Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1131 Musashi and Juran

My dream body shook violently, and a familiar voice sounded in my dream mind: "I dream, in another universe, the dark demon god who tried to occupy a galaxy has awakened, and I need your power."

"It's a starry night, I'll just say it's a little familiar." A surprised smile appeared on my Meng face: "It's been a long time since I saw you."

"I dream, I dream..." Dunzi's anxious cry brought me back from my memory, and I said to the watch communicator: "It's all right now, this is from Xingye from another universe Information, there is a galaxy that is going to be occupied by dark forces, so I need my help."

"Really?" The tension and anxiety on Dunzi's face disappeared immediately, and then he suddenly realized something, and immediately asked, "I dream, are you...going again?"

"Dunzi, don't worry, I'll be back soon." Womeng said with a smile, "I'm leaving and Teng Gong is still there. Although that guy doesn't know where he traveled now, but the earth is in crisis and he doesn't care. I will ignore it. Xingye came to help us from another universe, and now he needs my help, how can I ignore it."

"Be careful, my dream!" Commander Shishi instructed.

"Huh!" I Meng comforted Dunzi a few words, then closed the communicator, then turned around and picked up the computer on the table, and took out the double-wing logo from the clothes.

"Wow!" The crowd of onlookers has increased to a hundred people, and they all shouted in surprise when they saw the double-winged logo in my dream's hand. I Meng couldn't help but tilted my head, and smiled wryly twice.

Then I Meng raised his right arm, his face became very serious, and he straightened his right arm. The double-wing logo shone with red and blue light, absorbing the golden ball of light suspended in the air for half a year into the double-wing logo.

"Okay," I Meng nodded, then raised my head, raised my right arm high, and shouted in the eyes of everyone: "Gaia!"

A red and blue light rose from the ground, and the beam of light quickly converged to form Gaia's huge figure, standing tall in the campus, making all the surrounding buildings look extraordinarily small.

"Oh!" Now everyone on the campus saw Gaia standing there, and they all cheered, especially those students who saw my dream transformation with their own eyes, and even threw away the books in their hands. to express my excitement.

Gaia glanced around, then raised her arms and flew up, flying straight towards the sky, but disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

Gaia flew out of the atmosphere, came to the dark void of the universe, and then stopped. Looking at the blue earth, Gaia raised her arms, and started to build a space channel according to the starry night instructions.

The colored timer on the chest immediately glowed with a golden light, and this light spread upwards along Gaia's arms and gathered on Gaia's hands. Then the two rays of light converged in front of Gaia, forming a colorful space tunnel. Gaia flew in without hesitation, and the space tunnel shrank and disappeared immediately, restoring the original dark void of the universe.

At this time, in other universes, the solar system in this universe is different from the solar system in many universes, because except for the eight major planets. This solar system also has another planet that is not the same as other planets in the solar system, revolving around the sun.

This planet was originally a wandering planet—Julan. After entering the solar system, it was captured by the sun's gravity and became the ninth planet in the solar system.

Originally, this planet was extremely cold because it was far away from the sun, but since a few years ago, human beings have started a large-scale transformation of Juran. The artificial sun that brought light and heat entered the orbit around Juran, making this planet The dead planet has a new life.

This planet is known as the new world, where monsters can live freely, and human beings will not develop at the cost of destroying the environment, but live in harmony with monsters.

Musashi was wearing a dark blue overalls and stood by the window of a high mountain observation post, looking at the greenery in front of him with great joy. When he and TEAMEYES came here last time, Julan was still full of deserts, not even a single grass could be found, but now Julan’s vegetation coverage has reached 90%, and everything that can be seen at any time is lush forests and towering trees.

On the white sandy beach in the distance, several monsters were playing with each other, and Lidorias was flying freely in the sky, making happy chirping sounds from time to time. All of this made Musashi feel very gratified and happy. The dream of humans and monsters living in peace has finally become a reality on this planet.

"It's really great, a brand new world!" Musashi raised his head with joy, and looked at the highest peak of Julan Planet in the distance. The bright golden light radiated from the peak to the surroundings, covering the entire world. The clouds in the sky were dyed golden, and even the nearby sea water was dyed golden glow, which looked extremely beautiful.

If you look closely, you can see a golden figure with a pair of huge golden wings sitting there, radiating its own light without hesitation.

"It's thanks to the head of Chaos." Ayano walked forward with a happy face, took Musashi's hand, looked at the golden light on the peak, and said with emotion: "If it wasn't for him, this This planet will not become full of life so quickly."

"Yes!" Musashi nodded in agreement: "He already knows the beauty of life on the head of Chaos, and he will be the most beautiful light of Zhulan."

The head of Chaos appeared in the second year of Zhulan's development. At that time, the planet was still full of deserts, and the green space only existed in human laboratories and cities. Musashi and the others were still working hard to cultivate it. Plants suitable for julan.

Just one night, a golden angel descended from the sky and landed on the highest peak of Zhulan, radiating golden light from his body without hesitation, turning the entire night sky into gold. This light shone on people, making them feel a warmth from the heart, and then a lot of green grass grew on the deserted land overnight.

The next day, Musashi and the others found the head of Chaos sitting on the top of the peak emitting light, saw the plane coming to investigate, and waved their arms at the plane in a friendly manner. There is no trace of the vicious appearance at the beginning. After investigation, people found that the light on Chaos' head actually brought life to this land.

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