Ultimate Weapon of Magic and Science

Chapter 263: Twenty-three. A new starting point (3)

ps: dear! Help vote to promote! Update the next time tomorrow morning! The brother with the monthly ticket! Support it!

"Dare to ask Matthias Qing, Qing said with conclusive evidence that Roland Dalk committed fraud and injury. There is no doubt about it. Where is the evidence of the allegations? Was it provided by the victim? In addition to oral In addition to the allegations and explanations, can Qing provide witnesses, testimonies, and exhibits that satisfy all present to prove what Qing said?"

Appreciating the many expression changes, Li Lin's mouth just raised a little arc.

Fast, who was still open his teeth and dancing claws a second ago, suddenly opened his mouth and couldn't say a word.

witness? testimony? evidence?

Let’s not talk about whether Stasi and the police will cooperate, and hand over the original report of the child’s fight to the well-known tyrannical anti-Li Lin. The lack of roots, Fast, never thought of preparing evidence. , Witnesses, exhibits, but also to arrange confessions, liaison, and purchase matters. He just confidently pressed all the treasures on the elves' citizens' strong aversion to humans.

Irresponsible, short-sighted, and useless except for the status conferred by the family lineage, the standard third-rate politician-Fast von Matthias.

Once nationalist sentiment is incited, it is indeed possible to form a huge force in a short period of time, and if properly applied, it can indeed achieve some staged indicators.

However, Fast's approach is too superficial and awkward, and it is really a silly and naive guy.

He was full of joy and thought that Li Lin's image among the citizens was on the verge of bankruptcy, like an illusory paper house made out of playing cards. Just push it a little more and the rotten house will fall to the ground.

Just fan the wind. A little fire can completely knock Li Lin and his minions down to the ground. This is indeed a good deal for everyone, but there is a premise that Fast and conservative colleagues gave a gorgeous disregard.

The people are not always stupid. When things involve their own interests, the cute people become extremely realistic and smart.

Human beings are indeed an abomination and abomination to them, but the threat that a child can pose to them is very limited at the moment, and everyone's intention is to express their concerns and vent their dissatisfaction with the adoption of human children. Compared to the endless entanglement in this matter. Increasing income and improving the quality of life are more worthy of their attention.

In this matter, Li Lin has been doing very well. Yalfheim is a pocket-sized country with a zero unemployment rate that is the only one in the world. Over 90% of the citizens are satisfied with their living conditions and have a strong sense of identity with the government. Even if there is dissatisfaction, through open, effective and transparent channels, the voice of the grassroots can always be quickly transmitted to Li Lin's desk, and then the governing officer will instruct the functional department to deal with the difficulties and contradictions of the citizens.

There is no poverty caused by the high unemployment rate and a large number of unemployed people who wander the streets. The people are full of expectations for life and the future, rather than on the verge of dissatisfaction and patience, and the government's ability to control has not been lost to the point where it must follow the mob politics to continue its existence. There was no chance to realize the stupid idea of ​​[easily taking Li Lin down from office].

"Secretary Matthias, please show the evidence you hold as soon as possible to confirm your allegations. We are not in a court that strictly investigates and accepts cases according to legal procedures, and is not a lawyer in charge of defense, nor is it a prosecution agency. But After all, here is the sacred council building. It is a question hearing that accepts public opinion. As the authority to bear the responsibility of governing the country and all the people, we have more reasons to think with calm evidence after using real witnesses, and then be cautious Make speeches and actions?"


Fast, who gritted his molars, sat back in his position, his face ugly like a dead man. As the whispers of the fan-shaped ladder-shaped audience seats indistinguishable from the content became louder, cold sweat kept dropping from the young head of the Matthias family.

"Quiet! Quiet!"

Speaker Ernst had to speak out again to maintain order. The old speaker regretted it at this time. When designing the Great Hall, he should have required a wooden mallet or something that could make a loud noise on the table of the speaker’s table. In the current situation, you can come with a few hammers instead of hanging your throat... …

Pity glanced at Fast, sighing faintly in his heart, and his solemn, mean eyes firmly grasped the humble young man.

"Li Linqing, Matthias Qing is based on the public opinion of the general public, and then expressed his opinion, even if he can't come up with strong evidence at one time. Those complaints and admonitions that can be stacked on Qing's desk It's not made up out of thin air. The people's heartfelt cry from those things, please don't forget this."

The old fox speaker shook his white tail, put Li Lin on the opposite side of the people lightly, and after slow realization of this, his party leaders were excited again, and the gray face was re-infused with blood.

Indeed, conservatives alone are not easy to defeat Li Lin. In the same way, Li Lin wants to persuade every citizen of Alfheim who holds a distrustful and skeptical view of mankind to be equally difficult, even more so than the conservatives to persuade citizens to overthrow Li Lin. As long as Li Lin's protection of Roland has not changed, the public's resentment on this matter will not change in any way~www.wuxiaspot.com~The overall advantage remains on their side.

Red eyes looked at Fast, who was clamoring again, and the irritated Thierry family chief, Traud von Thierry. Li Lin, who switched to lawyer mode, made a lukewarm comment.

Unclear about the situation, and some inexplicable confidence——

No malicious, cold, objective comments.

As a military artificial life body, in his 7-year-old course, there are detailed judicial professor courses, the official judicial interpretation of various legal provisions, defense, extended use, debate... and other detailed knowledge of the judicial field. This is really a very strange miracle, but the Institute's legal advisers and lawyer team insisted on doing so. The reason is that when some human rights organizations that are full and have nothing to do file judicial proceedings on the human rights of military artificial life, a person can fully explain the legal provisions, and can explain in detail their own legal definitions, legal representatives, etc. Artificial life can completely hit the faces of those groups...

In front of the lawyer Li Lin, who is famous for her fierce style and perseverance in action, is a group of third-rate politicians who do not understand the law, politics, and public psychology. Paper tiger.

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