Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1020 Monster vs. Monster

Xingye stood at the cabin door and looked at the sky outside through a layer of glass on the door. The moment Lei jumped down, he summoned Litra with something like a box in his hand. Without fear, he rushed to Bemonstein who was flying towards him.

"Ah!" Litra let out a high-pitched cry, and then opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of fire, roaring towards Bemonstein.

I saw that Bemonstein didn't mean to dodge at all, but instead went towards the flame ball, and at the same time, the pentagonal suction cup on his abdomen opened, and the strong suction from inside directly swept the fire ball in, and disappeared without a sound .

"Oh!" Bemonstein cried out in joy, and then turned and flew towards Litra. The ball of flame just now made Bemonstein feel more 'delicious' food than that on the Panlong. His energy made him salivate even more.

"Come on!" Ray yelled at Bemonstein, and then ordered Litra to fly away from the Panlong, and quickly lowered the altitude to release his strongest monster, Gomora.

In the center cockpit of the Panlong, Oki said with a trace of aftermath: "Great, Bemonstein has been lured away by Lei."

"Good work, Ray!" Captain Hyuga nodded happily, and then issued an order: "Hurry up and lower the altitude, let us support him."


Lei stepped on Litra's back with both feet, and squatted slightly, 'Hoo, hoo! ’ As the wind blew past his ears, Lei turned his head to look at Bemonstein who was chasing after him, although Bemonstein was flying very fast. It's a pity that this is not the void of the universe. Litra's streamlined and petite body is the most suitable for the dynamics of the air planet, so that Bemonstein's desperate pursuit can't shorten the distance between the two sides, and this is because Lei controlled Litra and prevented it from flying at full speed, otherwise Bemonstein might not even be able to see Litra's tail.

Seeing that the food was in front of him but he couldn't catch up, Bemonstein finally became anxious. The antenna-like horn on the top of his head flickered for a moment, and then shot out a dark red light beam, rushing towards the food in front of him. Litra.

But before the light beam approached, Litra suddenly turned around and easily dodged it. Bemonstein was not willing to let the horns on the top of his head emit light beams continuously, and rained down on Litra in front of him, trying to shoot him down.

Litra dodged nimbly, like a swift fighting against the wind and rain, shuttling back and forth in the gap of the raindrop-like light beams, no matter how dense Bemonstein's firepower was, it didn't hit it once.

"That's it, Litra!" Lei praised, he could already see the ground below, Litra swooped down to a high mountain below, and immediately pulled up the moment he was about to hit the mountain, and Lei jumped up from Litra's back and landed steadily on the top of the 100-meter-high mountain.

Immediately, he raised the fighting instrument that looked like a small box in his hand, and shouted: "Gomorrah!"

"The first-generation fighting device is activated!" The cover of the fighting device in Lei's right hand was opened immediately, and then a card depicting the image of Gomora flew out of it, and flicked across the front card slot of the box.

The card immediately turned into a ball of golden light and fell on the ground not far away, forming a large ancient monster with a height of 40 to 50 meters - Gomora.

"Hiss!" Gomora roared violently twice, and the deafening sound echoed in the valley like thunder.

Bemonstein gently flapped his wings and landed on the ground, tilted his head and howled softly, looking at Gomora in front of him, his limited IQ made him unable to understand how such a big monster appeared like this.

But it just struggled for a while and walked towards Gomora. After all, a bigger 'food' came, so it's serious to eat it quickly. Does it matter where it comes from?

"Let's go, Gomora!" Ray shouted the first-generation fighting instrument, and Gomora immediately stepped forward after receiving the order. Every step of his thick legs caused the rocky ground to shake violently. With a trembling, the gravel in the valley jumped, and deep footprints were left on the ground behind Gomora.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Gomora had only taken two steps, and the sharp horns on the top of Bemonstein's head on the opposite side began to emit beams of light beams. Gomora's huge body could not dodge in such a short time. The light beam bombarded deep in Gomorrah, splashing violent sparks.

"Hiss!" Gomora roared angrily. Although these attacks were basically blocked by the thick scales on his body, they still made him feel pain.

"Litra, cover Gomora!" Seeing this, Lei immediately gave an order to Litra in the air.

After receiving the order from his master, Litra immediately retracted his wings and swooped down towards Bemonstein. At the same time, he unceasingly spewed fireballs, hitting Bemonstein's body one after another, splashing violent pillars of flame one after another. Bemonstein was so annoyed that the horns on his head changed their direction of attack, beams of light were attacking Litra.

"Now, Gomora!" Lei yelled, Gomora lowered his head and moved his legs to run quickly. His huge body made the ground tremble, and before Bemonstein could react Hit Bemonstein's body.

"Bang!" With the muffled sound of the collision of the body, Bemonstein flew up several meters before hitting the ground, directly smashing the ground into a deep depression.

"Hiss!" Gomorrah roared, raising his claws and slapping Bemonstein constantly, each time scratching a deep scratch on the thick layer of scales on Bemonstein's body.

Bemonstein swayed his neck in pain, raised his right arm, and slapped Gomora's abdomen with his hook-like claw. The huge force sent Gomora directly to the side, hit the mountain wall next to him, and There were several deep cracks in the one-piece mountain wall.

Just when Bemonstein stood up, he was hit on the back by a few fireballs sprayed by Litra in the air, which annoyed Bemonstein, but he couldn't hit the petite and super fast man. Litra.

With a flick of Gomorrah's thick tail, it hit Bemonstein like a whip. Bemonstein raised his claws and slapped Gomora's tail with force. The huge inertia caused Gomora to stagger two steps to the side. Before he could stand still, Bemonstein had already Walking over, he raised his arms and slapped Gomora on the back fiercely. The huge force directly slapped Gomora to the ground.

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