Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 83 Children? I am also on guard against children!

The people of Yabo are unhappy now.

TM’s Metron people, you rip-off!

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to encounter such a terrible thing.

And now the Metron people are a little more honest, but

"Yabo people, you are a swindler! This Storm One is more terrifying than what you said!!!" The Metronian said to the Yabo people full of resentment, and the Yabo people were instantly angry when they heard what the Metronian said. He got louder and roared: "You really dare to say yes!!! How many times have I said it! Don't underestimate Storm One!! Don't underestimate Storm One!!! You just don't believe it!!! If it weren't for Ge The more idiotic guys from the Stars have come and even attracted the Storm One, and you’re dead!”

Hearing what the Yabo people said, the Metron people snorted angrily.

That's indeed what happened


The Gossians are really miserable.

"How many times have I told you! Storm One is a ruthless super beast killing machine! Now you can call him a spaceman killing machine!!! Look at what Goss looks like now! I fucking watched it I couldn’t sleep after that!”

"." What was rare was that this time the Metronians did not refute the Yabo people.

Because it can't sleep either. I've seen cruel people, but I've never seen such cruel ones.

Some aliens like to eat and eat them quickly, but there is no such thing as Cui Ming!

And the most terrifying thing is that the Gothians may be alive until the last moment!

This is the scariest thing

The Metronians don't want to be like the Gossians.

Then an alien and a person from another dimension continued to observe Cui Ming's side.

Cui Ming, on the other hand, looked impatient, and even had a faint murderous aura about him.

Of course, this is not against Misato Katsuragi, but against the Awa people.

After all, these guys like to cause trouble all day long, and Cui Ming really wants to make these guys into shredded sushi!

Going to the Cube World by yourself is not a learning experience for nothing.

Beidou has begun to have that essence.

I started with slicing, which was very good.

In this way, even if the enemy has extremely powerful regeneration ability, it still needs to recover slowly.

Thinking this, Cui Ming's expression became darker and darker.

I have an evil idea!

for aliens

At this time, in the eyes of the Yabo people and the Metron people, Cui Ming had the murderous intention to kill Katsuragi Misato.

"Look, I said it before"

Abo shuddered.

"Huh, where's the kid?"

"Child? Hmm."

The Yabo people looked aside, and there happened to be a few children who were particularly curious when they saw Cui Ming's weapon, and immediately ran over.

"What a great weapon, I want it!"

The child raised his hand to grab it, but Cui Ming turned around and shot him!

bump! ! ! !

The suppressor gun instantly blew the child away, and then Cui Ming rushed over like a beast and held down the child. He also used the suppressor gun to blow away another child who wanted to grab the gun.

Cui Ming then directly used a sedative to shine on the neck of the child who was under his control, and hit him hard!

puff! ! !


The Yabo and Metronians looked at each other.

"What did you do?"*2

"It seems not."*2

At the same time, the two of them had a deeper understanding of Cui Ming's cruelty, and Misato Katsuragi...

Like Cui Ming, she also controlled another child who was blown away by Cui Ming, and then used a sedative on his neck!

"Team Tucker headquarters, Team Tucker headquarters, this is Storm One. There are children who are suspected to be aliens who want to steal my weapons. They have been suppressed for the time being. Do you want to shoot them on the spot now?"

"Calm down!!! Vice Captain, calm down!!!"

Captain Long is so scared!

Good guy! Don't just shoot him in public!

At least do some research first!

"It doesn't matter, there is always a problem anyway. If you can grab the gun now, you will dare to shoot at people later!"

Cui Ming said, still pointing the killer shotgun at the child.

Cui Ming is not used to this gang, touching my weapon? Then you are the enemy! ! !

"Shiro! What's wrong with you, Shiro? I..."

bump! ! !

Cui Ming didn't talk nonsense to the parent who came over. He shot her with a suppressive gun and flew her away. Then Cui Ming said to the police who came: "Go! Give her a sedative in the neck!"


The Metropolitan Police found out that it was Cui Ming

Come on, this matter is easy to handle.

After all, this person is the type who gives priority to this person in everything he does.

And on the other side are the Abo people and the Metron people.

They looked at each other again.

The Metron man wiped his cold sweat and said: "You are right, he is quite scary."

"I told you already!!!" The Yabo man looked at the Metron man excitedly. "I said it! But you don't believe it! Okay! Now is not the time to talk about this. We can't peek anymore, or that guy will find out!"

Then the Abor and Metronians left.

No, I feel scared around Cui Ming now.

The Yabo and Metron people who returned to the Yabo base started discussing again.

"Okay, let's think of a solution now. The arrival of the demon star koala will definitely attract the attention of Team Tucker, and they will definitely destroy our plan by then."

The Yabo people reminded the Metronians of humanity, and the Metronians sneered.

"Hahaha, that's not easy to handle. I just need to kill a human and possess him."

"Don't! Idiot! Can't you see it yet? Storm One has the means to discover possessed people!"

The Arborians were troubled by the Metronians' self-confidence.

Why is this guy so confident? Didn’t I say it before? Storm One has special means!

"What should I do?"

"Capture him. Not to mention being a hostage, you can also directly transform and sneak in."

As he spoke, the Yabo man took out a photo of Maya, his fiancée in the mountains.

"This is a photo of Maya, the fiancée of Team Tucker's Yamanaka. You can just transform into her like her. Oh, by the way, there is a shape book here. Remember to study more, so that Yamanaka can be transformed. You are even more confused."

The Metronian looked at the book given to him by the Yabo man, eh

They are all humans on earth.

We Metronians don’t quite understand the aesthetics of humans on Earth.

Well, is this the biological makeup of women on Earth?

With this thought in mind, the Metronians began to prepare to transform.

However, Yabo didn't notice that the magazine he gave to Metron was from Thailand.

So there are a little more things.

Beauty magazines may not be about beauties;

Then the Metronians began to transform.

Transformed into Maya.

"Okay! What do you think?"

"Excellent! Your disguise is perfect!"

The Yabo people thought it was okay.

Next up is kidnapping Maya!

"Well, vice-captain, what happened this time."

At this time, at Team Tucker's headquarters, Yamanaka looked at the various clothes Misato took out with a speechless look on his face.

Not the vice-captain! You have a sense of crisis! ! !

This time may be a huge public relations crisis! ! !

However, Ryugoro waved his hand after he came back.

"Don't worry, everyone. Although the two children are indeed human after examination, there is some bullying in the school."

"Then I should just use the shotgun."

Cui Ming complained, and Long Wulang knocked on the table at this time.

"Vice Captain, although what you said makes sense, you can't do this."


Cui Ming cut in displeasure, while Long Wulang had a slight headache.

Vice-captain, please be more careful.

The matter this time is not big or small.

If it weren't for the bullying of these two children, it would really be difficult to handle.

At this time, Cui Ming helped Misato put away the clothes she bought with an unhappy look on her face and said, "When they want to take it directly, I know what kind of people they might be. Even if something unexpected happens, it's not my problem. After all, these guys are not good kids at first glance.”

".Then the two parents who were blown away by you will file a complaint against you."

"You two? Oh, the one who came later, right?" Cui Ming didn't react at first, but soon he

"To the one who just started scolding and was blown away by you."

There were two children before, so when the father of the second child ran over, Cui Ming didn't get used to it.

He was also shot away and then stabbed in the neck with a tranquilizer.

If this doesn't make him quiet, he can be killed directly.

After all, you can still be alive and kicking after being hit by the tranquilizer I gave to the elephant, and you are still saying that you are not a cosmic person? !

As for whether this sedative will have any side effects, that's not Cui Ming's concern.

After all, it was these brats who wanted to touch Cui Ming's weapons first! ! !

"Anyway, next time."

Long Wulang looked at Cui Ming and thought for a long time, but didn't know what to say.

at last.

"Forget it, next time you encounter this situation, you should follow your own pace. After all, we don't know if these children are aliens."

Ryugoro remembered the files he had seen before, which contained information about the Zelang people.

The Zelang people were the aliens who attempted to invade the Earth when Jack was on Earth.

He has a cunning personality, has telepathic abilities, and can also become an Earthling. The weapon is a strange blue light emitted from the eyes when in human form, which can completely eliminate people. The friend who transformed into Minako, the daughter of Captain Ibuki Ryu - a young boy with aphasia, Teruo Kazama, entered the MAT base in the name of a visit and prepared to start his own plan. At that time, Hideki Go's team member discovered the true identity of Planet Zelang, so Go reported to Captain Ibuki, but the captain who loved his daughter angrily rebuked Go.

At the same time, the Zelang people came to the morgue of the hospital, killed the nurse on duty and released the monster Pluma. However, the monster Pluma was soon defeated by Ultraman Jack using the Ultra Bracelet.

Unexpectedly, after Pluma was eliminated, the Zelang aliens used the magnetic generating device they developed to remotely take away the Ultra Bracelet and use it to attack Jack. This was the plan of the Zelang aliens to use the Ultra Bracelet to eliminate Jack, thus putting Jack in a trap. Fight hard.

The captain who witnessed all this recalled Hideki Go's report, so he went to the morgue of the hospital and discovered the truth about Zelang. During the fierce battle, Captain Ibuki fired continuously with a MAT pistol, first destroying the device and then killing Zelang. Starman, Zelang Starman showed his true body after his death.

After the incident, the captain and Xiang reconciled. When the two went to pick up Minako, the captain declined Xiang's proposal and decided to tell his daughter the truth. Then he told Xiang that there is no Virgin in the world, only the truth.

This incident can be regarded as a reminder to Ryugoro

Aliens have various methods

This matter is finally over.

For many people, Cui Ming's behavior is too normal.

Especially these two children are bullying others.

Of course, public opinion is definitely on Cui Ming's side.

After all, Cui Ming is really going to fight monsters!

What if these two little guys hurt Cui Ming?

Our Earth depends on Cui Ming, the thigh, to help protect it! !

Everyone is still clear about which is more important.

So. Cui Ming must be protected! ! !

At this time, the Metrons and the Yabos began their evil plan!

Start with kidnapping Maya! ! !

This matter is very simple! ! !

The Metrons will execute it first!

Then use this identity and the identity of the fiancée in the mountains to make trouble!

And poor Maya, who was still at work, was suddenly kidnapped by aliens! ! !

Fortunately, she is still alive

But the Metrons have already started to prepare for trouble.

The demon star koala was discovered very early. Because of Cui Ming's reminder before, all the big guys of the Kot team went out.

They used their scientific research capabilities far superior to the Tucker team to directly discover the demon star koala, but there are not only demon star koalas, but also other huge burning meteorites.

If these hit the earth, the consequences will be disastrous!

"I didn't expect to encounter this situation so soon. Fortunately, Xiao Cui reminded me in time."

Captain Muramatsu was a little emotional, and then he immediately said: "Contact, prepare to blast these meteorite planets immediately!"


Then Muramatsu looked at Hayata again.

"Hayata team member, please go find Xiao Cui when you have time. He said he has something important to find you."


Hayata pointed at himself.


Muramatsu said and patted Hayata on the shoulder.

"Go, Hayata."


Hayata felt that the captain might know something, but he nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go find Team Member Cui Ming first."

"Well, go ahead."

Looking at Hayata leaving, Muramatsu sighed

"It's you, you're back too."

Captain Muramatsu said and laughed again.

"Then we can't let Cui Ming lose, we have to be ready to provide support!"

Muramatsu said and was full of energy again!

I'm back, all back!

It's good to know that He is okay.

It's really, really good.

The stone in his heart fell completely, and Muramatsu wiped his tears happily after confirming that Ultraman was really okay.

It's really great.

And Hayata was also on his way to Cui Ming's house and didn't forget to contact Cui Ming.

"Team Member Cui Ming, I'll be there soon."

"Oh, senior, you said it earlier! Welcome!!!"

This is a real senior!

Cui Ming dare not neglect it!


Quickly clean up the house! ! ! !

"Miri! Come help!!! Bring the air freshener!!"

"Oh oh oh oh! Got it!!!" Miri also knew that the house had to be cleaned up now!

20,000 words update brothers... Although I will continue to write 10,000 words tomorrow, it will definitely not be 20,000... I will try to update regularly in the future.

How long I can write 10,000 words depends on my physical condition, thank you.

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