Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 116 Lindis: I am not a quack

The sergeant and his men had a very good arrangement here. They just had to go directly to the residence of the EDF company.

It was much better than the EDF barracks.

And Lin

She lived directly at Cui Ming's house.

After Cui Ming came back, I don't know what Lin said to Misato and Asuka.

Both of them now call Lin the elder sister!


Worthy of being Lin

You should know that she was the vice-captain of the fairy army before

It was precisely because she was the vice-captain that she fought too hard and got injured.

Lin saw Cui Ming coming back and said, "Thank you for your hard work. I will cooperate with you next time, but today. Your condition is very serious."

Then Lin took Cui Ming's hand and walked into the house.

"Come on, follow me into the house. You need the comprehensive treatment before."

Resist? Resisting is useless

In short, Cui Ming was taken away.

That night, Asuka and Misato were deeply impressed that Lin, the elder sister, was worthy of being the elder sister.

This fighting power is too terrible.

That kind of terrifying level of battle, she could actually prepare breakfast with Cui the next morning? !

This! ! !

Lin said: I'm used to it, I was also trained.

"Everyone, let me introduce you, this is the assault team."

Coming to the Tucker team again, Cui Ming introduced the new teammates to everyone.

"Like the Death God Team, it is a combat unit affiliated with the EDF. All members are assault soldiers, providing vehicle fire support and ground fire support."

At this time, the sergeant stepped forward and said: "Hello, I am Sergeant Gaofeng Keiji, and I will act with you in the future."

Everyone in the Tucker team looked at the sergeant in disbelief.

"Beidou, is he your relative?"

Yamanaka asked Beidou with some surprise.

Beidou shook his head.

"No, but. He really looks like me. But he is older than me."

Sergeant Gaofeng was also quite surprised. Beidou looked a lot like himself when he was young.


Ryugoro said with a smile: "Since they were introduced by the deputy captain, they must be combat experts. Welcome."

The sergeant also shook hands with Ryugoro with a smile.

"Don't worry, we will be comrades in the future, and we will ensure combat efficiency."

Bang! ! !

Just as he was talking, Lindis walked in wearing a white coat.


"Cui Ming, I remember I told you that you need to rest well to ensure that your irritability can be suppressed!"

Lindis went straight to the point, and Cui Ming said calmly after hearing it: "I need to fight well now, don't think about treatment."

"I am your doctor, you need to listen to the doctor instead of always being passive in treatment here!"

"Shut up, quack! I haven't said anything when you suddenly moved into my house!"

"If I don't go to see you, what will you become?"

"Quack, your treatment is useless for the current battle."

"My mission is to cure you. It's that simple."


No, the vice-captain is at odds with women.

Team Asuka and the captain are already at odds. Now here comes another one.

At this time, Lin said, "By the way, although my profession is a psychologist, in order to ensure that I can provide psychological treatment to my patients at any time, I will also support the battle. Please don't worry about this."


Okay, I understand why the vice-captain said you are a quack.

You are not normal either.

Hokuto Seiji and Minami Yuko have very strange expressions now.

Because Cui Ming and Lindis are now using Ultra Telekinesis to tell them the truth.

'Don't worry, we are acting, this is Lindis. '

'Hello, we will work together later, but don't worry, Cui and I have no conflicts, just to ensure that I will not cause trouble for Cui. ’


Okay, deputy captain, you are awesome

——Dividing line——

The novel that Cui Ming is reading recently is called “The Big Iron Block Flying in the Sky”, a name that sounds strange.

But Cui Ming discovered the secret inside.

The production technology of the big iron block is real.

So now Cui Ming is going to meet this novelist named Henmi Yoshiya.

Cui Ming’s own makeup skills are still fine, so when Cui Ming came to Henmi Yoshiya’s house, Henmi Yoshiya was stunned for a moment.

But then he noticed something.

“Are you Storm No. 1?”

Cui Ming nodded.

“.Are you here to kill me?” Henmi Yoshiya was very calm.

But Cui Ming shook his head this time.

“No, I just want to ask you about the big iron block.”

Hearing Cui Ming say this, Henmi Yoshiya invited Cui Ming into the house.

"Mr. Storm No. 1, do you want to ask about the technology of the big iron block?"

"No, I want to know why you wrote the real technology of the big iron block in the novel."

Hearing Cui Ming's words, Henmi Yoshiya explained helplessly: "This story is a bit long. I don't know if you will believe it, but I really have no ill intentions."

Then Henmi Yoshiya began to tell his story.

Henmi Yoshiya's real identity is a Cru star. He came to the earth because the spaceship crashed and drifted on the earth. In order to return to his hometown, he planned to rebuild the spaceship, that is, the big iron block.

In order to facilitate movement on earth, under the name Hemi Yoshiya, the technology of the big iron block was written into a novel "The Big Iron Block Flying in the Air" and published as a source of income for survival on the earth.

The big iron block itself is the robot form of the spaceship made by the Cru planet's home planet. The quantum energy conversion system it uses can absorb all energy and convert it into its own energy use. It can also be used as a particle beam cannon. A source of energy powerful enough to destroy a city.

The technology that Cui Ming cares most about is the quantum energy conversion system. This is a huge device on the chest of a large iron block. It can absorb all energy from outside, such as light, heat, and missiles, and then convert it into his own energy.

Himami Yoshiya's purpose in writing this novel was actually to find someone who could rebuild the spaceship.

This way it can return to its home planet.

After hearing what Fang Zai said, Cui Ming was silent for a moment and then said: "I can send you back to your home planet, but you have to explain who they are?"

Cui Ming suddenly took out a pistol and shot around.


Under Cui Ming's attack, several insect-like creatures lay on the ground screaming.

When Hemi Yoshiya saw this, he said in disbelief: "They are Garo people! Be careful! They are dangerous existences!! They can control others!"

What Yoshiya Himami said was right. The Garros, the space insects, were only 40 centimeters long and physically weak. However, the Garros had the ability to control other living things and machines with their help, so they won the fierce competition for survival among the planets.

The Garro people are very weak individually, and most of them operate in teams.

This group of Garro people came to the earth 20 years ago and lurked on the earth for a long time. During this period, they also discovered the high technology in the first volume of the novel "The Big Iron Flying in the Sky" that Yoshiya Himami was publishing. They actually manufactured them according to the drawings and information. Large iron blocks have been made.

However, due to the arrival of the Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, the Garro people did not dare to invade the earth by force. Now they just want to speed up the completion of the spaceship into a big iron block of robots. However, because the first volume of the novel did not finish the information on how to manipulate the big iron block, the Garo people wanted to get information from Henami Yoshiya.


They didn't expect Cui Ming to notice it too.

I didn't expect Cui Ming to take action suddenly!

"Looks like it's not just me who noticed."

Cui Ming said, raising his two guns and looking around.

And Hemi Yoshiya said: "Be careful, these guys can control people and machines."

"We'll talk about our affairs later, but take action! Annihilate all targets! Leave a few alive!"

boom! ! !

The Reaper troops appeared together with the Storm 2 team, and then started shooting wildly around them.

Hemi Yoshiya doesn't mind if his home is damaged or something.

Now it is obvious that these Garro people are in more trouble!

However, there are still people on Storm 2's side who are responsible for aiming weapons at Himami Yoshiya, so vigilance is necessary.

The Garro people didn't expect that so many people would suddenly show up!

no! When did you arrive? !

While the Garro star was stunned, Lindis directly used a shotgun to beat a Garro star to pieces.

"You damn alien bastards!!! You can't invade this place!!!"

"Quack doctor! I need to be kept alive!" Cui Ming did not forget to remind him, of course Lin will definitely keep him alive.

However, Lin needs to show that she is sick to prevent the enemy from thinking that she is a breakthrough point.

"I know! Your current mental state needs treatment!"

"Is now the time to talk about my mental state?!"

"Isn't it?!"


As they spoke, the two of them destroyed a Garro star who was planning to attack in a sneak attack.

'I think you both need mental health treatment.'

Hemi Yoshiya's eyes twitched.


Captain Death trampled a Garro star to death and said: "Hurry up! Stop talking nonsense, boss! It will be difficult to let them escape!"

"Don't worry, traps have been prepared around you."


Jihe trick, this is Cui Ming's unique trick that he found someone to learn from in the cube world.

This trick is specially designed to deal with this kind of flying thing!

In fact, it forms a power grid around it.

The Garo people didn't expect Cui Ming to be so insidious!

He actually set a trap near someone else’s house! ! !

In the end, Team Storm managed to capture several Garrots.

Hemi Yoshiya was taken away, along with the Garo people.

When they arrived at the interrogation room, Cui Ming looked at him with a smile.

"Okay, let's start the pleasant interrogation session. What are you Garo people doing at Henami Yoshiya's house?"

"We won't tell!"

Cui Ming looked at Lin when he heard what the Garro star said.


"There is definitely something wrong with your mental state," Lin said as she put a Garro star into the juicer.

Then start chopping!



The captured Garo people were stunned.

Cui Ming poured the Garo star juice into the cup, then grabbed a Garo star and stuffed it into it!

"Taste yourselves!"

The Garro star suddenly shouted in horror: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! No! Don't do this!!"

"Crazy! Humans are indeed crazy!!!"

"No! It's Storm One that's crazy!!!"

Finally, after interrogation by Cui Ming and others, the Garro people revealed their plans.

They originally planned to use large iron blocks to conquer the earth, but after discovering that the Ultra Brothers were coming together, they planned to hibernate first.

As for their quantum energy conversion system, it has not yet been completely completed.

This is why they plan to attack Hemi Yoshiya

Cui Ming walked out of the interrogation room and looked at Yoshiya Hemi, who was communicating with the human body of Ultraman and others, and said: "Your novel has been used. It is true that someone can create it, but it is a pity that it was done with malicious intent. Your actions have had a negative impact on the earth." Danger."

Cui Ming looked at Bian Jian Fangzai.

"But since you don't have any malicious intentions and there is no right or wrong in technology, we will seal the big iron block and confiscate the quantum energy conversion device."

"I see."

Hemi Yoshiya also understood that he almost made a big mistake this time, and it was good that humans did not intend to kill him.

Cui Ming then continued: "But don't worry, we will send you back to Crux."

Hearing what Cui Ming said, Bianjian Fangzai looked at Cui Ming in surprise.

"You mean no harm. In this case, we will not let you go home, but the big iron block is too dangerous, and we also need to ensure the safety of the earth."

Hemi Yoshiya looked at Cui Ming gratefully.

"I understand, thank you. Thank you for being willing to help me."

Then Yoshiya Hemi took out a book.

"This is the final way to finish the big iron block. There are also ways to restrain it. Please accept it. This is my apology."

Although nothing happened, Hemi Yoshiya also knew how terrible the situation would be if the Garro people succeeded this time.

Therefore, the technology of this complete big iron block can be regarded as its apology.

Cui Ming was not polite, but accepted the book and then promised Hemi Yoshiya: "I will not let this technology be leaked, nor will I let this technology be used for aggression. So, what else do you want? What to do? If not, I will send you back.”

"Well, I have a friend. I want to say goodbye to him." Yoshiya Hemi thought of his friends from the publishing house.


Cui Ming is not a reasonable person either.

"Thank you. Can I return to this beautiful planet in the future?"

Hemi Yoshiya looked at Cui Ming and asked, and Cui Ming nodded and said: "As long as you do not have the purpose of aggression, then we welcome your arrival."

"Yes, I understand. Our planet will not allow our technology to be used for aggression, because we know that once this technology is used for aggression, sooner or later we will perish because of this technology."

After Henami Yoshiya finished speaking, he thought of the Garo people again.

"These Garro people."

"We won't let those guys go."

"Ah no, you misunderstood me. I just want to say, don't believe anything they say, that's all."

"Don't worry, they will all be executed."

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