Chapter 1027 The winner wins everything, the loser loses everything

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the cover of the first-generation fighting instrument was opened, and the light ball transformed by King Aire flew in. Immediately afterwards, the lid was closed, and the third grid, which had been empty all along, lit up.

The first and second grids lit up as if in response, and the pale golden light immediately enveloped the entire first-generation fighting instrument, shining brightly in the sun.

Lei was happy looking at the fighting instrument, but suddenly the smile on his face disappeared, and he pressed his head with his left hand, with a pained expression on his face, and said intermittently: "The I!"

"What?" Everyone was shocked, and Xingye couldn't help but frowned and said immediately: "Lei, use your heart to communicate with the giant and sense his position."

"Ugh!" Lei couldn't help crying out in pain, which could make even the strong Lei scream out, which shows how intense the pain is, and then Lei squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "In the east, The giant the east."

Xingye immediately turned his gaze to the east, closed his eyes and stretched his thoughts towards that direction, but just after the thoughts flew out of the 100 meters, Xingye felt a hindrance, as if a person suddenly jumped from the land to the sea, and it was difficult to walk. And there is also an unknown strong magnetic field that is tearing Starry Night's thoughts.

Xingye didn't have time to think too much, lost this opportunity and didn't know when Ultraman would contact Lei next time, it was almost the only chance. Immediately increased the output of thought power, quickly crossed mountains and rivers until reaching a sea, and finally found an extremely weak light signal on an island.

"This breath is Ultraman..." Before Xingye had time to communicate with him, he felt that his thoughts had been cut off, causing Xingye to groan, covering his head and taking a few steps back before stopping.

And Xingye finally understands why Lei is in such pain, it feels like someone is stabbing your brain desperately with a needle. This happened because a strong magnetic field enveloped the entire planet, and this strong magnetic field was interfering with Ultraman's thoughts, and Ultraman called Lei with his thoughts, which made Lei feel this pain.

Everyone on the Panlong looked at Xingye in astonishment after closing his eyes, and then became as painful as Lei, not understanding what happened.

Oki suddenly realized: "Could it be... Xingye, have you also sensed Ultraman?"

"On the island," Xingye panted violently, feeling the pain in his brain: "It's on an island in the sea to the east, where... Ultraman... and humans..."

"Human?!" Haruna was overjoyed, and asked in disbelief, "Do you mean there are still humans there?"

"Yeah!" Xingye nodded, pressing his right index finger on his temple forcefully, in order to contact Ultraman he forcibly broke through the strong magnetic field, and the consequences were very serious, now Xingye feels his brain is buzzing. , very uncomfortable.

"Who is it?" Lei suddenly straightened up and looked over there with a face full of astonishment, and said, "Who is there?"

"What's wrong? Ray!" Captain Hyuga ran over immediately, grabbed Lei's shoulder and shouted loudly: "Did you find anything?"

"Appeared," Lei said with a terrified face, "There are four auras...they are on this planet...two are disappeared... .The breath on the side has increased..."

"Ray, Ray!" Captain Hinata held Lei's shoulder tightly: "Be sober, what happened?"

Lei panted violently, and said loudly: "He found me, boss, everyone get out of here quickly."

Kumano asked very puzzled: "Lei, who found you? Why did you leave?"

"I don't know," Lei shook his head in panic, "but I have the feeling that only one of us can survive the meeting. The winner gets everything, and the loser loses everything."

"Nani?" Everyone was stunned, not understanding why.

Xingye finally felt better, and couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, he really didn't have enough fighting power in his current state, and it took time to recover, so he stepped forward and said: "No matter what, let's leave quickly and join the humans on the island as soon as possible. "

"En!" Captain Hinata nodded, and hurriedly carried Lei to the Panlong together with Kumano.

Panlong lifted off at the fastest speed, and then flew towards the east at the highest speed.

Lei panted for a long time before he finally calmed down, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was too excited just now."

Captain Hinata sat down and asked very seriously: "Ray, what happened?"

Lei's Adam's apple moved twice, and he said with very gloomy eyes: "After King Aire established contact with me, I suddenly felt the four auras on this planet, not only three now, but they also felt it at the same time. to my existence."

Xingye thought for a while and said, "So you know each other's location, is that how you understand it?"

"Yeah!" Lei nodded, "I feel that they are the same as me, and they can control monsters. I don't know why I have this feeling, as if it suddenly appeared in my mind."

"Could it be because your fighting instrument is already full of monsters?" Xingye boldly guessed with a flash of inspiration: "It's like if a soldier wears armor and carries a gun, it means that he is ready to fight."

"Preparation for battle?!" Everyone was frightened by this bold guess, and Oki asked in a trembling voice after a long time; "Then what kind of battle is it? It can't be a battle between monsters, right?!"

"The fighting instrument is the controller, and the monster is the one to be controlled," Kumano murmured, "Oki, does this look like the monster fighting games we play, where the monsters are manipulated by the handle to fight each other, and then the winner is determined .”

"Yes!" Oki nodded in a sudden realization.

"But why?" Haruna sat in the driver's seat and said in disbelief: "Is the player Lei and the others? But is there any point in this?"

"The winner gets everything, and the loser loses everything," Xingye repeated Lei's words, looked at everyone and said, "Isn't it very similar to a game in the real world? The winner kills the loser, and from the loser's body Take everything."

PS: Let me explain again. There are many settings in this novel, such as the relationship between Reggado and Dracion, which were reset by Xingsha himself. Xingsha continued to expand the framework of the original book and added his own Things, so there will be more such resets in the future. After all, according to the original book, it is really better to watch Ultraman TV and the theater version.

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