Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 418: Council

The door was opened.

Two long figures stretched by the lights walked slowly into Le, a room shrouded in darkness. When the only door that was emitting light toward the room was closed, two old voices sounded one after another.

"The first bishop Alto, apply for a link to the council."

"Seventh Bishop Krico, apply for a link to the council."

As the voice fell, a little light suddenly appeared in front of the two old men. In a blink of an eye, a line of light was drawn in the void. The gleaming rays of light form blocks each other, drawing beautiful patterns in the void like a paintbrush in the hands of a master artist. Immediately after a dazzling light lit up, the two bishops' eyes turned white, and the dazzling red quickly occupied their sights.

After bishop Alto rubbed his eyes and adjusted to the red curtains for a while, he turned his head and looked at the seventh bishop, who also seemed a little uncomfortable, and said: "Although this holographic instant messaging technology allows the council to proceed regardless of distance and time difference, The technology has to be improved a bit!"

The seventh bishop, who rubbed his eyes, nodded silently. After all, this technology is a new technology exchanged by the G ship group. For a time, the church's research institutions have not fully understood it, so it is inevitable that there will be some inconveniences in comfort. adapt.

"Yo! Our esteemed first bishop Alto, long time no see! I recently heard that you did a good job at the ship group. I believe it will add new strength to our church soon, right?" Suddenly, his voice rang behind them.

After hearing this voice, Alto frowned slightly, turned around and looked at it without moving a look, and said faintly: "Long time no see! Third Bishop Fix. Recently you seem to have some trouble, I don't know you need me. Help? After all, everyone is a member of the church, and solidarity and mutual assistance are our strong foundation."

Originally, after receiving information that was extremely unfavorable to the first bishop, he was dumb when he wanted to use this to give the first bishop a good-looking third bishop Fickston. His own troubles were not simpler than those encountered by the first bishop, or even more complicated and tricky. What's more, the goddess that the church has pursued for a long time now appears in the ship regiment under the charge of the first bishop. Therefore, no matter how much trouble the first bishop is in, it will not be a great contribution to stabilizing the goddess. Therefore, the third bishop, who was eager to sarcasm his opponent, could only suffer a dumb loss.

The third bishop laughed and said pretendingly: "Where? Where is the trivial matter worthy of the first bishop. If you know these things, I can't handle them well. I can't sit still at the position of the third bishop!"

Bishop Alto curled his mouth slightly and said seriously: "It is rare that the third bishop has such a fighting spirit. Let it be! As long as you speak, no matter what the difficulty is, I will help!"

"Old fox! If it wasn't for those short-lived ghosts wearing light bulbs to do something, it's your turn to say something?!" The third bishop cursed secretly, nodded with a smile, and then said dryly. After speaking, he hurriedly left from Bishop Alto.

The seventh bishop who had been on the sidelines watched the third bishop who had stolen the rice and ran away griefly, muttered secretly and looked up at the surroundings. This is a conference room decorated by red piping curtains. On eight evenly distributed pillars, there are eight headlights emitting soft light. The light of the headlights clearly illuminated the long conference table in the middle of the room.

Before the two of them arrived, five people had gathered in this room. Almost from the first bishop Alto to his seventh bishop, they were all at this moment. Those who haven't been there are two princes and an archbishop who is more than ten thousand people.

Now he is on one side with the first bishop. The third bishop, who was repelled by the soft nail of the first bishop just now, has just joined the small circle of the second and fifth bishops to participate in the topic of the two. See how they turn their eyes here from time to time. The so-called topic is probably related to the first bishop Alto.

The fourth and sixth bishops sat aside, closed their eyes and rested, and did not take the initiative to provoke others, and did not give others a chance to come forward. But he knew that these two bishops were generally in a neutral position, and the two were not helping each other.

"It's still the same." The Seventh Bishop observed a little, and said with a little peace of mind. After the seventh bishop looked at the time, he knew that the people they were waiting for were about to arrive. He quickly sat on a chair beside him, waiting for the visitors.

"Sit! Time is almost!" Bishop Alto said lightly.

Not long after Bishop Alto sat down, a bell rang. Two old men wearing red gold-rimmed robes walked in through the open gate, pushing a wheelchair from left to right.

"The two left and right princes actually pushed the archbishop out at the same time?" After seeing the two princes together pushing the archbishop out of the field, his mind began to become active.

The two privy bishops slowly pushed the wheelchair carrying the archbishop into the master seat at the end of the long table. A sound of mechanism sounded, and the fixing mechanism protruding from under the long table quickly fixed the archbishop's wheelchair and raised it to a height where the entire long table could be seen clearly. After all this was done, the two privy bishops sat next to the archbishop one by one.

The old archbishop did not speak for the first time, but slowly looked at all the bishops present with his muddy eyes, starting with the first bishop Alto and ending with the seventh bishop Kricho. The seven bishops were all examined in detail by the archbishop. Even if the archbishop who has ruled the entire goddess religion for fifty years is now old, his aura can still bring an inexplicable pressure to all the seven high-ranking bishops who are on one side.

Just when many bishops were about to show a different color, the archbishop closed his eyes, hummed and stopped speaking. After the left and right privy bishops looked at each other, the right bishop announced the start of the routine council.

From the first bishop Alto began reporting, to the seventh bishop Krico finished reporting. No matter how cumbersome the affairs are, the elderly archbishop listened very carefully, and raised questions and opinions from time to time. After some reports, the archbishop fell silent again.

"After the report is over, it will disperse." The archbishop slowly said.

Unexpectedly, the seventh bishop, who didn't expect the routine council to end this time, couldn't help blinking, revealing a look of doubt. At this moment, a voice rang.

"Master Archbishop. I have something to report!" First Bishop Alto suddenly stood up and said.


"Yes. The next report is about the ship group I am responsible for..." In the loud report of Bishop Alto, he revealed Lin Mingmei's public identity in the No. 25 ship group, and suddenly there was a riot of the Zenith Stars. Then, all the conjectures he reached were fully described one by one. After Bishop Alto finished his report, the conference room fell silent again.

"Alice's dream? Left Privy Cardinal." The archbishop groaned, then looked at the Left Privy Cardinal and said.

The left privy bishop nodded, immediately called up an interface from the watch, and quickly searched it. From beginning to end, the seventh bishop, who has been acting as a bystander, seemed to see the faint unnatural color on the second bishop's face.

"Is it him?" The seventh bishop secretly guessed. Immediately, he turned his gaze to the first bishop who had a better relationship with him, and saw that the bishop Alto looked indifferent, and he didn't care about the results of the search by the privy left. It was as if he had reported something that didn't matter to him.

Suddenly, the left privy bishop paused, raising his head to look at the archbishop, revealing a questioning gaze.

"Say!" the archbishop said lightly.

The left privy bishop who got permission said without hesitation: "Yes! Alice’s dream was successfully developed forty years ago. It was sealed for some reason. Recently, someone from the church on the grounds of research. Extracted from the warehouse. The extraction time was before the riot mentioned by the first bishop Alto, and the time gap was one month. Extracted by: the fifth bishop, Perlock."

Following the announcement of the left privy bishop, all eyes immediately focused on the fifth bishop. I saw an unbelievable expression on the Fifth Bishop's face, his eyes showed trepidation, his mouth opened, as if he wanted to explain something, but he couldn't find any reason.

"The fifth bishop, why?" the archbishop asked.

When the sweat that was quickly excreted from panic and restlessness spread all over his forehead, face, and was about to spread to his eyes, the Fifth Bishop confessed his fault.

"With immediate effect, Pelok's fifth bishop's position will be dismissed and demoted to a common congregation. The GALAXY fleet under the charge of the fifth bishop will be handed over to the first bishop Alto. This is the end of this routine council. The meeting is dismissed!" After announcing the order quickly, the holographic instant messaging was suspended with the highest authority. The speed is so fast that everyone can't expect it.

After returning to the room shrouded in darkness, the seventh bishop blinked and smiled blankly and said: "This routine council is the shortest meeting I have ever attended."

"He is scared!" Bishop Alto said lightly.


Bishop Alto just chuckled, stopped speaking, patted the seventh Bishop on the shoulder, then opened the door and walked out. He doesn't need to be too clear. With this riot, he was supposed to seek some profit and put a nice scar on his opponent. But Alto didn't expect that the archbishop would give him another ship group, the church forces of the GALAXY ship group so happily. As a result, his power swelled sharply and quickly climbed to a position where he could compete with the left and right privy bishops.

However, the greater the benefit, the greater the risk. The same person who came from that era, Bishop Alto knew who the most feared enemy in the archbishop's heart was. This time the archbishop is so refreshing. I am afraid that Alice’s dream is that the archbishop appeared on his territory under the secret operation, in order to try to kill the man without revealing his own situation. But the actual result was a failure. However, this task was thrown on his head by the archbishop.

"Oh! It's a bit difficult now!"

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