Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1178 K76

"Partners of justice, welcome to the Kingdom of Light!" Ultraman stepped forward and stretched out his right hand to Tiga.

"Well! I'm also very happy to be here." Tiga stretched out his right hand and held Ultraman together.

Asuka and Xingye took Xiaoyi and I Meng to take a good tour of the Kingdom of Light and introduced everything here. Everything about the Kingdom of Light opened the eyes of these two native earthlings.

Then Xingye took Xiao Yi back home. Although Mayumi saw Xiao Yi once last time when she played against Gatanjae, but it was less than half an hour before and after, and she didn't see it clearly. This time it can be described as all-round Three-dimensionally see the winglet.

In Mayumi's words, he really deserves to be Daiko's son, who has completely inherited Daiko's cute personality, and his emotional intelligence is not good, which makes Mayumi very worried about the future of this child. After all, not everyone can meet a girl like Lina, and a guy like Xiao Yi who has no emotional intelligence at all may really have a hard time finding a partner.

My dream and Xiaoyi didn't stay too long, after all, they had their own lives, they just left here after staying in the Kingdom of Light for a few days, and returned to their own world. The colorful space tunnel slowly closed, and the winglets that flew into it also disappeared. Dyna was suspended in the void of the universe, and did not follow in until the space tunnel disappeared.

Nexus endured for a long time before asking, "Why didn't you follow me back?"

Dyna shook his head lightly, sighed, turned around and looked at the Kingdom of Light emitting bright light, and said, "I don't know how to go back yet."

"Really? Then go back when you know how to go back."

Dyna let out a long breath, raised his head and said with a sense of relief: "I'm leaving too, my journey is not over yet."

"Yeah!" Nexus nodded and did not stop him: "Don't always rush forward, pay more attention to the roadside scenery during the journey, that is the most beautiful."

"Understood!" Dyna smiled and waved at Nexus, raised his arms and flew directly to the boundless void of the universe: "Goodbye!"

"Goodbye!" Nexus put down his arms sadly, they finally got together, and now they are separated again, and they don't know when they will meet next time across many universes.

"Forget it!" Nexus shook his head, turned around and flew to the Kingdom of Light, quickly passed through layers of floating continents, and returned home.

Seeing only Xingye walking in, Mayumi couldn't help sighing, and said with some reluctance, "Has everyone left?"

Xingye smiled and sat down: "Everyone has their own lives, and now that everyone has gone back, it means that the world is peaceful and the universe is fine. You should be happy."

"Cut! You know what to say!" Mayumi rolled her eyes at Xingye, but the worry between her brows and eyes dissipated a lot. Originally, girls were sentimental about this kind of parting, but soon Mayumi's attention was given to other things. attracted.

During this time in the Kingdom of Light, Mayumi also met many members of the Silver Cross Society. Now she is completely familiar with the characters and living habits of the Kingdom of Light, and even knows most of the history and culture of the Kingdom of Light.

Mayumi babbled about her learning achievements during this time: "I've been studying the Silver Cross healing method with Julian recently, and I found out two days ago that I can actually mobilize energy."

Xingye was startled, and asked joyfully, "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Mayumi raised her right hand as she said, took a deep breath, and concentrated all her energy for a long time. There was a silvery white light between the five fingers of Mayumi's right hand, as if it was a bad contact. Like a light bulb flickering constantly.

"It's amazing!" Xingye was also delighted. Ordinary humans cannot mobilize energy. Even if they went back to the ancient times five thousand years ago, they only met a few humans called Diggle who could use some impure energy. energy. Although the energy mobilized by Mayumi just now is very small, it is a good start, which proves that Mayumi has begun to transform into a life form of light, and more and more energy can be mobilized as time goes by, until Become a real light quantum life body.

Hundreds of years have passed, and now the dawn of success is finally seen, and the long time has not been in vain.

"It's just a little bit, it's nothing." Mayumi said pretending to be modest, but the corners of her mouth were already curled up happily, as if she was quick to praise me.

"This is progress, and it will definitely be stronger in the future." Xingye hugged Mayumi's shoulders and continued to praise, making Mayumi almost jump up for joy. For hundreds of years, Mayumi has been worried about failure, although she There is no change in his appearance, but who knows if this is temporary.

When Mayumi inadvertently mobilized her energy a few days ago, she was so happy that she didn't close her mouth for several days. I just waited for Xingye to come back to show off, and now my wish has finally come true.

Here, Xingye and Mayumi are so sweet as honey, but Sai Luo flew out of the Kingdom of Light alone. It is a waste for Sai Luo to be an ordinary space guard with such a strong combat power, but to be a detachment leader like Seven Sai Luo didn't even talk about leadership skills, he didn't even have the combat mode of the Space Guard and experience in dealing with things, so after this mission to explore the plasma galaxy, Sai Luo learned these things from Seven.

But within a few days, Sai Luo became a little tired, and he preferred straight-forward battles to these. After flying away from the Kingdom of Light, Sai Luo flew straight towards the K76 galaxy, passed through the thick atmosphere full of sulfur gas, and landed on the highest peak in a hilly area.

Sai Luo stood on the fiery red rock, looking at the criss-crossing lava rivers on the surrounding land and the broken mountain in the distance, everything here made him feel extremely familiar and intimate. Even though the environment on this planet is very harsh, even comparable to hell, Sai Luo didn't feel disgusted at all. He spent a thousand years here, and this is also the place where he was reborn.

Sai Luo looked at the flat land formed by the intersection of three magma rivers, and said with a touch of emotion: "This is the new starting point of my life, the place where I start again." Boring training, but it is these painful tempering that give Sai Luo a new start, from a sinner who violated the laws of the Kingdom of Light to an Ultra warrior known in the universe.

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