Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 44 The deputy captain said that? Everyone move out!

Cui Ming is not really stupid, but now there are many things that need to be paid attention to, so he has made a three-part agreement with Misato.

For example, outside, you must remain the same as before. You are still the same Storm One who is alert to everything.

Because Cui Ming has already seen that the Yabo people are the kind of extremely disgusting enemies.

It will find its own weaknesses and defeat itself!

The people around you will become its breakthrough target!

So Cui Ming had to fight wits and courage with this guy Yabo, even showing a hard-hearted heart.

Now it has initially achieved results. At least the Yabo people now think that Cui Ming is the kind of person who can sacrifice at any time for the people around him.

Next, it’s time for the Yabo people to understand what it means to have no moral bottom line.

Cui Ming has always placed himself in a very clear position.

When the Ultramans find it hard to take action, Cui Ming comes to take action!

When I have no morals, my enemies will be punished by me!

Ultramans have extremely high morals. This is their strength, but also their weakness that can be exploited by the Awa people.

And Cui Ming will help the Ultramans eliminate this weakness.

Isn't it easy for Ultraman to start? It doesn't matter! I'm coming!

Protecting our eldest father, this is Cui Ming's position that he has always given himself.

Although Cui Ming can now transform into Ultraman, that is his trump card!

A hole card that has been used is no longer a hole card.

And to be honest, these enemies now are not underestimated by Cui Ming, but they are really too simple.

Without a bunch of annoying big ants spraying acid that can dissolve armor or a bunch of big spiders spraying silk threads that are harder than steel to cut the vehicle, Cui Ming can avoid enemy attacks in various ways. !

Then counterattack and even prepare a bunch of traps!

Compared with barrage-level attacks, this place really feels like a vacation!

The most important thing is that there are big daddies like Ultraman!

If EDF had Ultraman back then, they would have wiped out all the invaders or star guides long ago!

"I hope Ryugoro and the others can find out the specific situation of the enemy. I feel like the thing that made me very unhappy this time is an old opponent."

Team Tucker started patrol mode because of Cui Ming's premonition.

Needless to say, I have discovered some things recently, but they are not related to super beasts.

But the more this happened, the more serious Ryugoro became.

It's so quiet, no matter what, it looks like the Yabo people are holding back a big one!

"Captain, no more abnormalities are found."

Yamanaka reported while holding his current favorite Raven Hui.

"There is no abnormality. That is the biggest abnormality. The Yabo people will not give up attacking the earth so easily."

Ryugoro was not optimistic at all after hearing the news, and Yamanaka also nodded.

"Yeah. If it makes the vice-captain unhappy, that's definitely a big problem."

Although Yamanaka now feels that he should still believe in science, he has learned to trust his teammates because of Cui Ming's correction slap.

He has a pretty good relationship with Beidou now.

"Beidou, do you have any news over there?"

"There are no mountain team members at the moment, but recently I noticed that there are a lot of ants on the ground."

"A lot of ants?"

"Yes, it usually doesn't happen like this. The vice-captain also said it's related to ants, so is this a clue?"

Beidou said that he felt that Yamanaka would not believe it, but this time something unexpected happened.

"Tell the vice-captain about it. The vice-captain said that although you are reckless, you will never act without aim."

"Member of the mountain? Okay!"

Beidou didn't expect that the mountain would change so much.

If we were to ask Gaoluo from the mountains in the past: Beidou team member, are you awake?

"Okay, Beidou, please pay attention to yourself."

Yamanaka sighed.

"Pay more attention to your surroundings. I don't want to get slapped by the deputy captain again."

Ryugoro smiled when he heard what Yamanaka said.


My team members have grown a lot one by one.


For the sake of his team members, Cui Ming was not idle.

After all, he is still at a salvageable level, and the mountain has become much more normal recently.

He and Beidou can be considered friends, after all, they are both quite reckless.

Konano is not bad, but he likes to make jokes too much

It's easy to go wrong, you need to teach him a lesson next time.

The Yoshimura players are pretty normal, as well as Minikawa Noriko.

Although Noriko Minikawa can be quite speechless sometimes, she at least dares to fight.

In Cui Ming's opinion, if you dare to go up, you are a good player. Others can be changed slowly.

"What's this?"

Misato looked curiously at the drink Cui Ming was mixing.

"This? An energy-boosting potion. If you stay up late, drinking a glass of it will be very effective."

"Energy boost? Oh~ I understand~"


Looking at Misato's expression, I understood. Cui Ming's eyes twitched.

"This is for serious use, not what you think, although it does have this effect."


"I'll just have super espresso. I'm used to that."

".I said Cui, stop torturing yourself all the time."

Misato tried Cui Ming's super espresso coffee, and then she couldn't sleep all night and came to find Cui Ming.

Because of this, she was curious about why Cui Ming drank this stuff?

Isn't there this energy-boosting potion that looks to be delicious?

"Because I need to remind myself that this is not the time to relax. It's as simple as that. Don't drink it. Although it tastes good, it has the same effect as super espresso. Once you drink it, you basically won't be able to sleep." ”

"Hey, so powerful? Can't it be used to sneak attack enemies at night or prepare traps? It can also give the enemy intelligence errors!"

Misato was led by Cui Ming to think about fighting.

Just as he was talking, Beidou's communication came.

"Old Cui, this is Beidou."

"Well, this is Lao Cui, what's wrong with Beidou?"

After all, Cui Ming is on vacation now, so it's okay for Beidou to call him this.


"I noticed something unusual. There were more ants."

Cui Ming's hand.

I almost accidentally exploded the communicator.

Fortunately, Cui Ming himself was calm enough, even too calm.


"Well ants, there is indeed a problem."

Cui Ming said in a low voice.

"Um, Lao Cui, do you have any clues?"

"No, but if you say so, let's keep an eye on the ground. After all, ants can dig holes."

"That's right. Then I won't disturb your rest."

"Don't bother me. I can even say that the clues you provided are very good. Please tell Ryugoro to be careful. The enemy is a person from another dimension, so he must have some kind of unique technology. If something weird happens in the past few days, Remember to pay attention to any sightings, no matter how outrageous they are, you must investigate them.”

"Okay, and Lao Cui, take a good rest and don't be so pushy next time."

After Beidou finished speaking, he ended the communication without waiting for Cui Ming to say anything.

Cui Ming smiled.

Really, is this guy worried that he is working too hard?

I won't seek death easily, but the enemy is really in simple mode on my side.

The hell I have experienced is much scarier than this place.

But an ant-related enemy?

Cui Ming: Ten percent passionate...

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