Ultrabasic evolution

Chapter 71 Sky Projection

The entire sky was transformed into a projection screen, shocking the whole world.

In bases around the world, people all raised their heads to look at the distant sky, watching this miraculous scene.

Even at the peak of human technology, there was no ability to project the entire sky as a screen.

Moreover, these images were too real, not like projections, but like the legendary mirage, but mirages were not so clear, let alone close-ups.

Most humans regarded this shocking scene as a mirage, and only a few people knew that this was not a mirage at all, but a sky projection system commonly seen in some more developed alien civilizations.

Many human mutants who have been to alien planets with more developed technology have seen this sky projection system, and their faces are somewhat uncertain.

The sky projection system is only available in advanced civilizations, and it is not something that human civilization can currently create.

The sudden appearance of the sky projection system here makes them worry whether aliens have come to this planet.

Human beings are not strong enough to fight against alien races of this level of civilization. Once alien races start a war, it is likely to be a war that destroys the family and the clan for humans.

Super bases such as Tiancheng Base, Cape Base, Wanderer Base, and God's Love Base have sent many people to find the location of the sky projection system.

They hope to find aliens, but they don't want to find aliens. Their mood is quite complicated.

"Who are those people? The place in the mirage looks so strange. Where is this?"

"Look, why is the sun blue there?"

"Why are there so many perspectives? It seems that everyone has an exclusive picture, as if they are following the filming. Can the mirage be like this?"

"What on earth is this? Who are those people?"

Most people have such doubts, and the people in the Asian God Base quickly recognized the mutations of the Lu and Xu families, and they were even more confused.

The people of the Lu and Xu families reacted very quickly and sent people to explore the vicinity of Jinshui Lake again at the fastest speed.

Soon they saw the King of the Realm Cultivation Device, but did not see Xu Tiange, Lu Qing and others. For a while, no one dared to touch the strange device.

Some people tried to approach the device. After a burst of alarms, those who tried to approach the device were directly turned into ashes after a halo burst.

People watching the images soon found that the images in the sky were just like a wilderness survival program. Everyone encountered different mutant creatures in that dangerous place.

What made them feel incredible was that they had never seen the mutant creatures there, and in just a few hours, several different mutant creatures appeared in different places.

"My God, is that a mutant crystal base? It's so scary!"

"Why is that mutant running so slowly? Is he really a mutant?"

"Two people are dead!"


Bai Shenfei was also looking at the images in the sky, with a very complicated look.

She knew where that place was because she had been there herself, but she never thought that the place would be projected.

"Those old guys should be in a headache now, right?" Bai Shenfei seemed to have thought of something, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Bai Shenfei's eyes fell on a familiar figure in the image, and she couldn't help but frowned: "Why is he there?"

In the Xuanniao base, the faces of the senior executives of the Lin, Wang, and Qi families were not very good.

Qi and Wang families originally thought that it was a secret exclusive to them, and only they who mastered the Xuanniao could enter that mysterious place.

In the future, all the genetic resources there will be theirs. They can use the resources there to develop and expand their own family. After a few decades, they can develop into a large family like the super base, and may even become the top family.

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Now not only have other people entered that mysterious place, but they have also been projected out of the void, which makes them both afraid and disappointed and angry.

Lin Miao is worried about Lin Shen's safety. He doesn't know why Lin Shen is in that place. The genetic creatures there are too scary.

Lin Shen and his companions temporarily found a small forest to hide. This small forest is very close to the beach and the area is not large. They are just hiding temporarily.

"Old Wei, didn't you say that you have used the teleportation device many times and visited many planets? How come you can't even recognize the teleportation device?" Lin Shen pulled Wei Wufu aside and asked him in a low voice.

"The device is different." Wei Wufu shook his head.

Lin Shen thought so too, so he asked again: "Have you heard of the words King Kai Cultivation Device and Observer?"

Wei Wufu continued to shake his head, obviously it was the first time he heard of it.

Lin Shen was a little helpless. Even Wei Wufu didn't know anything about it. It was difficult to figure out the origin of the King Kai Cultivation Device.

Of course, Lin Shen didn't care what the King Kai Cultivation Device was. No matter what the name was, it was just a teleportation device.

He mainly wanted to know who the so-called observer was.

From the known clues, the King Kai Cultivation Device should have come from an alien planet.

However, Lin Shen had learned from Tian Xin that space travel requires a spaceship, and it is impossible for a single instrument to cross the void.

They only saw the King Kai Cultivation Device, so there are two possibilities.

One possibility is that the spaceship has come near their planet, and the King Kai Cultivation Device was placed by them.

Then the so-called observers should be the aliens in the spaceship. They use this to observe humans, and they must have some intentions.

But there is another possibility, maybe the spaceship that transported the King Kai Cultivation Device had a problem, and the device happened to fall on their planet, just like the transport warehouses that transported the original eggs more than two hundred years ago.

If that is the case, there will be no observers, so where will the King Kai Cultivation Device synchronize their images?

Lin Shen guessed that it is very likely that it will only be played on the device, and few people should be able to see it.

Lin Shen obviously underestimated the ability of the King Kai Cultivation Device. He didn't know that they were being watched by humans all over the world.

Coming to this planet again, Lin Shen is still quite confident that he can survive successfully.

Because after coming to this planet again, he quickly adapted to the gravity here.

And it's not just as simple as adapting. The theory of evolution took effect again in the gravity environment, allowing Lin Shen's body to be strengthened and mutated, and further become stronger.

Under the baptism of the gravity environment, Lin Shen clearly felt that his bone density and strength were increasing with the flow of evolution.

Of course, there were also three times of sensing the sacrifice +1 prompt, which also let Lin Shen know that three of the people who were sent here with them should be dead now.

With the experience of the last time, Lin Shen already knew how to use the fire ability of offering sacrifices to the sky, hiding the halo obtained after offering sacrifices.

Of course, the most powerful killer is the fat boy who sleeps the sweetest in the backpack.

Now Lin Shen's ability to survive is much stronger than when he came last time.

Xu Tiange and Lu Qing are both alloy-level, and they have crystal-based pets on them, but in this place, they still decided to follow Lin Shen and follow his lead.

"Brother Shen, there are base-mutated creatures coming out of the sea." Xu Tiange, who was responsible for looking out, quietly slipped back and said in a low voice.

Several people moved towards the edge of the grove, hid behind the grass and looked towards the beach. Sure enough, they saw a genetically modified creature walking out of the sea.

"Fuck, what kind of genetically modified creature is that!"

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