Chapter 9

After hearing the task issued by the system, Xiao Tian no longer hesitated and took out the control watch head and the Ultimate Time King watch


Seeing Xiao Tian's watch, Black Woz was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Xiao Tian was also a Kamen Rider. It doesn't matter. No Kamen Rider can be a match for Oma Zi-O. Oma Zi-O is the strongest.

As Xiao Tian's transformation process progressed, an invisible voice sounded.

"Time Drive!"

"Ultimate Zi-O!"

A huge fiery red clock appeared behind Xiao Tian. Black Wozniacki glared at Xiao Tian as if he had seen a ghost.

"Ultimate Zi-O?!"

What is Ultimate Zi-O? Isn't there only one Zi-O? How can there be another Zi-O?

Black Woz was dumbfounded. He wanted to train Oma Zi-O, the only Zi-O in the world. Now he was confused and his mind was blank.

Not only Black Woz, but even Tsukuyomi was stunned. She only now knew that Xiao Tian could transform into Kamen Rider, and it was a Zi-O she had never heard of.

She now doubted whether she had come to the wrong time and space. If there was another Zi-O, they in the future could not have not heard of it, but they really had not heard of the existence of this Zi-O now.

"Xiao Tian...."

Tsukuyomi muttered stupidly, looking at Xiao Tian in shock as he transformed into the fiery red Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O. This Kamen Rider's look is so cool!...

Tokiwa Shingo turned around and looked at the fiery red Kamen Rider who appeared behind him, and smiled slightly,"Let's fight together, Brother Tian!""

"You don’t even need to tell me, Ultimate Sword!"

A long sword appeared in mid-air, and Ultimate Zi-O grabbed it and strode towards the Monster Build Knight. The Monster Build Knight attacked Ultimate Zi-O at the same time, and the scene immediately fell into a melee.

"Final Moment! Flame Phoenix Fist!"

"The moment of finality!"

Ultimate Zi-O and Zi-O used their special moves at the same time, and the monsters Foundry were cut down one after another, disappearing with explosions.

"Well done!"

The two Zi-Os high-fived each other, showing great tacit understanding.

"It seems that history has not been changed."

A figure slowly walked towards them.


Xiao Tian cursed in his heart, why is it this plague god again? Gates' strength is in the silver stage, and Tokiwa Shingo has just transformed into Zi-O, and his strength is also in Bronze IV, and his overall attributes are weaker than him.

Can two bronzes beat a silver? I haven't tried it, so it's hard to say. There is no way, I can only try the silver-level Kamen Rider first, how strong is it?

"Why are you so persistent? Can't you just let me go?"

Shingo Tokiwa was in despair. This person was really targeting him like the god of death.

"I'm sorry, you are Oma Zi-O, I can only cut off your path here"

"Gates, transform!"

"Kamen Rider Gates!"

Gates transformed into Kamen Rider while walking, his movements were quite cool. After becoming Kamen Rider, he did not stop, but took out another watch and put it into the watch head.

"Spirit Rider, armor time!"

A set of armor formed in mid-air and equipped on Gates

"Silver three!"

On the virtual attribute panel, as Gates' attribute values were equipped with the Spirit Rider Armor, they rose sharply. Damn it, Xiao Tian cursed in his heart. He knew that equipping the armor would increase his strength, but it didn't have to be so obvious.

"Who are you? You'd better not interfere with my battle, or I'll kill you too."

Gates looked at Ultimate Zi-O with cold eyes. He had never seen this Kamen Rider before, but his initial judgment was that he should be Oma Zi-O's teammate. Oma Zi-O, he was determined to kill him.

"Sorry Gates, you can't kill him yet"

"Bullshit, Oma Zi-O must die! Haha!"

Gates roared, and the Spirit Rider Armor flew out automatically, attacking the two. Gates strode towards Zi-O (transformed by Tokiwa Shingo), and Ultimate Zi-O was entangled by the attack of the Spirit Rider Armor and could not get away for a while.

"Damn it, it's just an armor attack, is it so difficult?"

The Spirit Rider Armor floated in the air like a mini robot and entangled with the Ultimate Zi-O. The power and speed of the attack were not inferior to him.

Zi-O on the other side was no match for Gates and was beaten by him.

"Brother Tian, save me!"

Tokiwa Shingo was beaten and wailed, and quickly asked Xiao Tian for help.

Damn it, there is no way.

"Final Moment! Flame Phoenix Fist!"

Ultimate Zi-O used the Flame Phoenix Fist to break through the Spirit Knight's armor and rushed straight to Gates

"court death!"

"The final moment! Omega Time Blast!"

Gates flew into the air, flames condensed from his feet, and kicked at the Ultimate Zi-O. Just when the two were about to collide, the white Time Devil Machine suddenly appeared and blocked the two. The

Ultimate Zi-O punched the Time Devil Machine and it bounced back, and so did Gates.

Gates was stunned for a moment,"Tsukuyomi, what are you doing!" Tsukuyomi ignored

Gates, and hurriedly said to Xiao Tian:"Xiao Tian, take Tokiwa Shingo away quickly, I'll block Gates!"

Xiao Tian smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that he had to rely on the power of a woman. A woman should hide behind a man. Everything was because his current strength was not strong enough.

"I understand."

Tsukuyomi and Gates are friends and in the same camp. Xiao Tian is not worried that Gates will hurt Tsukuyomi. If it were an enemy, Xiao Tian would never leave.

Ultimate Zi-O came to Zi-O and turned his watch. The word"motorcycle" was displayed on it. Ultimate Zi-O threw it down and a cool motorcycle appeared.

Tokiwa Shingo looked at the motorcycle that appeared in the air in surprise. He could do this with his aiming.



Zi-O drove away on a motorcycle that caught fire, and the Ultimate Zi-O immediately summoned a motorcycle to follow him.

"I won't let you get away!"

Gates dodged the attack of the White Time Devil Machine and seized the opportunity to summon a motorcycle to chase after it.

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