Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 207: Abducting children by speaking Japanese in China? Yabo people, you are invincible

Chapter 207: Abducting children by speaking Japanese in China? Yabo people, you are invincible...

The Abo people began to prepare for their own big operation.

It wants to kidnap children all over the world.

And Cui Ming is also preparing for his big move.

Cui Ming is going to enter another dimension to disgust the Yabo people.

Cui Ming explained the situation to everyone before setting off.

"Long, I'm going on a business trip to another dimension for a few days."


Ryugoro originally wanted to say something, but in the end the words came to his lips and disappeared.

"I understand, I will cooperate with your work."

"Don't worry about logistical issues, I'll take care of it myself over there."


No, Lao Cui, do you really want to eat the Yabo people directly?

".I understand, stay safe, everyone else."

"There is no need to notify the internal team Tucker. This is a secret mission. I will tell Lin and the others."


Ryugoro also knew the importance of keeping the mission secret. Since Cui Ming said so, let’s do it according to Cui Ming’s words.

Cui Ming then told Misato and the others about his business trip.

Just a few days.

Of course, I haven’t forgotten the eight-foot girl.

"I'm on a business trip these days, so don't cause any trouble."


"Of course, you don't need to hold back when you encounter someone seeking death."

"I know."

Bachi Nu understands what Cui Ming means, and she won't spoil those guys.

Although she looks like a little daughter-in-law to Cui Ming, in fact she is a eight-foot girl with terrifying power who can easily twist people from the universe with strange powers, and can kill enemies with terrifying curses.

"Well, I'm leaving here. You should pay attention to your own safety. Misato, don't drink too much while I'm on a business trip here."


"Lin, you know what to do."

"Don't worry, I understand."

Lindis is ready to provide support when the time comes.

"Asuka, Balam and Balga, please be ready at any time. When I was on a business trip, I guess the Yabo people were also preparing for a big job. Remember, kill them all if necessary. The enemy's life is not worth anything. You That’s the most important thing to me.”

After Cui Ming finished speaking, he directly turned on the device that the Yabo people had given him before.

"Then, I'm off."

Then Cui Ming quickly put on the jet black Antonla armor with the help of nanomachines.

Although he doesn’t look like a good person, Cui Ming can at least guarantee that he is a good comrade-in-arms of Ultraman.

Cui Ming then entered a different dimension.

Coming to another dimension for the first time, Cui Ming was still very curious about the situation in the world here.


Cui Ming knew the purpose of coming here.

He is here to carry out assassination activities.

Cui Ming looked at everything around him and nodded.

It's almost time to get started.

However, out of his last act of mercy, Cui Ming still needed to make sure that everything around him was innocent.

Cui Ming's positioning for himself has always been very clear.

He is a warrior who assists Ultraman in fighting. Cui Minglai is responsible for solving some of the guys who are difficult for Ultraman to kill.

Ultraman will be bound by morality, but Cui Ming will not.

It is enough for Ultraman to be a hero who saves the world, and Cui Ming will be responsible for solving the subsequent problems.

So, let’s collect some information first.

When Cui Ming began to sneak into another dimension, the Yabo people also began his evil plan.

It began to transform into a crazy old man and make terrifying speeches around the world, such as the end of the world is coming.

Then control the children and take the children away.


The Abo people's plan was thwarted just at the beginning.

First, the Yabo people set their sights on China.

In the eyes of the Yabo people, with such a large population, it would be easy to steal children.

Although the previous plan was frustrated, this time.


When the Yabo people started to take their children to the beach and planned to take them to another dimension, an aunt shouted at the top of her lungs: "Someone stole the child!!!!!!"

brush! *N

At that moment, the eyes of everyone around him changed.

Steal children!

Damn it! ! you are done! ! ! !

When they heard that it was the guy who stole the child, everyone immediately dropped what they were doing.

Then those who have dogs bring their dogs, and those who have shotguns bring their shotguns!

Damn it! ! ! One of us must die today! ! !

Then, in the surprised eyes of the Yabo people, a group of people rushed out.

“That’s it!!!”

An aunt pointed at the crazy old man.

"This old madman is going to take our children away and use them as beggars!!!"

The next moment, everyone around them rushed forward as if they were furious!

"Wait! You guys are ahhhhhhh!!! You don't want to ahhhhhh!!!"

"Woof woof woof!!!!"*N

Let the dogs loose! Let the dogs go with all their might! ! ! !

I saw the villagers' dogs all bravely rushing towards the crazy old man who was transformed into a Yabo man.

Maybe before, this crazy old man had a deterrent effect on these dogs or cats, but when the crazy old man incarnated by the Yabo people wanted to hurt the little master of the house.

The nature of this matter has changed! !

The dogs all turned into berserkers and bitten the crazy old man one by one.

The crazy old man was in pain and knocked these pets away.


Time is enough!

A young man hit the crazy old man with a hoe.

A few hunchbacked old men nearby said, "Be careful, if you kill him, you will also be in trouble. It's not worth it."

The old men were worried that the young people would ruin their future because of the lives of these human traffickers. However.

The old madman incarnated by the Yabo people may have been in Japan for a long time, and he said something.



As soon as this sentence came out, the old man who was still hunchbacked straightened his back instantly!

"Young people, get out of my way!!! Old woman! Bring me my knife!!!!"

"No need for you old woman!!! I'll get it for you!!!"

At this time, several roars came from a distance, and then several old men rushed over with knives!

"How long has our big knife team not chopped these devils! Dare to come to our village to kidnap children! Little devil, you are finished!!!"


The crazy old man knew that it was bad.

He was too big!

And when the Yabo people saw the big knives of those old men, they had only one thought.

Good knives!

Then click! Several old men chopped the crazy old man with their knives.

But the crazy old man was the incarnation of the Yabo people after all, so he could still move.

"Trust me! Children! Trust me!"

Crack! ! !

An old man bit the guy directly.

Then everyone started to beat him up again!

Originally, the crazy old man incarnated by the Yabo people could still endure it, but slowly.

He couldn't bear it anymore.


The crazy old man fled in panic, with a lot of false teeth hanging on his body.

"Don't let us meet you again!!! Damn Japanese ghost!!!"

Everyone has seen that this thing is definitely a Japanese ghost!

But it's not normal.

The old men's swords were killed by killing, and ordinary ghosts can't stand it.

"Start now, patrol! Five people in a group! Kill the old man when you see him!!!!"

The old man who was hunchbacked just now is now holding his sword.

"Old man, your waist."

"Hiss!! Don't remind me! I had forgotten about it! Uh ah ah ah!!!"

The old man immediately covered his waist.

It hurts!

Yabor understands.

China can't go.

His shout directly made the Chinese side alert.

Of course, Yabo people admit that.

The old people here are too fierce.

The crazy old man he transformed into was stared at by these people as soon as he came out. Their eyes

They want to eat people!

"This is the first time I have seen someone more extreme than the guy in Storm No. 1."

Yabor wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Fuck you.


The old man here is crazier than Storm No. 1.

An old man took off his artificial leg and used it as a weapon.

It can only be said that it is too terrible.

Yabor people don't want to go to China now.

Their appearance is to enhance their combat effectiveness in China.

Of course, Yabo people have suffered a lot in the United States.

In some places such as the United States, they really shoot directly!

Humans have fully shown the Yabo people what is outrageous.

The Yabo people suddenly discovered.

As long as there is no Storm One in Japan, it is actually a simple mode?



Must continue with their plan!

If I can't deal with other regions, can I not deal with you!

The Yabo people thought so.

But before that

The Yabo people need to go to the toilet first

Damn India!

Drink a mouthful of water from them, and you can drink out a human periodic table! ! !

The Yabo people were tricked by India.

I thought the Ganges River in India was a good thing before, but I didn't expect it!

Never expected it!

Humans are actually doing the elimination system themselves!

In India, most Hindu believers have four major pleasures in their lives: worshiping Lord Shiva, taking a holy bath in the Ganges and drinking the holy water of the Ganges, making friends with saints, and living in the holy city of Varanasi.

In the eyes of Indians, the Ganges nourishes the people on both sides of the river with sweet water. With their devout religious beliefs, they are regarded as a "holy river". They regard the Ganges as the incarnation of the goddess and worship the Ganges devoutly. It is said that it originated from a legend.

In ancient times, the Ganges was turbulent and surging, often flooding, destroying fertile fields and killing lives. In order to wash away the sins of his ancestors, a king asked the Ganges goddess to come down from the sky to benefit mankind. Lord Shiva came to the foot of the Himalayas, spread his hair, and let the turbulent river water flow slowly over his head, irrigating the fields on both sides, so that the residents on both sides could live and work in peace. From then on, Hinduism worshipped the Ganges as a god, and worshiping Lord Shiva and taking holy water baths became the two major religious activities of Hindus.

The Yabo people just saw that Indians liked the Ganges so much and tried it.

Thinking that humans can drink it, they can drink it too!


There was nothing else

The incarnation of the Yabo people almost collapsed!

Indians drink Ganges water because it has become a daily routine. Some people even say that those who have not drunk Ganges water are not authentic Indians. In the general impression of humans, only pure water without bacteria can be safely drunk.

But in fact, Ganges water is completely different.

Ganges is the ultimate source of pollution.

It is an example that even Mother Earth can use!

The main sources of pollution in the Ganges include domestic garbage, sewage, ashes and feces.

Anyway, it is said that scientists have detected a large number of heavy metal elements and bacteria in the Ganges water, especially the number of E. coli far exceeding international standards. In some seriously polluted areas, the E. coli contained in every 100 ml of Ganges water will definitely surprise Yabo people to the extreme!

But Indians not only brush their teeth, wash their faces, wash their clothes and vegetables in the Ganges, they even excrete directly into the Ganges.

In addition to domestic wastewater, industrial sewage is discharged directly into the Ganges River without any treatment. They believe that the Ganges River has a magical self-purification ability. This garbage is not a problem at all, but even the Ganges River cannot decompose heavy metals, plastics, fibers, etc. Substances and harmful microorganisms began to multiply, and the water quality of the Ganges began to gradually deteriorate.

Now people in Yabo are thinking, if they use Indians to make a super beast, will it turn into a super beast that is invulnerable to all poisons?

Or directly become the source of pollution!

However, what makes the Yawa people happy is that things are going smoothly on the Japanese side.

At least

He successfully took away many children.

Just other areas.


"Hehehe, Team Tucker, you must be very anxious now, right? So Storm One, what should you do now?"

Thinking of this, the Yabo people looked towards Storm One.


"Where is Storm One? Where did Storm One go?!"

The people of Abo were now afraid.

I felt uneasy before, but now

The Yabo people's subordinates have been thinking of ways to cause trouble recently, but they didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

"Sir!!! Oh no! Our agent star area has been destroyed!"

"What did you say!!!!"

The voices of the people of Abo became shrill! ! !

"This is the last picture they sent out!!!"

Abo's men opened the screen.

At this time, Cui Ming, who was wearing armor, was stepping on the last space monster in the area, and was eating the meat of this space monster raw in his hand.

The whole scene is very scary.


There were countless corpses of Yabo men around.

Cui Ming has confirmed that all these guys can be killed.

Then there is no need to be polite.

Cui Ming killed all these extra-dimensional people as quickly as possible.

There are also these space monsters that people from other dimensions are responsible for maintaining.

Cui Ming was merciless, and only the last few of these extra-dimensional people were killed when they tried to send out a distress signal.

As for how Cui Ming did it?

Meita field.


It has to be said that Anton La's armor is indeed effective. The attacks of the space monsters cannot break through the defense. Cui Ming directly uses the sharp blade of his elbow to continuously cut these guys.

To replenish your physical strength, just eat the meat of space monsters.

Anyway, Cui’s fate has been confirmed and he can eat it!

But for aliens and space monsters

Now that’s a horror movie!

Logistics is in a storm! ! !

The Yabo people looked at Cui Ming at this time.

The insect-shaped monster is chewing the flesh of a space monster.

It seems like they don't care about parasites at all.

"Storm One."

The Yabo man whispered: "What a terrible enemy! Hurry!!! Rescue! Emergency rescue!!!!"

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