Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1015 The Farthest Planet of Humanity

Hundreds of years have passed since the last time Ultraman appeared on the earth in this universe. Now, human footprints have spread all over the Milky Way. Brave human adventurers are looking for and developing one planet after another...

"I've heard from Mengbius that Director Sukisui and Misaki Yuki are married. Mirai and Serizawa are going to the wedding. We didn't make it in time..." Xingye couldn't continue talking. It is too heavy, and there may be more such partings in the future.

"They must have lived their lives happily," Xingye said firmly, looking up at the glazed ceiling, "Even though we can no longer see each other, the good times we spent together will never be forgotten. It is our common memory and a lifetime treasure.”

"Yeah!" Mayumi forced a smile and nodded silently.

"Don't think too much." Xingye comforted softly: "The future is still waiting for us, if you always reminisce about the past, you won't be able to see a bright future."

Mayumi didn't speak, she leaned her body and pressed against Xingye's chest, the beating sound of the heart that represented life echoed in her ears, hugged Xingye tightly with her arms, and said softly after a long time: "Xingye, I... It's just you."

"I have everything!"

What Otto's father worried about didn't happen. The gigabit fighting device had been lost for hundreds of years, and the Cosmic Intelligence Agency had spent a lot of energy and failed to find any information about the gigabit fighting device. The universe has also been calm, and there has been no battle for the Gigabit Fighting Instrument at all.

But this kind of tranquility makes Otto's father even more worried. The cosmic beings who are planning to seize the Gigabit Fighting Instrument are definitely not just for collection. The calmness on the surface of the universe will brew even more violent storms.

Xingye left the Kingdom of Light alone without staying in the Kingdom of Light, planning to take a trip to the human sphere of influence. According to the information found by the Space Intelligence Agency, the farthest area humans have set foot in is more than 2.1 million light-years away from the Kingdom of Light. On the planet named Polis, a resource mining base has been established. At the same time, it is transforming the environment of this planet, preparing to turn it into a planet suitable for human survival.

"Let's go there first." Nexus thought that he had already entered the space gate in front of him. After going out from this space gate, it would be less than 10,000 light-years away from the human pioneering planet named Boris. .

It is said to be a space gate, but it is actually invisible. Nexus seems to have emerged directly from the dark void of the universe, or it is more appropriate to call it a teleportation, but it has spanned a distance of millions of light years in an instant .

"It's very empty!" Nexus looked around, and he could only see a little bit of starlight hanging in a very far place. Roughly estimated, there is not even a single meteorite within thousands of light-years around. cosmic void.

Nexus shook his head, and after confirming his position through dozens of neutron star pulses, he transformed himself into a light quantum form, turned into an invisible light, and rushed towards the planet Polis tens of thousands of light-years away.

Ultraman is actually a kind of life form in the form of photons, which will condense into entities when fighting on other planets, but fighting in the form of entities consumes energy very quickly. Therefore, unless it is within the range of the plasma light emitted by the Kingdom of Light, Ultraman rarely appears in physical form under normal circumstances.

Nexus is now far away from the plasma light range of the Kingdom of Light, and there is no energy replenishment base established by the Kingdom of Light around, so naturally he has to use the light quantum form to hurry.

The surrounding starlight was stretched into long strips, and Nexus quickly shuttled through the empty cosmic void, flying past one galaxy after another. Although these galaxies were called wonders, Nexus did not go in to investigate . The purpose of this time is to go to the sphere of human influence, understand the current situation of human beings, and at the same time open a small special space tunnel in the sphere of influence of human beings to connect to the kingdom of light, so that even in the kingdom of light, human beings can be connected network up.

Flying faster than the speed of light in the universe has no concept of time. You can only calculate the distance you fly through the eleven-dimensional space. look around.

The place I was on was still so empty, and the galaxy surrounded by three stars on the nearest left was more than a hundred light-years away. After positioning through the neutron star pulse, the calculation obtained shows that the galaxy where the planet Polis is located is 14.7 degrees to the left in front, and the destination is probably more than a thousand light-years away.

After a long journey, Nexus finally came to this galaxy, and the planet hanging in front of him was the destination of this time—the planet Polis.

"It's beautiful!" Nexus couldn't help admiring, the volume of this planet is about three times that of the earth, and it has a colorful planet with distinct layers, which looks very beautiful and beautiful.

A spot of light appeared in the distance, and it continued to expand. Nexus took a closer look at a spaceship painted in sea blue and light white. The streamlined body was obviously designed to enter the atmosphere.

"Is it a human spaceship?" Nexus nodded involuntarily, "I can already fly so far alone."

Nexus didn't bother the spaceship, but turned around and flew towards the planet. Human beings can already fly alone in the universe. Let Altman become their legendary hero, after all, the advent of characters in myths and legends is sometimes not a good thing.

The artificial sun in the distance has warmed up this slightly cold planet. After the atmosphere of this planet has been transformed, it has become very suitable for human survival. From this point of view, it has been a long time since this planet has been transformed. up.

Soon Nexus passed through the atmosphere, and the surface environment of the planet also appeared in Nexus' field of vision.

Most of the surface of this planet is very similar to the deserted areas on the earth, with no grass growing and no trace of green can be seen at all. According to TPC's experience in developing Mars, if you want to find green plants, you can only go to human settlements.

The green spreads from there to the surroundings until it completely covers the entire planet. At that time, the planet will be successfully developed and truly become suitable for human habitation, and then begin to migrate here, and eventually become the new home of human beings. But now this place is just a resource mining planet, and it is estimated that the number of people will not exceed 100,000.

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