Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1061

"Hum!" The ice ax vibrated slightly, and at the same time emitted a faint silver light. Seeing this, Xingye tried to turn the ice ax in his hand, and turned it 100 degrees. The ice ax suddenly shook, and at the same time, the silver light on the surface began to flicker stand up.

"Is it there?" Xingye nodded, and immediately turned and ran towards the Helios.

The Helios took off quickly and flew in the direction of the Panlong. In the cab, Mayumi looked at the thing in Xingye's hand, and tried to identify it for a long time before hesitatingly guessing: "Is this something from Seven?"

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded, glanced at the ice ax in his hand and said with a heavy tone: "Where did Seven, like Ultraman, be sealed by the Rayblad Stars? There are him and Diablo on the ice ax." Memories of armored battles."

"Dark armor? I remember it was something from the Ampera star." Mayumi tried hard to think about what she had seen in the Kingdom of Light during this time.

"Yes, this is a weapon specially made for Ultraman. If the wearer is stronger, I'm afraid Seven is no match at all. We must find him as soon as possible." Xingye said, looking down at the ice ax in his hand. .

It didn't take long to arrive at the signal place of the Panlong, but what appeared on the screen was a very strange scene. Gomora in the form of a red lotus was madly attacking the air, while a huge coral-shaped meteorite lay in the valley on the other side. Among them, the overall shape is like a ball, without hands and feet; the whole body has nearly square holes, and there are patterns printed one by one on the body; half of the body is blue and the other half is red.

A cylindrical flasher like a cilium protruded from the hole, constantly shining with light.

"Completed the data check, it is determined that the monster is a four-dimensional creature Bruton, which has a strange power of space." Xiao Zuo said softly: "It can change the surrounding space and cause a four-dimensional phenomenon."

"Is Gomora trapped?" Xingye nodded, and then immediately ordered: "Xiaozao, I will provide the coordinates, and you can calculate the time-space deviation, and use the plasma cannon to destroy this monster."

"Understood!" Xiaozao said that he had already stopped the Helios, and began to adjust the direction through the thick clouds, aiming the main gun at the bottom.

Xingye closed his eyes and stretched out his thoughts, and began to search for the real location of the four-dimensional creature Bruton. In fact, Gomora's attack was correct, but his attack could only be in the three-dimensional space and could not enter the four-dimensional space, so it seemed to be Hitting the air. And the location of the four-dimensional creature Bruton that Xingye saw in another location is also correct. The reason why this happens is because the projections of the four-dimensional creature in the three-dimensional space are multiple. Just as there are multiple shadows of an object on the ground under multiple lights, there is more than one projection in three dimensions converted into four dimensions.

"Found it." Xingye Yixi immediately reported the space coordinates to Xiaozao next to him, and according to the coordinates provided by Xingye, Xiaozao constantly adjusted the angle of attack.

The plasma cannon on the top of the Helios slowly gathered energy, the muzzle glowed with emerald light, and then a surging beam of light was shot out, instantly breaking out a huge gap in the cloud layer, and heading straight down go. .

"What?" The Zarab star not far from the four-dimensional creature Bruton raised his head hastily, and saw an emerald-colored light beam flashing past his eyes, and then heard an earth-shattering explosion in his ears. .

In the eyes of others, the plasma cannon hit the air, but then the four-dimensional creature Bruton in the 'other position' exploded, and was blown to pieces by the plasma cannon.

"My Bruton..." Star Zarabu looked at the big crater in front of him that was made by the aftermath of the plasma cannon with a face full of grief like a dead mother, and then raised his head full of hatred to look at He got off the Helios in the air, and said through gritted teeth: "How dare you kill my Bruce, I will tear you to pieces."

"Ugh!" A beast-like roar came from far and near to the ears of the Zarabu star, making the Zarabu star turn his head hastily, and saw Leonix running away with red eyes. ran towards him.

"Wait a minute..." The Zarabu star had only time to say this, and that Leonix had already run in front of him, and the sharp end of the EX fighting instrument in his hand was inserted into the Zarabu star's chest in an instant.

"Puchi!" The Zarabu star froze all of a sudden, looked down at Leonix's arm that had penetrated into his chest in disbelief, opened his mouth to say something, but fell down before it happened Going down, the body collapsed like a scattered sand sculpture.

"Wow!" The Zarabu star's EX fighting device that fell on the ground turned into a golden light, and entered the EX fighting device that Leonix had just used to kill the Zarabu star.

"Ugh!" Leonix immediately raised his head and roared, his voice full of joy and madness.

"This is... Ray?!" Mayumi looked at the crazy Lei with some fear. Although she had seen the red and black alien he turned into once before, she never thought that she would be so crazy and alive. Killed.

"This kid is going berserk again, it's too frequent!" Xingye also has some headaches. Now Lei just needs to touch Leonix, and he will go berserk if he is slightly stimulated. The tyranny factor hidden in this gene is really infinite It's clear that Luna Guangbo can only temporarily suppress it. After Lei completely loses his mind because of the killing, Luna Guangbo will also kneel down.

Captain Hyuga strode towards Lei, put his hands in front of Lei, and said softly: "Lei, that's enough, it's over. Calm down, Lei!"

"Ugh!" Lei Tonghong stared at Captain Hyuga, suddenly roared, and then punched Captain Hyuga's abdomen, and then kicked and punched Captain Hyuga, without holding back at all.

Captain Hinata didn't fight back or stop him, endured the pain and continued, "Ray, find yourself and defeat Leonix's fighting instinct."

"Uh!" Lei suddenly stopped, making Captain Hinata happy, but just as the smile appeared, Lei on the opposite side suddenly yelled again, raised his right leg, and kicked Captain Hinata with a side kick. Kicked Captain Hyuga directly on his shoulder, and rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

Captain Hyuga lay on the ground and covered his shoulders with his hands, with a sad tone in his voice, he shouted loudly at Lei: "Lei, you are not the real you at all."

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