Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1051 EX Fighting Instrument

"How dare you say that I'm useless, die for me!" Armored Mephilas immediately became angry, and raised the fighting instrument in his hand: "Come on, Barton!"

The fighting instrument immediately flashed a strong black-purple light, and then flew out a stream of black-purple light, which landed on the ground, condensing Barton's huge figure.

Armored Mephilas sneered, pointed at the Imperial Stars in mid-air, and ordered to Barton. "Hmph, Barton ate him for me."

"Cut! Sure enough, the more useless you are, the more arrogant you are." The imperial star shook his head, and then took out a palm-sized metal instrument from his arms, with two symmetrical sharp horns on the top, which is similar to the cosmic man Lei turned into at the beginning. The horns on the top of the head are almost identical. The main color is gold, with a round hole in the center, and the edge of the hole and the inner double corner ring are between light green and blue in color.

The Imperial star held the EX fighting device in front of him and said mockingly: "You can see it clearly, this is the real fighting device, I thought the garbage fighting device in my hand was Leonix. Let you see What is Leonix, let's go, Flame Gorzan!"

"Fighting instrument, activate!" The EX fighting instrument in the hands of the imperial star suddenly shone with a dark golden light, and then a thin slit appeared in the middle and slid towards the two sides, and a crack about five centimeters wide appeared. A card flew out from under the instrument, passed through the opening like a card slot, turned into a streamer and flew into the distance.

"Whew!" The ball of golden light fell on the ground, condensing the figure of a huge flaming Gorzan, whose heavy body stepped on the ground like a spider web of cracks.

"Flame Gorzan, kill him!" The Imperial star waved his hand casually, and Flame Gorzan waved his arms twice as if ordered by his master, raised his thick legs and walked towards Barton on the opposite side.

Armored Mephilas yelled angrily: "Tear him up, Barton!"

The huge wings behind Barton flapped violently, and the violent airflow swept up all the gravel and dust on the ground, and flew randomly towards the flame Gorzan on the opposite side, and then Barton's huge body also rose into the air. .

"Ang!" Flaming Golzan opened his big mouth full of sharp teeth. The endless flames in his mouth were constantly brewing, and then he shot out two balls of flames, which hit Barton's two wings in an instant, directly smashing them. Jadon's wings were pierced with two large holes.

"Ang! Aang!" Barton, whose wings were pierced through, yelled in pain, and fell directly from the midair, landing heavily on the ground.

"Nani?" Armored Mephilas was startled. Barton's move could slap the monster away every time. No matter how bad it was, it would make the monster unsteady, but Flame Gorzan stood there motionless. It even broke Barton's wings.

"Tch, I thought it was a little bit of fun, but I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable." The imperial star looked at the armored Mephilas with a dull face, and shook his head in great disappointment: "Forget it, Huoyan Gorzan, hurry up and kill me!" kill him."

Huoyan Gorzan stepped towards Barton, and his heavy footsteps stepped on the ground with a muffled sound. Barton groaned and got up from the ground. Before he could stand up, Huoyan Gorzan had already walked over, his huge right palm slammed He slapped Barton hard on the head.

With an unpleasant sound of "Kacha!", Barton flew out directly, slammed his body heavily into the hill next to him, and his shoulders were directly stuck into the hill. His right foot stepped on Barton's back hard, and no matter how much Barton struggled, he couldn't stand up.

"My Barton!" Armored Mephilas trembled in horror, looking at his 'invincible' monster in disbelief, but it was suppressed like this.

Huoyan Gorzan bent down, stretched out his hands and grabbed Barton's left wing, and then pulled it hard. Amid Barton's frenzied roar, he forcibly tore Barton's wing off Barton's back.

Flame Gorzan threw the bloody wing aside casually, and the purple blood spilled all over the ground. Flame Gorzan didn't even look at it, and bent down again to grab Barton's right wing, and Patton's other wing was also pulled off forcefully. .

"Hmph, how's it going? Country bumpkin, don't think it's a big deal to have passed the first round of the Leonix battle," the Imperial star squinted at the terrified armored Mephilas, and shook the EX fighting device in his hand: "I am the winner of the three rounds of the Leonix battle. I really don't know how a weak chicken like you survived, and you can even participate in the final Leonix battle."

"Three rounds?!" Armored Meferas was taken aback. It seemed that he just defeated the other nine Leonixes on that planet. Where did the second and third rounds of the Leonix battle come from? He vaguely felt I felt that I seemed to have missed something, which was clearly shown in the strength gap between the two sides and the fighting style.

With a muffled sound of "Boom!", Barton slammed heavily on the ground, lying on the ground and moaning helplessly, with purple blood dripping from the corners of his mouth, his claws patted the ground feebly, but apart from scratching some earth and rocks, But how can not stand up.

Flame Gorzan straightened his body, a golden light shone from his forehead, gathered strong energy, and fired a golden supersonic light to bombard Barton.

"Boom!" A violent explosion sounded, and with the rising flame mushroom cloud, Barton was directly blasted into pieces all over the sky.

"Slap!" The fighting instrument in the hand of Armored Mephilas fell directly to the ground, and he stared blankly at the flaming mushroom cloud, unable to believe that his Barton lost just like that. "Huh?" The imperial star walked up to the armored Mephilas, tilting his head to look at the devastated armored Mephilas.

"Bang!" The imperial star kicked the armored Mephilas away, then looked down at the fighting instrument that fell in the rocks under his feet, and raised his feet.

"Don't!" Armored Mephilas yelled heart-piercingly, under his horrified gaze, the imperial star stepped on it fiercely, directly smashing Armored Meferas' fighting instrument into pieces . Then the broken fighting instrument turned into a stream of light and merged into the EX fighting instrument in the hands of the imperial star.

"Cut, it's just such a small amount of power, it really is useless! Really, why would there be so many useless materials in Leonix's decisive battle." He watched as he stepped on the face of the armored Mephilas, and gradually disappeared into the dust.

PS: There are a lot of things to do during the Chinese New Year, and all relatives have to go. It will be fine after a few days of work, and then continue to change five times a day.

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