Ultraman Fighting Evolution

Chapter 239 Vanton's Lost Property

Phoenix Nest, when Xia Long returned to the command room, his teammates were all there. Toriyama and his assistant Maru seemed to be discussing something.

"Redesign Miklas?" Xia Long was a little surprised after learning about the situation.

GUYS planned to gather the special abilities of the monsters in the archives to increase the abilities of the artificial monster Miklas. The first monster selected was the King Aire who could attack with electric current.

"When testing and analyzing the recovered Bogaru meat slices, it was found that under the attack of electric current, it would shrink extremely," Teppei explained, "If you use electric current to attack Bogaru, you may be able to defeat the opponent."

Electric current...

Thinking that Bogaru can release electric current through its tail, Xia Long was a little confused about Teppei's plan, but he didn't say much.

Perhaps just like Patton can be killed by his own toxins.

"Are the preparations going well?" Mikiyuki, who was wearing a professional suit, walked in and said, "If this test is successful, GUYS's combat effectiveness will also be improved."

Ignoring the flattering Toriyama on the side, Mikiyuki continued to say to Xia Long and others: "Moreover, to fight against the blue giant codenamed Jian, GUYS also needs to be strengthened."

"But, that blue giant may not be the enemy..." Mirai thought about it and hesitated.

"Speaking of it," Sadaharu wondered, "It's always a bit puzzling that Ultraman suddenly fought with the blue giant."

"GUYS is still studying the specific reason, and it seems to be related to Bogaru." Mikiyuki smiled and said to Toriyama, "Then, assistant officer, let's do the application test quickly!"


Looking at the figure of Miki leaving, Xia Long remembered the agreement with Jian.

Although he didn't trust him very much, Jian agreed to give it a try.

"But, Bogaru must be defeated by me!" Jian's stubborn expression was still in front of him.


Sharon fell into deep thought. With the sword, it was actually very simple to defeat Bogaru. Whether it was to lead him to the outer space or to let GUYS take out the magnetic field of the closed space, they could deal with the explosion when Bogaru died.

He vaguely remembered that in the original play, GUYS chose the latter method. He created a magnetic field barrier on an island in the Pacific Ocean, and then led Bogaru to the island to trap him, and finally successfully confined the huge explosion caused by Bogaru's death to the barrier.

Even if these two methods failed because Bogaru has become more cautious now, Xia Long actually still has a killer that has not been used, which is to consume a lot of energy to pull Bogaru into the field space and detonate.

However, the most important thing now is how to make Bogaru show up again.


Early the next morning, GUYS notified the assembly again.

"Space station?" Everyone looked at Assistant Officer Toriyama who was yawning.

"The report said that a spaceship was detected parked outside the atmosphere!" Maru explained on the side.


Sharon was slightly stunned after hearing it.

"Can the passengers confirm?" asked Sasui, putting down his coffee cup.

Maru answered before Toriyama: "Since the communication was sent in the cosmic language, the headquarters is now using the Basbes device to translate it, but it is not very easy to handle."

Hearing that it was in the cosmic language, Teppei in front of the computer quickly interrupted and said: "Can you let me listen to that communication?"

As a monster expert in GUYS, Teppei is also very knowledgeable about the cosmic language.

"The Vanton people from the universe... will land at the designated coordinates 6 hours after your planet..."

It was a very obscure cosmic dialect, and Teppei translated it with difficulty while wearing headphones, but Xia Long understood it at the beginning.

Vanton people...

Has the plot developed to this point?

Xia Long closed his eyes and recalled carefully.

He only read the first part of the plot of Mebius, and was not very clear about the rest. As for the Vanton people, he seemed to be looking for something.

"This communication was delivered about 5 hours ago," Maru said before Toriyama, "which means there is still 1 hour."

"Do you know the coordinates?" Sakumui nodded and asked.

"Yes!" Teppei called up the map, and the coordinates were finally locked on Okinawa Island, Japan.

After confirmation, Sakumui arranged Teppei to act as an interpreter and go with the future people. Xia Long remained at the base.

Knocking on the crutches, Xia Long smiled bitterly and said nothing more. He had not had time to find a doctor for a reexamination.

Moreover, he did not need to go with the Vanton people.

"Ding!" Not long after Teppei and his friends set off, Mikiyuki's head suddenly appeared on the projection screen.

"This is the picture of Mount Tsuruga captured by the GUYS space station."

As Mikiyuki conveyed the message, the picture of Bogaru swallowing a monster popped up.

"After eating a monster, he disappeared again."

The picture was fixed on Bogaru, and the swallowing looked like a demon.

"Bogaru!" In the command room, everyone looked solemn.

Xia Long noticed that the opponent's tail had recovered, and it seemed that it could heal injuries after absorbing energy.

"Also," Miki Xue continued, "Although it is not certain, after Bogaru swallowed the monster, the energy in his body did increase significantly. If this energy was detonated, a big explosion would occur."

"So Ultraman would stop the blue giant?" Mu Zhimei suddenly realized, "If it exploded..."

Miki Xue nodded and continued: "The power of the explosion is still being confirmed, but it should be quite huge."

"How could this happen?" Toriyama suddenly made a bitter face.

"That means we can't use simple attack methods." Sakumui muttered and sat down, his face solemn.

Xia Long looked at Bogaru in the picture, and his eyes moved.

The butterfly effect finally appeared.

"Does it take a lot of energy after being injured?"

Just thinking about it, Xia Long looked at Sakumui's shoulder and was suddenly stunned.


A baby King Aire with two crescent horns and black and white stripes on his body was actually stepping on Sakumui's shoulder.

"Huh?" Sakumui was thinking about Bogaru, but when he looked up, he found that everyone in the command room, including Toriyama, was staring at him straight, especially Toriyama, whose neck shrank, as if he had seen a ghost.

"What's wrong?" With a dry laugh, Sakumui turned his head to look at the strange figure on his shoulder.

He looked at Sakumui, and the baby King Aire covered his eyes in fear and called out.

Sakumui's body was tense, and he stood up carefully and laughed dryly: "Who is this?"

An hour later

"Little King Aire?"

After bringing the Vanton people back to the base, Teppei was surprised to hear about King Aire: "Is it the new meteor technology?"

"Ahem, in fact, it is..." Toriyama coughed and stared at his assistant Maru.

"The particle accelerator seems to have malfunctioned," Maru said, shrinking his body, "Maybe, it may be that a small amount of leaked polymer particle energy combined with the corresponding nanomachines to generate a little King Aire whose physical strength and other aspects are not very high..."

"Anyway, we still have to entertain the Vanton people, and the rest is up to you!" Toriyama pulled Maru over and walked out quickly.

In the command room, everyone looked at each other, and finally Po Shui broke the silence and said, "How are the Vanton people?"

"Vanton suffered a serious food crisis. The Vanton people developed a special food product 929 during their journey to find food," Zheping said after coming to his senses, "but the spacecraft broke down on the way back to the home planet, and it seems that product 929 fell to the earth..."

"Fell to the earth..."

Xia Long murmured, and couldn't help but think of the scene of the injured Bogaru hunting in front.

If the special food that can solve the food crisis of a planet really fell to the earth, Bogaru would have no reason to let it go.

"Let me go and find that product 929!" Xia Long stood up and asked Po Shui for instructions.

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