Ultraman Senki

Chapter 104 The Battle for Survival

"Maybe one day humans and monsters can live in peace!" Zong Fang said with emotion as he watched the three of Lina surround Mogula.

"But the appearance of Tiga this time is really timely," Hori said with emotion, and then suddenly thought of something: "Last time, Tiga and Nexus didn't show up!"

"Last time?" Dagu couldn't help but asked suspiciously, "Did something happen?"

"Ah!" Zong Fang explained: "It was a mountain detection station set up by the Space Development Bureau that lost contact. Then during the investigation, it was discovered that it was a ghost of a missing meteorite, and that meteorite was able to release a powerful mist. , and there is also a kind of alien animal that can parasitize on the human body. They absorb all the people in the village and the detection station. But the weakness is that they are afraid of water. The battle was very hard but they won in the end. "

"But it's really strange. In the past, Tiga and Nexus could appear in time every time. But that time, the two of them didn't appear from the beginning to the end!" Hori held his hands on his chest and was very puzzled. Said.

"Hey!" Dagu suddenly felt bad, he hesitated and didn't know what to say.

"Is it okay to always rely on Ultraman's power?" Xingye said: "If one day loses them, can't human beings use their own power to protect their own planet? The earth is the earth of earthlings, isn't it?"

"Yes, we do rely too much on the power of Ultraman. We should use our own power to protect our earth. Maybe the last time Ultraman did not appear is for this, let us realize that protecting the earth cannot always rely on Their power." Zong Fang said calmly: "But we really need to reflect on the fact that we have been relying on their power for a long time, and it is absolutely impossible to continue like this."

"Yes!" Xincheng nodded in agreement.

"Then we must work hard to protect the earth!" Lina said happily holding Mogula.

"Is it okay to put the monster here?" Xincheng was still a little worried: "After all..."

"It's okay," Lina raised her mouth unhappily when she heard this, "he's a little guy now."

"Then let's go back!" Zong Fang said after looking around for a week.

"Goodbye, little Mora! I will come to see you!" Lina said goodbye to her new pet reluctantly. Mr. Yamamoto, the breeder, watched the winning team leave and picked up Mogula: "Then little Mora will Take care of me."

One thing that has been debated in the recent TPC is whether to eliminate the Lightning Man who has been plagued by the world's aviation problems since the Lightning Man first appeared in the world. Their mysterious veil was revealed at once, appearing frequently all over the world, and the weird dark cloud in their lair often breaks through the ionosphere and comes to the place where human aviation is located.

In recent months, there have been frequent aviation accidents in the world, and many people are afraid to fly. Pilots and flight attendants in some countries have refused to board the plane again unless it is an extremely urgent matter. The booming aviation industry suddenly became sluggish, and several large airlines united to ask TPC to eliminate these lightning men as soon as possible.

In fact, the most important thing is that because of the frequent activities of the clouds where the lightning man is located, the world communication has also been greatly disturbed. In many cases, satellites need to bypass these clouds to communicate unimpeded. The power to change the orbit has greatly reduced the service life of many satellites, coupled with the previous lightning man collective Gazot. Many countries believe that the Lightning Man is a bomb that does not know when it will explode and must be eliminated quickly.

Therefore, the TPC World Staff Meeting held this time is to discuss this issue.

Among the people who participated in the meeting, there were those who tried their best to prevent the war from happening, but compared with those who agreed, there were too few people who opposed it. Moreover, after knowing the existence of the Lightning Man, it is not that human beings have not made efforts to communicate, but there is no response to the peace signal sent.

Director Sawai didn't express his opinion and sat there the whole time, the expression on his face was unpredictable. It was only at the end that a vote was made to vote, and the final vote was 105 to 14 to fight against the Lightning Man: "The Lightning Man Annihilation Campaign".

Xingye was also the only one who didn't make a suggestion. He sat there and watched the red-faced and thick-necked staff arguing for various reasons, various theories, and various victims. The look of compassion seemed to be their relatives who passed away. .

"What's the matter, Xingye, what do you think about the Lightning Man annihilation campaign?" Director Sawai sat on a chair tiredly and looked at Xingye who was sitting opposite.

"A planet is too small to accommodate the existence of two kinds of intelligent races. Director, don't you also understand this?" Xing Ye asked back.

"That's right! It's really too small," the director closed his eyes with a wry smile, "It's just because I know that it makes me a little sad!"

"If I hadn't proposed the solar power generation plan, maybe the situation wouldn't have turned into this!" Xingye sighed.

Director Sawai shook his head slowly: "One problem has been solved, and there is another problem to be solved. Human beings have accumulated too many stubborn diseases that cannot be solved all at once. Even without solar microwaves, Lightning people will one day It will be exposed in front of people, and we still have to face this problem at that time. Then let me take this responsibility, so that future generations will not have to worry about this problem."

"I really don't know how history will evaluate this battle?"

Director Sawai laughed and said very calmly: "No matter what people say about me, I know that what I do is to enable human beings to continue to survive and grow. Even if this matter goes against my will and my heart No matter what, as long as human beings can continue, even if I will be crucified, it will be worth it."

Along the way, Xingye has been thinking about the words of Director Sawai, that the survival of one ethnic group will inevitably oppress the living space of another ethnic group. This is the law of nature, and now humans are faced with such a choice again, either give way to the Lightning Man or snatch the sky, and this means war.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" At this moment, the alarm sounded from the base, and the people walking slowly around immediately ran towards their posts. Many people were eating and immediately put down their dishes and ran towards themselves when they heard the siren. position.

"What's wrong?" When Xingye walked into the command room, what he saw was the picture on the big central screen.

"There is a huge biological reaction underground in the K2 area, and it is rising rapidly and will soon drill out of the ground." Ye Rui hurriedly reported.

"Why did it appear at this time?" Zong Fang's face was a little ugly.

In order to fight against the Lightning Man, all TPC branches took action to conduct a comprehensive inspection and modification of their own branch's aircraft, and the TPC headquarters was no exception. The most powerful weapon, Artdis, is no exception. The three Feiyan EX, Phoenix, and Feiyan II are all undergoing maintenance work. At present, the only aircraft that can be dispatched is the No. 1 aircraft. This is because the firepower of the No. 1 aircraft is too weak, so it is not included in the battle, otherwise the No. 1 aircraft cannot be dispatched.

The seriousness of this battle between two races cannot be overemphasized. The various plans and unexpected responses made by the staff for this battle are enough to fill several rooms.

"The victorious team is dispatched!" Ju Jianhui said as he stood up.


TPC also started to act. The police officers took risks and came to the place closest to the monster and began to set up a defense line. Behind them were the residents who were evacuating and the TPC personnel who guided the residents to evacuate.

When several members of the Victory Team drove two Victory Feiyan No. 1 and Sherlock vehicles here, the monster had already drilled out of the ground and stood there looking a little confused. The Police Department has hastily set up a line of defense consisting of infrared automatic artillery, and many people are desperately shooting at the monster with laser guns.

After the victory team arrived, they immediately joined the battle against the monsters. Two Feiyan No. 1 poured their firepower on the monsters, while Zongfang and Dagu also fired at the monsters with large laser guns. This time, the victory team can be said to be dispatched collectively. In addition to Ju Jian Hui still sitting in the command room, even Ye Rui was also pulled out.

However, Ye Rui had never seen such a large-scale battle before. The fighter planes in the sky kept firing laser cannons, and the lasers and artillery rained down on the ground to attack the huge monster.

The sound of the explosion was deafening. Ye Rui held the laser gun tightly in his hand and hid behind the Sherlock car with his eyes closed, his face was covered with sweat, his legs were trembling, and he couldn't move. He knew he shouldn't hide here and wanted to go out, but his legs didn't obey his orders and stood there motionless.

The monster's body was covered with a thick layer of horny scales, and the carapace behind it was extremely thick. A series of attacks hitting him were useless except for splashing some sparks. The monster took a few steps back, huddled its body, and its legs got into the hill, revealing a head, and then stopped there motionless.

Seeing this, Zong Fang quickly raised his binoculars and saw that the monster had indeed stopped moving. He pulled the headset aside and ordered to the combat troops: "Stop attacking!"

Following Zong Fang's order, all TPC firepower stopped attacking. The monster didn't care at all, and there was still no sign of any activity.

"Vice-captain, can you let GUTS go back to the headquarters for the time being." Seeing this, Ju Jianhui suggested that although she is the captain, Zong Fang has always been in charge of the front line, so most of the front line affairs are directed by Zong Fang.

"Everyone? Although the monster is relatively calm for the time being, it's better to keep whoever is better." Zong Fang was a little worried. Not everyone can guarantee a calm attack against a monster like a monster. If all the experienced victorious teams were evacuated, it would be a huge loss if something happened.

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