Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 33 Noah: I'll give you the large password

"My child, you have done a good job, so I will also help you. Which comrades do you need?"


Cui Ming was silent, then shook his head.

"That's enough. Now that everyone is finally able to rest, don't disturb everyone."

Cui Ming's idea is very simple. Just leave it to him. There is no need to let his comrades who finally survived come and suffer again.

"Even though you said so, they are happy to come."

".Forget it, do whatever you want."

If comrades from EDF come over, the cooperation should be better.

Show Ultraman our EDF support.

"Okay, then I'll get ready, kid."

The consciousness of the earth continued: "Don't worry, the earth will be your ally no matter where you are."

"I understand. Wait, that monster of the earth"

"There will still be fights within the earth, just like the law of the jungle. But when outsiders from the universe come, the earth will unite."

"I understand." This is easy to understand. Normally everyone should fight, but when the space monsters come, kill them first!

"Okay kid, this is my last gift, take it."

Then several rays of light entered Cui Ming's body.

"Don't worry, there won't be any problems. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, kid. I will try to get EDF to send your psychiatrist."


Damn it!

I'm afraid of that one!

but it's too late

"It's gone back."

"You did it on purpose."

Cui Ming looked at Ultraman Noah speechlessly, and there seemed to be a hint of smile in Ultraman Noah's voice.


".Okay, but anyway, thank you."

"It's a little deal of ours, isn't it."

Noah said and nodded towards Cui Ming.

"Use my power when you need it."

"Your power is your trump card."

"It doesn't matter. You can use Nexus' power first. Also, you can release Noah's power if necessary."

Noah believes that Cui Ming will never abuse his power.


Trump card. It can only be used when necessary.

But I don’t know what kind of terrifying enemy I will be when I use this trump card. What will that enemy do if he sees me transform into Nexus and then Noah?

Misato Katsuragi woke up.

She was a little surprised that Cui Ming hadn't woken up yet!

This is really a novel situation!

You must know Cui Ming's vigilance.

etc! This is an opportunity!

Looking at Cui Ming who was still sleeping, Katsuragi Misato held back the excitement in her heart and just leaned on Cui Ming's chest.

Very reassuring, really reassuring.

Thinking of this, Misato Katsuragi looked at Cui Ming.

Just a little. Just a moment.


good! very good!

Misato Katsuragi got up quickly.


She opened her eyes as soon as she left Cui Ming.


You can't even tell if someone is pretending to sleep, you still need to practice more.

Otherwise, what should I do if I encounter an enemy who is pretending to be unconscious and is attacked by surprise?

Cui Ming has already taken a dim view of his love life.

As long as we can get by together, that's fine.

Cui Ming doesn't think he can live a normal life, after all.

A lot of things are already muscle memory.

‘I hope it’s not my own psychiatrist who comes here’

After all, Cui Ming has been fighting, so EDF assigned a psychologist to Cui Ming.

This psychiatrist is indeed very capable and can also serve as a medic on the battlefield.

He is a very good comrade.

But it's also very scary.

Because she dared to let people hold her down and force herself to have a good sleep.

Misato Katsuragi is in a good mood, so she wants to show off her cooking skills!

Then the kitchen almost exploded.

Fortunately, Cui Ming has been observing secretly.

Although it has been determined that Katsuragi Misato has no problem, Cui Ming will not show it.

Otherwise it would be bad if the enemy catches the flaw.




"You still need to train. No one who pretends to be asleep can tell."



Misato Katsuragi's face turned completely red!

"Me me me me! Are you awake?!"

"Congratulations, your aphasia is over."


Misato Katsuragi reacted.

"Me? I can talk! Great!"

Then Misato Katsuragi looked at Cui Ming.

"Well, I have a lot to say to you! Thank you for saving me!"

"It's okay. When I first picked you up, I took a tube of your blood for testing just to make sure it was safe."


"You should be grateful that you are human, otherwise I might have sent you to a scientific research institution or killed you on the spot."

"Well, if you do this, it will lower the girl's impression score."

Misato complained speechlessly.

"Forget it, after all, it is a fact that you saved me, and without you I would have died a long time ago. Anyway! Thank you very much for saving me! Also, what I wrote yesterday was not a joke."

"I know."

Cui Ming put breakfast on the dining table and said, "I have to go to Team Tucker later, so don't waste time."

"Oh oh oh!"

Cui Ming actually didn't stop working while the two were talking. Although it was an unexpected blessing that Katsuragi Misato could speak, she still had work to do later.

Cui Ming doesn't mind if the team members are late due to special circumstances, but Cui Ming himself can arrive early and arrive early.

And in fact, Cui Mingshuo often works the night shift in Tucker's team.

So even if Cui Ming is very strict with everyone sometimes, he will still be loved by everyone.

Bu Zhe Cui Ming, the vice-captain, is really good when you don't make any mistakes!

Don’t have time to work the night shift?

fine! The vice-captain can help you!

Although I have to make it up next time, it’s urgent!

In short, Cui Ming, the vice-captain, is actually respected by everyone.

Long Wulang always wanted Cui Ming to directly become the captain, but Cui Ming didn't want to, because Long Wulang did a good job, and as a deputy captain, he could directly visit the front line and conduct combat deployment.

"By the way, Katsuragi"

"Just call me Misato!"

".Okay, Misato."

"So I killed you?"

"No, I don't know why I feel that Ming is a bit like a girl's name. You can just call me Cui Ming, Lao Cui or even Cui."

"Then Cui! Cui, I'm actually from."

"I know about other worlds. I'll understand when I hear you introduce yourself."

Misato Katsuragi was not surprised.

"Yes, but we also have terrifying creatures over there, called apostles."

"Can Ultraman fight?"


"Then the threat level will be reduced a lot."


The apostle is such a stinky fish. If the apostle really dares to appear here, I feel like he will be beaten by both Yabo and Ultraman. He will live a life of doubt.

"Cui, please take care of me in the future. It should be fine, right? Should I continue to live here?" Misato said and looked at Cui Ming.

"No problem, it will still be the same from now on, but when working, call me Vice Captain or Storm One."

Cui Ming said as he put on the camouflage uniform that he was more familiar with.

Then she put on a red scarf.

"This scarf is?"

"The blessing of a little girl can be regarded as my lucky charm."

You can't just let the protagonist become Ultraman to solve all the bad things. It's not because of the overwhelming combat power, but mainly because the current fighting intensity is like a vacation for the protagonist.

With less than two monsters and a bunch of small monsters as auxiliaries, it is simply a simple mode for the protagonist.

Without barrage-level attacks, it would be just a walk for the protagonist...

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