Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 118 Belia: Don’t be weird about midnight snacks

Beria knew that the soldiers who sacrificed for him could be resurrected.

And they would be resurrected with their memories.


Even for those soldiers, he had to learn to be patient.

"Ah! It's so frustrating! Damn Star Guide!!!!"

Then Beria said: "Prepare some midnight snacks for me."

"Okay, what kind of midnight snack does Mr. Beria need? Desserts or fried chicken?"

"Well, desserts. Some Chinese snacks."

"Okay! Please leave it to us!"

Beria thought about his favorite snacks.

Well, Chinese cuisine is better, after all, there are more varieties, but there are also good snacks in other regions, but some taste really Strange

"By the way! Don't let any Indians sneak in!"

"Yes! Don't worry! We will strictly control it!"

What Beria is most worried about is the cooking methods of those Indian chefs.

It's an Indian habit.

Belia doesn't like it anyway.

"Damn...Storm No. 1 is like this! Hey, how is the progress of the laboratory reconstruction?!"

The Yabo leader is very angry now, but he can't do anything about it.

Because of the damn Cui Ming.

He replied helplessly: "Chief, the new laboratory has been built...but..." "But what?" The leader asked. "The old laboratory is still filled with that unpleasant smell..." The Yabo replied bitterly.

The leader was silent for a moment, waved his hand and said, "Forget it, it's okay... You guys continue." Yabo showed a painful expression on his face, "Yes, sir... But do we really need that old laboratory?"

"Yes." The leader answered affirmatively, "After all, our data is still stored in it." Yabo sighed, "I understand, sir."

He knew in his heart that although a lot of data had been damaged, it must still be preserved. After all, using backup data would bring unnecessary losses.

Looking at the backs of his subordinates leaving, Yabo covered his head with a headache. He knew in his heart that although Storm No. 1 had caused trouble, they had to continue working hard for those data. He knew the importance of this and couldn't help but sigh.



So disgusting!!!

"There's no way. How is the production of Unitango going?" Yabo now decided to change his strategy.

Uniontango is the first step of this strategy.

Alas. There is no other way. I can only start the synthesis formula of insects and space monsters that I am most reluctant to use.

Unitango is a super beast synthesized from bees and space monsters. It is the third super beast with the ability to transform after the super beasts Baksim and Brocken. It can also split its whole body into several parts to move and change.

The purpose of the Yabo people is to destroy the radar base of the super beast attack team and paralyze the communication of the super beast attack team.

The scary thing about Unitango is that they can disguise themselves as ten girls in normal times.

This is the conclusion drawn by the Yabo people.

Humans will have special treatment for women.

Of course, except for the cub Storm One.

Storm One treats everyone equally, and it wants to kill everyone.

That's right, the Yabo people use it to call Storm One.

In the eyes of the Yabo people, Storm One is a monster.

"Unitango is what I think is a very perfect super beast that is always lurking. I hope everything can go as expected."

The Yabo people said here and began to think about their arrangements this time.

As a super beast created by himself to destroy the radar base of the super beast attack team.

Unitango can usually transform into 10 female college students of the bicycle travel club to carry out secret operations.

Although it may not be useful for Cui Ming, the cub,

but at least it can confuse others.

The fat man Konno is good. Easy to deal with.

Then there is Yamanaka. I don’t know why, now Yamanaka is alert to all women except his wife.

Every time he passes by a woman, he will subconsciously cover his buttocks.

What did the Metron star do to him?

How could a human become like this?

It’s so strange.

“My lord, Unitango is finished.”

Just when the leader of the Yabo people was thinking, his subordinates came to report.

After a special design, Unitango is finally completed. As a combat spy super beast that has been transformed specifically, its purpose is to deal with Ace, who has strong cutting ability.

Unitango has a unique structure, that is, the body is composed of nine female college students. One of the girls who serves as the leader can transform into a unicorn head in times of crisis, and merge with the original body to form a complete super beast form.

And most importantly, Unitango will only reveal its true appearance as a super beast when it is not discovered by others, which is also for the convenience of espionage.

The main body as the leader usually exists in the form of a human, and the other nine clones can attack independently. Unitango's weapon is its powerful double-arm pliers, which can not only spray corrosive liquid and poisonous silk in the mouth and the center of the pliers, but also its unicorn horn can emit explosive flashes, and can even fly out independently to attack.

In addition, its body can also emit fire-extinguishing mist and interfere with radio waves. The unique design of this super beast is that it is composed of ten separate parts, and it can quickly reassemble itself even after being torn apart by an attack such as Ultraman Ace's cutting technique. This design gives Unitango strong survivability and combat effectiveness in battle, making it a powerful weapon against Ace.

"It's finally done! Go! Unitango! Destroy all the radar bases of Team Tucker! Make them blind!"


Unitango's voice came out ten.

This is the sound of them getting ready for action.

"Great! Go ahead! Hahahahaha!!!"

Then Unitango took action.

Beep beep beep! ! !

"The radar base is attacked by super beasts!"

When the radar base encountered an attack, Kawa Dianzi immediately reported the situation.

And Ryugoro stood up and said: "Action!"


Look, the troop carrier can be used again!

Cui Ming rushed to the scene in an upgraded personnel carrier, Storm 2 team and the Death Force.

Beidou and Nan Xizi also followed.

After all, the Black Panther was opened to Konno and the others.

As for the Eagle.

being repaired

"The people of Abo are wise."

Cui Ming said suddenly.

"Indeed, they plan to directly attack the radar base and turn us all blind."

Captain Death was also very emotional.

The plan of the people of Abo was indeed good.

I just don’t know what the super beast is this time.

"Anyway, everyone be careful." Cui Mingzheng said, and Nan Xizi, who was sitting with Beidou, asked: "Vice captain, why don't you just use Barga?"

"Sister Nan Yuko, because Barga himself needs to determine the type of enemy before fighting."

Asuka helped Cui Ming answer this question.

And Lin also said: "Indeed, Barga's own fighting method is basically to beat the super beast hard, but this depends on the situation, and Barga's own goal is to be an auxiliary hand, and the real output hand has always been It’s Ultraman”

"Indeed, the design of Varga itself was for Ultraman. By the way, Varga is indeed an engineering machine. However, due to the emergency, it had to be converted into a fighting machine for defense."

Cui Ming still emphasizes that Barga is an engineering machine

But it's true

All five big guys found it.

The original design goal of Barga was to prevent terrorist attacks when building buildings.



Something seems strange? !

Whose super giant robot is used to defend against terrorist attacks? ! !

After everyone arrived, Cui Ming, Lin, Asuka and even everyone in the Death Force and Storm Team 2 instantly became very, very unhappy.


Cui Ming growled.

"Damn bees"

Lin's face also looked very bad!

TM's flying monster! ! !

Sergeant and the others looked very unhappy.

"Everyone, I'm not saying you should know what to do."

Cui Ming said in a low voice.

"Of course."*N


"Everyone does not need to pay attention to the firepower!!! Just shoot to death!!!! Fire! Fire!!! Fire with all your might!!!!"


Unitango heard the sound of Storm One, and then her eyes suddenly widened when she turned her head.

Damn it! madman! And it’s still a group! ! !

Why do you say that?

Because the Storm 2 team and Cui Ming were already carrying two weapons, they came directly to fight!

Lindis was even more amazing as she charged forward with a Goliath rocket launcher on both shoulders!

Everyone in the Death Army directly changed their weapons to cannons!

Damn it! ! !

fry! ! !


Damn it! ! !

no! You must be sick! ! !


Before Unitango could destroy the radar base, terrible attacks began to fall on it.

As for the people in the base, they have already taken refuge.

After all, the previous lesson tells everyone that multiple escape routes must be prepared!

You see, if there had been more escape hatches in Bemenstein, so many people might not have died.

By the way, one thing Cui Ming has always wanted to complain about is why there is a space station in the universe where so many people live as a base.

This brings up the terrible Bemonstein

In short, Cui Ming really thinks this space station is quite a scam, in every sense of the word.

Look at it now, the support is very fast!

And you don’t need to worry about the gravity-free environment! ! !

‘Lord Abo! ! These guys are crazy! ! ! ’


I know.

Really like a madman.

The man carrying two rocket launchers seems to be the psychiatrist of Storm One? !

What a quackery! ! ! !

No wonder Storm One calls you a quack! ! ! I really haven’t wronged you at all! ! !

Look, what are you doing? !

Which doctor would carry two rocket launchers into battle! ! !

If a guy like this becomes a psychiatrist and Baofeng No. 1 can be normal, he will be a ghost! ! ! !

In the end, Unitango had to retreat, after all, it was a bunch of lunatics.

To be honest, Unitango didn't know where she had offended these crazy people.

But their mission was also completed.

Looking at the super beast that disappeared and ran away, everyone looked around vigilantly


"Launch a sweeping attack on the surroundings!"

At Cui Ming's command, everyone immediately started to act!

Those who were on the vehicle directly got on the vehicle!

Those who didn't have a vehicle directly took heavy weapons!

Set fire to the mountain?

TM, now is not the time to wait!

Then, start the attack!!!


Long Goro looked at this scene speechlessly. Although he knew that Cui Ming was cautious.

But was he too cautious?

On the other side.


A girl who was one of Unitango's clones covered her arm!

"Damn it! I was hit!! Damn human!!!"

"Hold on! We have to act normal now!"

As the leader, Lingzi immediately said: "Listen! We're sending you to the hospital now! You pretend to be seriously injured!"

"Yes, leader!"

Although he was also seriously injured

When the ten disguised super beast clones were in action, Cui Ming saw these ten guys directly

"Stop! Who are you?!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh!!! Killing people!!!"

"Someone on our side is injured!!! We need to go to the hospital!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!!!"

At this time, Unitango showed his fear very well.

Maybe it's not a performance?

Cui Ming looked at them and felt like beating them up.

Beat them to death.

Just when Cui Ming was thinking this, Lingzi, the leader, also noticed Cui Ming's increasingly uncontrollable killing intent and immediately said: "We need to go to the hospital! Please!"

Cui Ming narrowed his eyes slightly

Killing people directly at the Tucker team base will still have a little bad influence.

Find an opportunity to act when others don't know.

Thinking this way, it instantly felt that there was no problem!

Cui Ming gave the sergeant a look.

"Let them go."



Everyone understood what Cui Ming meant

These ten guys are problematic, keep an eye on them first!

Shoot them directly when necessary, but not now.

First of all, Cui Ming was worried that these ten guys were super beasts, and that they would directly transform and harm his teammates.

There was no need to start a war now.

Secondly, you can just bear the blame yourself.

There is really no need for your own comrades


"Captain, be careful. There is something wrong with these ten guys"

"I understand. Thank you for your hard work, Vice Captain."

Although Cui Ming and his men blew up the surroundings.

But Long Wulang also understood that this was a necessary measure.

"Captain, check it out when the time comes. Don't tell me it's the Pitt people."

"Pitt people."

At this time, Lin said unhappily beside him: "Are those all female aliens? It's possible, and to be honest, I'm worried that they have already set their sights on the genes of Storm One!"


Fuck! It's really possible! ! !

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