Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 90 Belia: I will show off to Jian later.

Every time he came to Base 228, Cui Ming would prepare all his weapons.

Always ready to fight.

Everyone knew why, because the Star Guide had blocked Cui Ming's door countless times.

Even if he played the Good Future, Cui Ming did not relax his vigilance.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm used to it."

Although Cui Ming said this, he did not let go of the Radiant in his hand.

"I understand."

The sergeant could only sigh in his heart.

The damn Star Guide tortured our Storm One like this.

At this time, Lin, Cui Ming's only psychologist, showed her ability. After preparing her plasma weapon, she said to Cui Ming: "Okay, Cui, let's go outside first. Don't worry, everyone will follow."

"Well, thank you Lin, Mr. Belia, please go with us first, after all, it's not easy to attack if the vehicle is attacked." Cui Ming looked at Belia and said, and Belia scratched his head.

"It's okay, but you are quite popular."

Then everyone headed towards the door of Base 228.

To be honest, it's great that everyone can be so neat.

Every time there is a reincarnation, there will always be fewer comrades around. Now that there is no one missing, Cui Ming is the happiest result.

When he arrived at the gate of the base, Cui Ming had already entered a combat posture.

Even if he knew that the future was good, Cui Ming would never relax his vigilance unless the Star Guide was extinct.

Everyone saw it and felt that Cui Ming was really suffering.

Time gave everyone the memory that belonged to everyone, and because of the power of time, no one was driven crazy, otherwise Cui Ming would have experienced the number of reincarnations.

In short, everyone knew how tired Cui Ming was.

Then, the gate of the 228 base began to open, and Cui Ming was ready to fight at any time.


There were no monsters outside, but EDF Marines, and they all saluted Cui Ming!

"The hero is here!"

"He is simply an iron man!"

"The wine tonight must be delicious!"

"The hero doesn't drink! Bastard!"

Outside, it was a high-tech city with helicopters patrolling.

Also in the middle is the EDF's decisive weapon fortress Proteus, and not just one, but the entire formation.

"This is the Proteus team, starting to perform the hero escort mission, welcome back, Storm One."

Of course, it's not just the Proteus team, there is also the armed giant Barga unit.

"Long time no see, Storm One, you've worked hard, the next task is to escort you, our Barga unit will not let the enemy touch you even if we demolish the city."

Cui Ming was a little speechless when he heard the words of the Barga driver.

What do you mean you can't get hurt even if you demolish the city.

"Come on, Storm One, this is the highest standard treatment."

An armed luxury car came to Cui Ming, and the driver was actually the commander!

"Commander. Are you also a part-time driver? Don't you command the battle?"

Cui Ming felt that he didn't need to be like this. Fighting is more important.

But the commander shook his head.

"Don't be funny, you are the most important now. Get in the car. The commander-in-chief and all the leaders of the world are waiting for you. Now everyone needs to discuss countermeasures with you. All the people of the Storm Squad, come here. Hmm, who is this?"

The commander looked at Belia and didn't know him.

Cui Ming introduced him very solemnly: "This is the hope of our mankind, Ultraman Belia, he is a savior who can be trusted."

"!!!! Even you said so? I understand! Please get in the car, Mr. Belia."


Beria was a little confused.

No, I haven't done anything yet. Isn't it a bit... that you treat me so highly.

Forget it

This is Cui Ming's territory, just listen to Cui Ming

After everyone got in the car, Cui Ming began to introduce these comrades to Belia, and personally prepared wine for Belia.

"What flavor do you want to drink?"

"Uh, you don't need this"

"No! Mr. Belia, you are my predecessor, a reliable warrior, and a person valued by the great god Noah and the evil Rebrando. All you need is time and accumulation!"


Hiss! How can this guy talk so well! ! ! !

"Ahem, you said that"

Beria was a little embarrassed by what he said.

"Although you said that, Jian is more suitable than me, right?"

Beria still misses his best friend.

Although he was almost cheated, Belia knew that Jian was too lenient at that time.

Just reflecting on it at the doorstep.

"About this, Mr. Belia."

The sergeant looked at Belia and said, "Storm One was not a warrior. He... Wait! Storm One, I just remembered something. It seems that some dimension gate is going to be opened recently, so an Earth defined by us as the first generation has also contacted us. They said you are also Storm One on their side?"

"Yes, it's me." Cui Ming had nothing to hide.

"Well, you've worked so hard."

The sergeant could only say this in the end.

"What's the situation?" Belia didn't understand.

Cui Ming explained his battle in the first generation world, and also let Belia understand his future fate as 007.


"Huh? Fight directly without arguing? That's a great feeling!"

Beria doesn't like to argue. This kind of straight-forward fight to the death is so exciting! ! !

"But the problem is that the other party will keep teleporting."

Cui Ming still needs to let Beria understand how troublesome it is.

Fortunately, Belial can become huge.



"No, can you not be so surprised?"

Cui Ming, who was normally normal, suddenly shouted, "Professor", which startled the professor not far away!

"Professor, for the sake of the future of mankind, and for the sake of your wife and children not having to die again, give priority to mass production of equipment to assist Ultraman in combat."

"You don't have to worry about me dying of exhaustion if you know it."

As the professor spoke, he pulled out the equipment design diagram specifically designed to assist Ultraman.

Although Cui Ming had previously said that he would exhaust himself to death, the professor really came to the rescue!

He was really preparing the research.

"This thing is very interesting. Don't worry, Mr. Beria. When you don't have enough energy, all our people will die."


No, is it that terrible? !

Beria has really never seen this level of discussion surrounding his own special strategy? !

The commander in charge of driving said at this time: "Remember to tell the commander-in-chief, don't worry, the whole world will now use the policy you provide as its goal."

"Okay Commander, everything is focused on Mr. Beria. After all, only Ultraman Beria can quickly clean up the enemy's mothership."

When Beria heard what Cui Ming said, he felt that he seemed to have a heavy responsibility.

Very good, very good.

After arriving at EDF and temporarily changing their positions no less than ten times, Cui Ming and the others finally met the commander-in-chief.

Of course, it is still VIP-level treatment.

"Storm One." The commander-in-chief looked at Cui Ming kindly.

To be honest, Cui Ming was not used to being looked at like this. So he asked directly: "Yes, Commander-in-Chief, is there anything you need me to tell you?"

"No, it's nothing. I just want to ask, is this sofa comfortable to sit on? If you feel uncomfortable, you can lie down."

".I'll just sit down."

Cui Ming sighed, and Lin beside Cui Ming helped Cui Ming pour tea.

"Okay, let's continue talking."

The commander-in-chief looked at Cui Ming and said, "In other words, you are now trying to find new reinforcements?"

"Yes, after all, if there is only Ultraman Beria, it will be easy for the enemy to target Ultraman Beria. They can avoid Ultraman Beria."

What Cui Ming said immediately made Beria feel particularly comfortable.

It's not that Beria is not strong, but the enemy is avoiding Beria because he is worried that Beria is too strong. How can Beria fight?

"I understand, so you're going to fight even scarier, weirder creatures?"

The commander-in-chief looked at Cui Ming and asked.

To be honest, the Commander-in-Chief hopes that Cui Ming can take a good rest.

Putting aside the future of mankind, Cui Ming has really done enough.

The future that mankind can have is really the result of Cui Ming's efforts to change the situation of the war time and time again.

So the commander hopes Cui Ming can take a good rest.

But look at Cui Ming's current posture.

He won't agree to it unless all Star Guides are destroyed.

"I understand, Mr. Beria, we will give you the highest level of treatment, and we will fulfill all your needs as long as they are reasonable! I leave the battle to you."

To be honest, Beria was really a bit irritated by being treated like this.

"Don't worry, whether it's for Cui Ming who helped me or to complete the deal with God Noah, I will help you win."

Isn't it the Star Guide?

How outrageous can it be?

The first generation world sent a representative specifically to find Cui Ming.

After all, Cui Ming was also the Storm One of the first generation world, but this representative

Cui Ming looked familiar.

"Asuka Langrei, we meet again, big brother."

Cui Ming looked at the girl in front of him in a daze.

That’s right!

It's a girl who gives herself a scarf.

"It's you, you've grown so big."

"Yes." Asuka said with a gentle smile.

"Brother, it's great that you're okay."

Saying that, Asuka hugged Cui Ming in the surprised eyes of the delegation.

"It's really, really good."

"As long as you're okay."

Yes, everyone is fine, that’s why I keep fighting.

Asuka wiped her tears.

"Now, with the help of my mother, I am the pilot of Balam, the decisive weapon!"

"Huh? How old are you? Where are you adults?!"

"I'm 18!" Asuka looked at Cui Ming and said seriously: "Brother, it has been several years since you defeated the Emperor's City."

"Oh, that's no wonder. Balam, the decisive weapon, is very good. Humans need the power to protect them."

Unexpectedly, the people he saved back then would have the power to change the situation of the war.

"Yes, so big brother, please let me help you!"

"About this, you should tell our EDF first. After all, I am just a soldier."

Cui Ming thought it would be difficult.

After all, the two are not the same world.


"Welcome! Very welcome!!! We humans must unite now! And let me introduce, this is our savior, Ultraman Beria."


Looking at the commander-in-chief's attitude, Cui Ming suspected that the guys from the Strategy Department had already analyzed Beria's character and decided how to face Beria.

After all, except for the possibility of accidents in the intelligence department, the Strategy Department is just a human being at other times.

"We can talk about cooperation in detail. Everything is done with the safety of Storm One as top priority."

The commander glanced at Cui Ming, and then

"Anyway, let's talk about another plan first."


Cui Ming always felt that something was going to go wrong.

Cui Ming didn't bother to care about what the commander-in-chief and the others were preparing.

It's rare to come back, Cui Ming is ready to fight the Star Guide!

However, the eldest sister of the Strategy Department gave up Cui Ming's battle plan.

"Storm One, you have already said that you are about to go to a world invaded by more cosmic beings to bring aid, so you are not allowed to participate in the battle here, and you must rest well. Your psychiatrist will stay with you until Until you have rested, we have already started to prepare the equipment you need, as well as Mr. Beria's auxiliary equipment. Don't worry, we guarantee that Ultraman Beria will not suffer any losses."

If the Strategy Department dares to say this, then it has basically decided that all resources will be used to protect Beria.

And because he knew that he could attack the enemy's time ship to start reincarnation.

The Strategy Department is even ready to sacrifice at any time.

At that time, when Cui Ming brings reinforcements, he can fight the Star Guide for the last time!

Just now, Beria personally took action and instantly cleared the sky of the Star Guide teleportation ship, which had already made EDF understand the power of Ultraman.

As for whether there are any mentally retarded people?

Sorry, this guy will be shot directly.

Humanity doesn't need this kind of sick-brained guy!

After Beria played a game, he felt...

So cool, so cool.

Although it's just an experimental energy supplement device, it's good to keep yourself happy!

This is what Cui Ming said

EDF’s mobilizing power? !

Then go find that guy and show it off!

Speaking of which, Cui Ming is really tired. I hope he can have a good rest.

Can't rest

The ten starting points Lin mentioned before.

"What a pity, this time is not the last reincarnation, right? Cui?"

"Yes, so we still can't start with ten."


Lin sat up.

"We will help you later, don't worry, we are preparing all necessary supplies for you now, and Asuka is very good by the way."


"I'm not kidding, I can see it in Cui's eyes."

Lin looked at Cui Ming seriously.

"Don't worry, Cui, it happens that there are many people and it is lively, and for the future of mankind, I am willing to contribute you. Donate without causing harm to you, do experiments, etc. If anyone dares to have such an idea, I will personally take care of you. Cut it into pieces!"

Lindis is very good with a knife.

“It always feels weird”

Cui Ming's expression was very subtle.

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