Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1012 Dark Abyss - Zhou Da

"Oh!" Mayumi nodded in confusion, sat back on the chair again, tilted her head and fiddled with the bracelet on her right wrist curiously. What about the two functions?

The King of Ultra folded his arms in front of his chest, cast his eyes on Sai Luo who was "practicing" with Leo below, nodded slightly, then turned around, flew up and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Nexus didn't have the mood to care about other things anymore. Wearing this Dikuta gear really felt uncomfortable. Not to mention the coherence of the attack, it would be nice to be able to throw a perfect punch.

However, Nexus can also feel the effect of Dikuta's gear. It is always correcting your wrong action of exerting force, and if the force of your wrong action is greater, the force it will feedback will be greater. Like a spring.

Time passes the fastest when you are serious. Fight, rest, and fight again. Nexus has forgotten how long it has passed. The lava rivers all over this planet prevent the planet from falling into darkness even if the stars fall. It can even be said that the light and heat given to this planet by distant stars are too limited compared to the lava rivers.

"Ha!" Nexus threw a punch suddenly, which collided with Astra's right fist. The huge reaction force made both of them take two steps back. Nexus immediately stepped on the ground and jumped into the air, kicking Astra who had stabilized his body just now with a flying kick.

"Come on!" Seeing this, Astra also jumped up, and performed Astra's flying kick, which collided with Nexus' flying kick.

There was a loud "bang", and the two huge figures rolled and flew back towards the sides. Nexus' legs slid on the ground for a thousand kilometers before he managed to stabilize his body. He felt that his right foot, which had touched Astra's flying kick, was a little numb.

Nexus stood up and looked at Astra who was standing firmly on the ground in the distance, and admired from the bottom of his heart: "What a powerful force."

Astra nodded, and said in an amazed tone: "I really didn't expect you to adapt to the Dikuta gear so quickly, much faster than my brother and I."

"I'd be proud if you said that."

"Huh!" With the sound of flapping the cloak, the King of Ultra landed on the ground lightly, looked at Nexus and nodded, and then stretched out his hand.

"Crack! Crack!" Dikuta's gear immediately sounded like a machine running, and all six beams of light converged into the launcher, and then scattered into a pile of parts and flew back to King Ultra.

"It's much easier this way," Nexus moved his shoulders and then looked at Astra: "Is this all right? Don't you need to learn fighting?"

Astra shook his head: "No need, everyone has their own style. My brother and I have received the same training, but our fighting is still different. What you lack is the foundation, only in the real You can only find the fighting skills and style that only belong to you in the battle."

Nexus nodded, clenched his fists, and punched each other: "This thing is really easy to use." It is indeed super effective. If only 70% of the force of a punch was effective before, now that You will be able to give full play to your strength.

Nexus nodded towards Astra: "Astra, thank you very much."

"It's nothing, it's an honor to be able to do something for a partner in justice."

"Then let me do something for the partners of justice." Nexus moved his hands. "The iron ring on your leg has caused you a lot of trouble. Let me solve it."

"Really?" Astra was a little surprised, then smiled wryly and shook her head: "Wang also tried, but he couldn't get rid of this thing without hurting me."

"Why? Is it because the iron ring is very hard?" Nexus was very puzzled, no matter how hard it was, it wouldn't make Ultra King unable to do anything.

"It's not just a matter of hardness." King Ultra shook his head: "This iron ring is made of metal from the dark abyss, and the dark aura contained on it is almost integrated with Astra. Forcibly removing it would cause great harm to Astra."

"Back then the Magmas tied me up with iron chains and put me on this iron ring to torture me," Astra's face flashed a gloomy look: "It was for revenge when Brother Leo defeated him. shame."

"Dark abyss?!" Nexus really heard this word for the first time. What is the dark abyss in the universe?

"The dark abyss is the place where the dark emperor of the universe, Zhou Da, was born. It is a powerful cosmic demon and one of the biggest enemies of the Ultra family. Even if it is defeated, it will be resurrected every 50,000 years. Eternal threat." The King of Ultra's tone was full of seriousness: "The wreckage after his death will become a distorted space in the universe—that is, the dark abyss. Apart from accumulating a large amount of energy to repair this distorted space, there is no first step. There are two ways."

"In that case, this iron ring was made by the soul of that dark demon, Zhou Da." Nexus nodded clearly, no wonder even the King of Ultra couldn't do anything about it. The Ampera star is even stronger. After all, the Ampera star is dead after all, and he really won't be like this Zhou Da. Even the dark power in the wreckage can make a huge gap in the universe.

"Yeah!" Astra sighed, then waved her hand indifferently: "It's okay, it's been so long, I'm used to it, the existence of this iron circle can always remind me that I must never forget the evil enemy."

"If it's because of the erosion of darkness, then I really have a solution." Nexus smiled confidently: "As long as the erosion of darkness in Astra's body is eliminated, the iron can be removed." Circle it."

Astra asked nervously with a glimmer of hope: "Do you really have a way?"

"Hmm!" Nexus nodded, then raised his arms and crossed them in front of him. The dim energy core in his chest immediately shone with bright golden light and spread towards the surroundings. Wherever the light passed, Nexus His body was dyed the color of shining gold and the color of bright silver. At the same time, a very warm light emanated from Nexus' body and spread towards the surroundings.

PS: Arabic numerals will be used for chapters in the future, otherwise chapters of one thousand and one hundred and dozens seem too long.

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