Ultraman: It turns out this is the easy mode

Chapter 102: Hundred Thousand Super Beasts Plan

"Oh, it's really not easy. Finally, the complete upgrade is completed."

Yi Chu was very happy looking at the Death Army in front of him.

"It's really a good power, Mr. Yichu."

Captain Death is also very happy now.

Weapons have been upgraded.

After being upgraded, the blasting spikes that were originally capable of hitting 60 meters can now hit 90 meters, and can now use a small spark No. 8 level blast inside the enemy.

Ordinary super beasts may not be able to withstand the attack of the Death Army.

Of course, this is under the condition of ensuring sufficient fire support.

After all, no one knows what type of super beast the enemy will use.

"Okay, the task Xiao Cui gave me has been completed. It's up to you to take over. Pay attention to your safety."

Yi Chu looked at the soldiers of the Death Army with admiration in his eyes.

These are life-defying warriors.

"This is our job, Mr. Yichu, thank you for your help."

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's Xiao Cui's request after all~"

Cui Ming's connections are surprisingly good.

Even though Cui Ming is considered by many senior officials to have an eccentric temper, Cui Ming is a good person in every security force!

On the Kurt team, Muramatsu, Hayata and Yi Chu are all very optimistic about Cui Ming.

In the Ultra Guard, because Cui Ming brought the group back, everyone has a good impression of Cui Ming.

On the Monster Attack Team side, everyone was able to chat with Cui Ming even more because of the recommendations of Ibuki Ryuu and Go Hideki.

If Cui Ming needs it, four teams can come directly to help with just one phone call.

Team Kurt is responsible for upgrading I-Xunsi’s technology, the Monster Attack Team is responsible for providing ground assistance, Team Tucker, please give me a little help, Cui Ming is the main one anyway... Fortunately, Misato and Captain Dragon are there to support the scene... Asuka will show you the follow-up performance.

The Ultra Guard is directly responsible for preparing to explode the star.

Everyone has unique skills!

Although the Tucker team did not have any particularly outstanding performance, it was also considered to be inconsistent in terms of weapon manufacturing.

Sometimes it's useful.

However, Team Tucker will still firmly state that we have a vice-captain!

"It's time, let's start! One Hundred Thousand Super Beasts Project!"

The man of Abo picked a good day and he was ready!

Appears with purple smoke.

The super beast Gamas appears.

"Hahahahaha!!!! Go! Gamas!! Follow the plan!"

The Yabo man then took out a dozen photos of Gamas.

"Huh, let me see what you do this time? Storm One!"

"Super Beast appears! Team Tucker attacks!"

Ryugoro immediately stood up and said after receiving the news.


"Konano! Don't forget your mission! Take super beast profile photos!"


Konno replied with a smile after hearing the captain's words.

Cui Ming looked at Konye

This fat man.

Not reliable.

Then the Tuckers struck.

But because there are so many people,...

Cui Ming drove the Black Panther to the scene with Beidou Asuka, Nan Yuko and Misato.

Captain Long took Yoshimura and Noriko Mikawa and set off on the Eagle.

Imano and Yamanaka were driving armed personnel carriers.

"By the way, why didn't the deputy captain take the troop carrier this time?"

Konno gnawed on a chicken leg.

While driving, Shanzhong suddenly felt unhappy.

"Fat man! It's work! Because the Black Panther has been upgraded and is faster, it can provide some fire support, so the vice-captain went directly to take action quickly. Don't forget that the vice-captain likes to rush to the front."

"Oh, yes, but the equipment of the people in the Death Army is really cool."

Konno is really drooling over the sword equipment of the Death Army, it’s so damn cool!

Yamanaka glanced sideways at Konno through the rearview mirror.

"You really dare to say that. With your size, you are not afraid of your swordsman's equipment being damaged."

"As I said, I have exercised well, and many of them are muscles." Konno said, wiping his grease mouth and showing off his muscles.

But Yamanaka just thinks this guy is greasy.

Really, why do you want to act with this fat man?

How nice it is to act together with the deputy captain.

"I think it's fat!"

Konno felt aggrieved to hear what Yamanaka said.

"Really, Yamanaka, don't say that. By the way, your raven is really good. I can do it if I have such a weapon."

"Fat man, don't force me to whip you. If you dare to touch my raven, I will whip you to death!" Yamanaka was very calm when he said it, but the more he said it, the more it proved that Yamanaka was serious.

after all

The gun Raven is the most important companion in the mountains.

Damn this fat guy Konno dares to touch his own gun with his big oily hand, he dares to make this guy regret doing this for the rest of his life! ! ! !


Konno could only retract his hand after hearing what Yamanaka said.

"Really, I'm just curious." Konno said, looking at Yamanaka, his meaning was obvious.

I'm just taking a look!

However, the mountain does not accept this trick!

"You've got your own Tucker Heavy!"

"But men's romance is Gatling."

Konno still likes Raven

Compared with Raven, my heavy gun looks much inferior.

Woohoo, deputy captain, I want a Gatling gun too! Vice captain! ! !

At this moment, the deputy captain Cui Ming, whom Konno was thinking about, was sitting on the Black Panther with Beidou and the others.

"Deputy Captain, aren't you tired of quarreling every day like this?"

It will be normal on the Black Panther.

After all, there is Ace and Cui Ming

And Cui Ming explained helplessly: "This is a necessary measure. You also know how many monitors I have killed. They are all human beings who chose to betray their own race. Don't underestimate the greed and darkness of the human heart."

"I know" Beidou understood that Cui Ming was right.

And Asuka said at this time: "So we must be careful and must not become a burden to Cui. Anyway, it will be normal at home. If it is outside, they are all outsiders. There is no need to let them know."

Asuka said and looked at the outline of the super beast.

"That's the super beast. The terrifying monster composed of science and weirdness is really scary. I can imagine that the Yabo people may use Cui's important people to deal with Cui, such as making us into super beasts to threaten him."

"That's right, Beidou and Nan Xizi, don't underestimate the Yabo people."


Misato was adjusting her weapons and said at this time: "By the way, what abilities does the super beast have this time need to be investigated carefully. Super beasts have all kinds of abilities."

"Indeed, so the Death God Corps can't act immediately."

Cui Ming will not joke about the lives of his comrades.

As they arrived at the location of the super beast, although the Death God Corps had all arrived, they did not rush up rashly.

Instead, they waited for Cui Ming's command.

"Storm No. 1, you are here."

"How is the situation?"

"It's a unique guy. It seems that he can use shuriken to attack. His mouth can spray darts, just like a ninja."

The Death God Corps did not just watch, but collected information about the enemy and discussed which position was suitable for blasting.

After all, it is not the habit of the Death God Corps to rush forward and attack without breaking the defense.

"Then let's temporarily set it as Ninja Super Beast. Use long-range attack to test first! Captain! Did you hear me?"

"Well, then the Eagle will start attacking!"

"Understood! Yamanaka! You should also take action! Let Konno take pictures!"


Yamanaka replied and looked at Konno.

"Fatty! Action!!!"

"Oh, really, don't rush me so much, I'm taking action."

Then Konno went to a suitable position to prepare for filming.

Yamanaka joined the battle with Raven.

Of course, the Death God Corps was not idle either, they were attacking with their long-range Gatling guns.

"Fire coverage! Fire coverage! Don't give that annoying guy a chance to fight back!!!"

At this time, Gamas was actually very angry facing such a dense attack!

TM, no one is filming it! ! !

You guys should film it! ! !

Konno had not started filming because he was wiping his hands.

He looked at the super beast whose face was covered by various attacks and couldn't help but say: "Well, it's really a troublesome guy, but it doesn't matter, you will be finished soon, well. Complete the task, complete the task."

Konno took out the camera and prepared to shoot, but at this time a woman appeared and Konno was stunned.


It's the type of his first love!

Wait! That's not right! ! !

"Hey! Who are you!"

Hearing someone talking behind her, the woman was stunned for a moment, and then took out her business card.

Konno looked at the business card and said: "Well, are you Junko, a reporter from Gongzi Monthly?"


"Why did the magazine send you here?"

"Isn't this normal? I can take a picture of the super beast in an instant, and..."

Junko looked around.

"Great! Others haven't arrived yet! Exclusive news!"

Konno only reacted after hearing Junko's words!

"Wait! That's not right! You are not allowed to take pictures here casually!!"

And seeing that Konno didn't drive her away directly, Junko knew there was a play! So he said directly: "It's strange, don't you want to take pictures too?"

"We are taking pictures because we need strategic information. Who approved you to come here?"

Junko was stunned for a moment when she heard what Konno said, thinking about what she should say, and finally said directly: "You are so shameless, the press has the right to freedom!"

"It's too dangerous here! The captain's consent must be obtained!"

Konno still wanted to persuade her, mainly because this woman is like his first love, and he wants to perform well.

If Cui Ming is here, he will definitely slap her in the face or directly inject a tranquilizer into Junko's aorta.

Why are you talking so much nonsense? Force her to sleep first, and if you can't force her to sleep, just shoot her!

After all, those who can't force her to sleep are usually aliens!

And Junko looked at Konno and seemed to be easy to talk to, so she wanted to say that it was Cui Ming, the vice captain of the Tucker team, who asked her to come.


Junko calmed down instantly!

No! You can't say that Storm One asked her to come!

Junko has also read the newspaper!

For example, Storm One killed some monitor again.

Don't let Storm One think that I am a spy and destroy myself directly! ! !

"Um, I was called by your Beidou team! Yes! Beidou!"


Konno was stunned for a moment, Beidou?

Thinking about comparing Beidou with himself

Does he still have a chance?

At this time, Ryugoro's communication came.

"Konno, how is the filming going?"

"Looking for an opportunity to take a photo!!!"

Konno woke up instantly after hearing the captain's words!

Damn! There's still a mission!

And at this moment! Junko took a photo directly.

And Gamas, who felt it, breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally someone took a photo! ! ! !

Action! ! !

Then it sneaked into the negative of the photo.

And with the disappearance of Gamas, everyone stopped the fire coverage.

Cui Ming drove to scout the surroundings.

"Captain! Spray a special spray around!!"


Ryu Goro directly controlled the Eagle to spray the spray around.

This is a special spray that can make invisible thermal units appear.



"Run away?"


Cui Ming was very unhappy.

This enemy's ability is a bit special

The enemy's special ability proves that the Yabo people must have a plan!

"Is anyone injured?"



"Konno! Reply!"

"Ah? Oh! Vice Captain! I'm not injured!"

"Good, I'm fine! Check the surroundings again!"


Konno breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Cui Ming say to check the surroundings again, and then he looked at Junko and said, "Um. Did you take a photo of the Ultra Beast?"


Konno breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Junko had a photo of the Ultra Beast.

"Great, can you print a copy for me?"


When Junko heard this, she didn't think about helping, but

"Exclusive news! The Tucker team doesn't have it! How can I give it to you! I'm leaving first!!!"

"Hey! Wait a minute!!! Talk to me first!!!"

Junko was grateful that she met Konno, otherwise she would have been lying on the ground waiting for rescue two or three times.

The first time was when she came to take pictures.

If Cui Ming said that, she would immediately give him a tranquilizer or a slap.

The second time was when she said that she was called by Beidou.

Cui Ming's words would have knocked out her teeth.

How could Cui Ming not know what kind of team member Beidou was?

The third time was now

Not cooperating?

Knock her out first!

As for the strength, just leave it to fate! ! !

In short, Junko was saved by Konno.

And Konno was a little helpless.

What can I do?

If the vice-captain knew about this, he would have to train himself well!

What can I do?

That's right! Beidou! Since the person was called by Beidou, it's Beidou's problem!

Ask him to help get it over!

Then Konno immediately reported the situation.

And Ryugoro was stunned when he heard it.

Beidou called a reporter?

Are you kidding me?

Ryugoro knew very well that Beidou and Minami Yuko belonged to Ace!

Would he be so bored that he would do such a thing?

Konno, this guy

Wouldn't he be fooled?

Thinking of this, Ryugoro did not say anything, but planned to wait until he returned to the headquarters. Now it was unknown whether the super beast was around.

The Death God team also had some thoughts.

"What a terrible defense," the Death God captain said with emotion: "The most basic Gatling gun can't easily break the defense?"

"Yes. This is the super beast. Okay, continue to scout the surroundings." Cui Ming couldn't say much now, after all, he had to make sure the surroundings were safe.

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