Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 59 Beidou: What a great recipe!

The Yabo people have now come to realize the reality a little.

It is better to be careful when facing Cui Ming.

This guy, Storm One, is even more terrifying than himself!

What kind of experience makes an earthling so cautious! Cold-blooded! Cruel! Ruthless!

Even he has such terrible killing intentions towards his compatriots?

It is really terrible.

And recently the Yabo people discovered that the Tucker team seems to be preparing to do something.

Now the Yabo people dare not underestimate the Tucker team!

There is no way, because Cui Ming, Storm One, has left it with a huge psychological shadow.

"Hu always feels uneasy."

The Yabo leader said so and looked at his fellow tribesmen.

"Start making Brocken!"

"Yes! Leader!"

Then the Yabo people began to use their super beast production machine to make super beasts.

They dare not use insects now. I don't know why they found that Storm One seems to have terrible killing intentions towards insects!

Look at Aliponta now

It's all gone!

With the start of the super beast production machine, Brocken was born under the power of the terrifying extra-dimensional technology.

Brocken is a super beast born from the combination of a crocodile and a space monster. It is powerful and can spit powerful flames from its nose.

But the most terrifying thing about it is its ability to possess.

The Tucker team has been a little quiet recently, and the Yabo people are a little worried.

It is afraid that Cui Ming will do something big

"Brocken! Remember! Your mission is to sneak into the Tucker team! I will help you create opportunities! But you must remember! Stay away from Storm One! Stay away from Misato Katsuragi! They are both very dangerous people! Misato Katsuragi may be killed by Storm One at any time! If you get close, you may be injured by mistake, and Storm One is what you need to pay attention to! Never get close to Storm One!!!"


As an intelligent super beast, Brocken obeyed the order, but because it was just completed, he still didn't understand why it was said. Is there something special about Storm One?

Does a super beast like himself need to pay attention?

Although I don't know what's going on, since the Yabo people said so, that guy should be the one I need to pay attention to.

At this time, the person who was repeatedly told by the Yabo people to be careful is now teaching others how to cook.

"Beidou, this is some information I sorted out, all for cooking."

Cui Ming pointed to a model and continued: "I made a lot of models, which can help you quickly deal with prey."


Beidou looked at the model prepared by Cui Ming and felt that Cui Ming was well prepared!

"Throat, brain! Because our prey's vitality is very terrifying, it is best to kill it with one blow when necessary."

Cui Ming said that the kitchen knife in his hand was quickly cut.

Instantly, the head of the meat block used as the model fell off.

"Quick, fierce and accurate! This is the secret of our quick victory!"

Cui Ming said and patted his "cooking" experience.

"This is some of my experience, you can take a look at it. It can help you in hunting prey or cooking."

Indeed, although this is indeed for cooking, how to quickly cut prey is too important for Beidou or Ace.

Ace didn't expect that there would be so many tricks!

Hey! It should be easier to cut super beasts in the future!

"This is too precious, Lao Cui."

Beidou understood how much this thing helped him, and Cui Ming waved his hand.

"Beidou, we are friends or even close friends, so this experience is handed over to you! Carry it forward! And the recipes too!"

"Don't worry, Lao Cui!"

Beidou looked at the experience Cui Ming gave him.

"I promise to make this experience work best in my hands!"


Beidou's side is much easier, because after Brother Zoffy came over, he had authorized himself to use the forbidden technique Ultra Guillotine!

This move is launched after Ace shouts "Ultra Guillotine". Energy is extracted from the Ultra Hole on the head, forming a jagged energy light wheel. The light wheel can be spread into three parts to cut off enemies with more tentacles.

The power is several times that of Ultra Cut. Due to its lethality and difficulty of control, it is listed as a forbidden technique by the Kingdom of Light. Ace must obtain permission from the Ultra Star when using it.

Before the move, the Ultra Brothers will send the permission signal of Ultra's signature "Stand! Strike! Cut". Ace can use this move only after obtaining permission.

The name comes from the "Guillotine" in the death penalty. As the name suggests, it is a powerful cutting beam.

The same principle as the eight-point light wheel of the first generation Ultraman, but the power is far greater than the eight-point light wheel; and it can locate and track the opponent, leaving the opponent with no way to escape and only being cut.

And there are many variations of this move!

For example, the vertical guillotine, this move is a transformation of the Ultra Guillotine. Ace's right hand stretches upward and his left hand stretches downward, emitting a vertical crescent-shaped blade of light, cutting the enemy in half.

Horizontal Guillotine is also a transformation of Ultra Guillotine, a horizontal version of Vertical Guillotine.

After Ace's hands extract energy from the color timer, he stretches his hands forward horizontally, and the energy in his palms emits a crescent-shaped blade of light in a straight line. It consumes less energy and has a fast speed, and can inflict huge damage to the enemy or dismember the enemy in one move at lightning speed.

The circular guillotine is still a transformation skill. Ace releases energy from both hands, forms an X-shaped guillotine light blade in the airspace in front of him, and then fires it at the target. It is a cross-shaped guillotine formed by two crescent-shaped cutting force fields.

Multiple guillotines, after Ace stretches his arms horizontally, releases energy from the head, abdomen and hands, and launches 4 or more cross-shaped light blades.

In fact, Cui Ming is particularly suspicious.

The Ultramans listed the Ultra Guillotine as a forbidden technique because it is too brutal and they are afraid of affecting their image.

Originally, these moves should have required temporary authorization.

But the Yabo people actually dispatched five super beasts and five aliens this time!

This is a unique treatment that the previous Ultramans have never encountered!

For the safety of Ace Ultraman, now is not the time to insist on the authorization of the forbidden technique!

Ace must be able to adapt to the situation!

Now Ace has special means, plus the "experience" given by Cui Ming, it will definitely make those enemies feel what Ultraman's enthusiasm is.

In fact, the Ultramen don't know that after analyzing Cui Ming's battle, Yabo people don't dare to let the Ultra Beasts fight together.

Just as I said before, Yabo people discovered a secret of Cui Ming. When Cui Ming encounters multiple large enemies, he is not afraid! He will be very excited! His fighting power soars!

But this broken information is useless!

However, Yabo people still plan to give it a try, but the experiment will be given later. Now let's understand why I am so scared. What is going on.

What the hell is the Tucker team thinking! ! !

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