Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 112 Yabo people: Shit? !

The Ministry of New Energy was stolen.

Cui Ming communicated with the representatives of the five big guys with a serious look on his face.

"It's so scary! Who can steal even monster feces!"

The representative expressed his feelings with a dull expression.

Mainly because of this incident

How bizarre!

Aliens are stealing Taganura's poop! ! !

"Storm One, how much did they steal?"

"a lot of."

Cui Ming still looked indifferent, but...

The corners of his mouth were twitching.

"That poop can't even be used as fertilizer. I don't know what the aliens are doing with that poop."

Hearing what Cui Ming said, everyone also had a headache.

Of course, Cui Ming deceived everyone.

"Could it be because these feces are also special energy sources?"

A representative asked at this time.

Cui Ming looked at the representative.

"You can go and try."

"Okay, give us a share."


You are so rude.

Now that oil won't attract you, are you interested in these excrements?

"In short, if the enemy wants it, then stop it. It's that simple."

"I understand, then we need some security personnel to assist."

"Okay, we will send someone to help."


Cui Mingxin said, this is what you guys said.

In order to make everything more realistic, Cui Ming had to lie to everyone here too.

Of course, Cui Ming is telling the truth.

after all

Aliens are really stealing Taganura’s feces!

I also said that what was stolen was feces.

I just didn't say the aliens were fooled by me.

At this point, a unique offensive and defensive battle begins.

There is a special army on the human side that has begun to protect Taganura's useless feces, while the Anqira people continue to steal these feces!

The two sides began a unique offensive and defensive battle.

Of course, the Taghanuras also joined the fight.

Mainly because they are very unhappy with the perverted behavior of the Anqira people!

I have never seen such an outrageous guy! ! ! Peeping at others going to the toilet! And steal other people’s feces! With our consent? ! !

Of course, the more important reason is that this guy from Anqila broke into other people's toilets many times when he went to the toilet in Taganula.

Some of the taganulas became constipated!

Some were so frightened that they didn't even shrink back!

The Taganuras were angry at that time!

"Damn it! It's you pervert again! Brothers fight!!!"

Then the Anqila star was beaten violently again.

After this, the feud between Taganura and the Anqila star was finally forged!

After all, the Anqila star is a pervert in the eyes of the Taganuras!

Perverts who love watching them go to the toilet!

The Anqira people believe that this gang of Taganura is the biggest obstacle to them stealing new energy!

Several battles broke out between the two sides, and even because of this situation, the Taganuras deliberately chased and intercepted the Anqila Stars many times.


The Anqira people managed to escape after being beaten up by Fatty every time.

Cui Mingze will later take away the body tissues of the Anqira people for research.


Cui Ming encountered some special circumstances today.

The Mefilas star wanted to meet Cui Ming, saying that he had something very important to discuss.

Cui Ming decided to meet this unique Mephilas star.

"Hehehe, long time no see, Storm One, and Team Hayata."

The Mephilas star looked at Hayata who came with Cui Ming.

Hayata said calmly: "It's been a long time indeed. Planet Mephilas, what's the reason for your visit this time?"

"Hahaha, don't be so hostile to me. I don't have any ill intentions when I come here this time, but I hope to achieve cooperation with you."

Mephilas said and waved his hand.

His men, the Kemlians, stood up.

"Hello, dear Storm One, I am a Kelmian. On behalf of our family, I hope to achieve cooperation with the Earth."

Hayata beside Cui Ming has already stood in front of Cui Ming, ready to protect Cui Ming at any time.

But actually.

At this time, it seems that Cui Ming's combat effectiveness may be the highest in the field?

Cui Ming is basically invincible unless he is facing rules or physical attacks that are difficult to attack.

"What cooperation?"

Cui Ming asked at this time.

The Kemer wiped cold sweat.

To be honest, it can't be like its leader, Mefilas, who can remain calm in the face of Cui Ming and Hayata.

"Let me introduce myself first. We Kemer people have superb medical technology, so we have a life span of 500 years."

Cui Ming looked at it strangely when he heard what the Kemer people said.

"But other aliens live forever?"

".I mean, we can use technology to extend our lives. At least we are better than you humans, right?"

Cui Ming nodded and signaled it to continue.

"But we don't have anti-aging technology, which makes us miserable, but it's different now. Through some liquefied Titrum energy we bought from you, we discovered factors that can make us and you humans anti-aging, so I hope We can cooperate, you humans provide liquefied titreum, and we provide anti-aging and life-extending technology. After all, we also know that you will not use the means of extracting liquefied titreum as a trade, right?"

Cui Ming looked indifferent, and then...

He took out something and said, "You all heard it, let's start discussing."

Then Cui Ming took out another thing and said in front of everyone: "Ultraman, you also heard it, please be a witness. Thank you."

Snap! Snap! Snap! Snap!

The Mephilas people applauded.

"It's amazing, you actually chose to notify both parties directly! Storm One, you are really amazing."

The Mephilas people admitted that Cui Ming's operation directly made it impossible to realize many plans.

Cui Ming directly let Ultraman and humans know about the Kemer people's deal.

This is equivalent to letting the Kemer people know something.

If it dares to break the contract, the Ultra clan will help it publicize it~

And letting humans make their own choices is because Cui Ming is too lazy to care.

At the same time, it also directly prevents some enemies from using this matter to make a fuss.

after all

Cui Ming directly let people choose.

At this time, a figure flew in the sky.

It's Zoffie!

The Mephilas people found this scene very interesting.

Ultraman Hayata.

Then Sophie came too.

What a great experience!

Can I have an incarnate body?

Such as Cui Ming!

The Mephilas star looked at Cui Ming.

Cui Ming is waiting for humans to come to a conclusion.

Then Cui Ming heard something.

Came to the Kemer people.


To be honest, when facing Cui Ming, the pressure was extremely high.

Cui Ming watched as the Kemer suddenly stretched out his hand.

"The humans have agreed and the cooperation is happy, but accordingly, the Ultramans will serve as witnesses. After all, the Ultramans are our guardians. We humans will also provide enough liquefied titanium to the Ultramans. Mu as a reward.”


Brother, you scared me to death! ! !

The Kemer people were almost scared to death when they saw Cui Ming's appearance!


The result is good!

It quickly shook hands with Cui Ming.

"Yes, yes, we will definitely not break the contract, and we will also protect Liquefied Titrim. Lord Mephilas is here. And Lord Mephilas is also our witness!"

Cui Ming looked at the Mephilas star.

"If you accept this responsibility, then we will also pay you, and we will not leave you with any clues."

The Mephilas star looked at Cui Ming.

"It's an honor. What about you, Ultramans?"

Zoffi looked at the Mephilas star and said, "We are willing to serve as witnesses."

At this point, a special collaboration began.

Kemer technology and infinitely extractable energy from the Earth.

Human beings will have a huge increase in life span.

But then I guess I’ll start family planning too?

This is not what Cui Ming should pay attention to.

But this liquefied Titrim energy is indeed very good.

Although the Kingdom of Light has more light energy, their Technology Development Bureau will definitely be able to develop new ways of using this energy.

Energy is always the most needed thing in the universe

Although the cooperation between humans and aliens is still secret, some troops already know about it.

Team Tucker is one of them.

"Extension of life and youth? To be honest, I'm really looking forward to it." Yamanaka was very excited.

After all, who would want to die so quickly if they could live longer?

At this time, Konno, who was next to him, said: "Yes, in the mountains, you will have a better chance of finding the Metron man!"


Yamanaka's expression instantly became very unhappy.

TM's Konno, you damn fat guy, are you the one who doesn't want to pick up the pot?

But Konno hadn't noticed Yamanaka's expression yet.

"By the way, Yamanaka, did you know? In fact, you are also a great hero! Many of the substances the doctors extracted from you have great research significance! No one told you before, am I interested in you enough?"

Ryugoro is almost crying now because of this fat man Konno.

It would be the greatest help to the mountain if you don't mention this!

Everyone in the mountains is going berserk now, okay!

And the way Yamanaka looked at Konno was becoming more and more unkind.

"Imano, thank you for praising me as a hero. Come, let me introduce you to some good places."

"Oh? Really?"

"Of course, the food there is very good."

Yamanaka wants to introduce TM Indian food to Konno!

And those are the ones whose hygiene is not up to standard! ! !

I'll kill you! ! !

"By the way, vice-captain."

Ryugoro will leave these two idiots alone now.

He asked Cui Ming: "What happened to that fake Xiang Xiushu?"

"He. Now he fights with the Taganuras every day. The main reason is that this guy is still stealing the Taganuras' feces."


Well, aliens are scary.

At this time, the Anqila star everyone is talking about

Limping back to his base


Damn beetle monster! You are dead!

Afterwards, the Anqira people prepared to take action again.

But Cui Ming's side is different. Cui Ming is already preparing for a showdown.

"Xiang, are you still used to working these days?"

Hearing Cui Ming's question, the Anqila star said: "Of course I'm used to it. By the way, how is the production of my Ultra Laser?"

After hearing this, Cui Ming smiled and said: "Are you talking about the useless laser gun? We sealed it directly."

Hearing what Cui Ming said, the Anqila star's expression changed, but then he said: "Really?"

"That's right, by the way, when did you become left-handed?"


The Angelians were silent.

At this time, a person walked in.

Seeing this person, the Anqila star's eyes widened!

It’s the real Hideki Hideki!


The Anqira star's eyes widened.

And Xiu Xiu looked at the Anqira star in front of him with anger in his eyes!

That’s it! ! ! Steal feces under your own guise! ! !

Isn’t this harmful to me? ! ! !

The Anqila star immediately jumped up.

"You finally found it!"

Then the fake Go Hideki returned to his original appearance, and a machine appeared behind him, which was filled with energy collected by it.

"Hahahaha! Your energy! It belongs to us!"

Then the Anqira star jumped up and prepared to leave.

However, Cui Ming suddenly said: "Why do you collect so much excrement? Why do you call this excrement energy!"

Cui Ming's words stunned the people of Anqira, so much so that it accidentally made a mistake and fell directly into the 'energy'!

but! It must ask one thing clearly!

"What do you think this is?!"


Hearing Cui Ming's words, the Anqira people fell into the 'energy' in disbelief.

Then yelled: “Shit?!?!”

"That's right! You damn aliens! What are you doing stealing so much feces?!"


The Yapo people who were originally going to admire Cui Ming's surprised look were stunned.


Cui Ming was quite surprised.

But reason for surprise.

"Is this feces?! Why does it smell so weird? Wait! Damn it!!! Research department! Stop testing!!!"

It's too late!

boom! ! !

Because the energy invested in the research department was not energy at all, the experiment went wrong and exploded!

Taganura's feces are flying everywhere! ! !


Researcher Yabo shouted!

The endless excrement rushed towards them.


The people of Abo were drowned!

Now they can only swim in the sea of ​​feces! ! !

And the Anqira people on the other side.

"Ahhhhhh!!! This is shit!! This is!!! Don't you have a new energy label on it?"

Cui Ming looked at the machine and shouted: "Wrong connection! Also! I'm waiting for the artillery! What are you waiting for?"


The Anqila star was stunned.


Only then did it realize there was smoke next to it.


There are countless cannonballs coming from the sky!

"Armor-piercing mortar, I hope you like it, fellow villagers! Withdraw!!!"

Later, the Anqira people saw it.

It's the arrival of countless armor-piercing bombs

boom! ! ! !

To deal with this guy

Cui Ming doesn't care even if the city is blown up with Taghanura's feces!

Anyway, Cui Ming is not responsible for cleaning up!

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