Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1042 The Destroyed Artificial Sun

"Ray, you are not from Earth at all. Although the Rayblad star died, his powerful power has been preserved. His genes spread throughout the universe and made one Leonix after another, and you are the one who inherited Ray. Earthlings with the DNA of the Brad Stars.” Kate said with a hint of fanaticism, and suddenly pointed at Lei: “The Ray Brad Stars are omnipotent cosmic beings who once dominated the universe. At the feet of the Rad Stars, the battle of Leonix is ​​to defeat all the Leonixes, concentrate all the genes of the Ray Brad Stars on himself, and become the second Ray Brad Stars."

Kate said mockingly: "You saw the petrified Ultraman, it was just a little bit of power from the Reyblad Stars, and they sealed him in the rock. But he is really kind. As for the cosmic beings, they are about to die and have to protect humble human beings."

"Humans are not humble." Lei retorted loudly.

"They are preventing you from becoming a great Rayblad star, especially that Nexus Ultraman," Kate's eyes were full of anger: "Ultraman is afraid that the second Rayblad star will appear, so he asked Do everything possible to prevent you from becoming stronger. But he will die soon, and the guardian of Leonix has already known his existence and will soon seal him up too."

"Shut up!" Lei punched angrily, but he missed Kate's 'body' directly as if touching a phantom.

"You are about to awaken and become the real Leonix," Kate turned around and stared at Lei and said loudly, "Fight me and defeat me, or all those humans will die here."

After saying that, Kate disappeared, leaving only the last sentence: "When the sun comes out tomorrow morning, I will be waiting for you at the petrified Ultraman."

"Damn it!" Lei shouted angrily, opened his eyes suddenly, but found that his eyes were pitch black, and it took him a long time to realize that he was in the crew lounge of Panlong.

"Guardian? The real Leonix!" Lei murmured, and immediately stood up and ran towards the central control room.

When I got there, I found several people from Panlong and Xilong were discussing the restoration work of Xilong.

Lei looked around for a while, and then saw Xingye huddled in the crowd, fingering the drawing of the main engine of the Xilong, scratching and talking about the repair plan.

"Xingye," Lei stood at the door and said to Xingye, "If a monster appears tomorrow, don't transform."

"Oh?!" Xingye stopped, then stood up straight and looked at Lei in surprise: "What's wrong?"

"Ultraman...was sealed by Leonix's guardian with the power of the Rayblad star," Lei said with a trace of anger: "He already knows your existence, if you If you join Leonix's battle, you will also..."

Xingye raised his hand to stop Lei's words: "If it is the so-called Ultraman who is the guardian of the seal, then maybe we can learn from him how to lift the seal of Ultraman."

Lei said to himself: "That's the power of the Rayblad star, the real Leonix!"

"Huh?!" Xingye was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Lei in puzzlement, is Leonix still fake?

Ray didn't speak but turned and walked out, leaving behind a room full of puzzled faces.

"It's not good," Oki, who was sitting in front of the console, suddenly exclaimed, "There's something wrong with the artificial sun."

"What?" Everyone was surprised and hurried over, looking at the big screen in front of Oki.

"There is a problem with the Solit ore. The temperature of the artificial sun is rising sharply, and it has deviated from its original orbit and is falling towards the planet Polis." Oki said anxiously: "The artificial sun has been destroyed by waves. The gravitational force of the planet Polis has been captured, and if this continues, it will collide with the planet Polis."

Captain Hinata was shocked: "Can't the orbit of the artificial sun be adjusted so that it returns to its original orbit?"

Chiki Haruna shook her head, sighed and said, "The ground base facility that manages the artificial sun has long been destroyed by monsters, and we don't have time to repair it."

"Oki, simulate the impact!"

"Hi!" Oki said and began to tap the keyboard in a hurry. The picture on the screen began to change. The artificial sun hit the planet Polis directly, and the temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees erupted at the impact point, shaking the entire planet. The atmosphere was heated up, and the heat spread rapidly towards the surroundings. The entire planet Polis was wrapped in endless flames in less than thirty seconds, and the huge planet Polis directly became a huge fireball.

"What if the artificial sun is detonated now?" Xingye frowned and asked immediately, "What impact will it have on Planet Polis?"

"Let me see." Oki immediately began to re-simulate, shaking his head in frustration: "No, it's too close to Planet Polis, even if it is detonated now, the surface temperature of Planet Polis will rise by more than 100 degrees." .”

"That's why I can't beat and scold." Xingye rubbed his temples with some headaches. There is a problem with the Solitite ore inside the artificial sun, and the artificial sun has been heated to an extremely high temperature. I'm afraid the inside of the artificial sun Many components have problems.

Even if the artificial sun management system can still be used, I am afraid that the artificial sun will not be able to receive the signal. The current artificial sun is simply a bomb that will explode at any time. In the best case, it will hit the planet Polis safely. There is still half an hour left. If it explodes now, I am afraid that the surviving humans will also Will die due to the instantaneous rise in high temperature.

"I'm going to stall for time, you guys leave here immediately." Xingye said and ran out in a hurry. As soon as he stepped out of the hatch of the Panlong, he immediately pulled out the evolution trustee, turned into a golden light and flew straight into the sky.

"Starry night..." Lei looked at the golden light in the distance, and couldn't help feeling anxious. Suddenly Lei's eyes widened suddenly, he turned around immediately, and looked towards the center of the island, where there was the breath of the last Leonix on the planet besides himself.

"Are you coming?" Lei Ba ran towards the mountain with his legs, drawing a series of phantoms in the air at such a fast speed, like a whirlwind rolled up on the ground. The high mountain in front of him blocked the road, and Lei directly leaped hundreds of meters high and jumped directly to the top of the mountain.

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