stared at the black-red cosmic bubble in front of him, and the faint familiarity in his heart became clearer as he got closer to it.

"Noah..." Nexus accelerated suddenly and instantly penetrated the thick barrier of the universe in front of him, rushing directly into this universe.

'call! ’ A conical bulge with a length of tens of thousands of kilometers suddenly appeared on the thick cosmic barrier, like a balloon being blown up, and then the balloon burst suddenly, and a silver giant rushed out of it.

The raised cosmic barrier once again returned to its original flat appearance. Nexus stopped his forward figure and was suspended in the void of the universe. Looking back, he saw that there were a lot of people floating outside the cosmic barrier, which was too vast to see the edge. Full of metal fragments of various sizes.

In Nexus' field of vision, hundreds of light-years away, dozens of spaceships were surrounded by intense energy light, and their engines were driven to the limit, hitting the cosmic barrier at a speed dozens of times the speed of light.

'boom! boom! boom! ’ Brilliant explosion flames bloomed on the cosmic barrier one after another, and the flames subsided quickly. There was nothing wrong with the cosmic barrier, and it was still so flat and strong. The original dozens of spaceships with a length of hundreds of kilometers disappeared, leaving only piles of fragments scattered in all directions.

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