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Jiachen rushed to Tsukuyomi in the blink of an eye and punched her in the face.

This punch would probably disfigure her.

""Get lost!"

Xiao Tian shouted angrily, and the Ultimate Zi-O kicked him in the waist.


Jiachen flew backwards, rubbing the ground and rolling several times, then he turned over and half-knelt on the ground, rubbing the ground and stopped, his eyes fixed on the Ultimate Zi-O.

"You're getting in the way, you're looking for death!"

"Stop it!!!"

Just as Jiachen was about to rush out, Tokiwa Sougo stood in front of him, blocking his way.

"Please move aside, Your Majesty, this is your order."

"My orders?"

"That's right, so please don't get in the way."

Kachen pushed Tokiwa Sougo aside and strode towards the Ultimate Zi-O


On the other side, the Great Demon Machine in the city was wreaking havoc, and people were fleeing in panic.

The government sent a large number of troops to carry out a siege attack. The sky was full of flying fighters and helicopters, and the attacking troops could be seen everywhere on the ground.

However, their attacks had no effect on the Great Demon Machine. The Great Demon Machine launched a counterattack, and the government army suffered heavy casualties.

Time suddenly stopped, and the flying fighter planes were fixed in mid-air, and the movement of the Great Demon Machine was also fixed in place.

On the roof of a tall building not far from the Great Demon Machine, the Time Robbers Ur and Swartz were looking at the Great Demon Machine, and their faces were not very good.

Ur:"Hey, what do you think? Does that guy Oma Zi-O really intend to destroy the whole world?"

Swartz said coldly:"It is indeed earlier than the original history. Is it because of our intervention with the Ultimate Zi-O that the Day of the Demon has been advanced?"

"The Zi-O in 2018 is still young, but once he becomes king, he will not be a character we can deal with."

"It's not just Oma Zi-O. There is a character we can't deal with now. The Ultimate Zi-O is extremely powerful.……"

Before Swartz finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly sounded in their ears.:

"Am I the character you can deal with?"


A young man in formal clothes appeared and walked over calmly, holding a camera.

"Kazushi Kadoya, it's you."

Swartz showed his signature smile.

This man is indeed difficult to deal with.

Throughout history, many powerful monsters have appeared.

Kazushi Kadoya picked up the camera and casually took a picture of the Great Demon Machine, saying coldly::

"Are those all the work of Oma Zi-O? He is such a complete bastard. Will the world be completely over once he makes a move?"

Swartz glanced at the Great Demon Machine and replied:"It's not that easy."

Kamen Rider Kadoya glanced at the photos he had taken and found that they were really ugly, but he was too lazy to take more photos.

"What would happen if I could defeat Tokiwa Sougo?"

"Of course, the worst can be avoided."

"Really? Then everything is easy."

"What, are you planning on taking action?"

"Of course, how can I not participate in such an interesting thing?"

Kadoya Shi took out the transformation device, and his mouth curled up. Xiao Tian, that guy, will also participate.


Another hotel building, on the top floor.

Two top beauties, full of life, were sitting by the window, revealing their fair legs, looking at the big demon machine outside the window, sipping coffee leisurely.

One of them was Aura, and the other was Kadoya Saya.

"Really? Oma Zi-O is so powerful, but my brother is also very powerful, and there is also Ultimate Zi-O, who is also very powerful."

Listening to Aura's story about Oma Zi-O, Kadokaya Sayo smiled slightly and took a sip of coffee, very elegant.

Aura looked a little worried and said:"You have not truly experienced the horror of Oma Zi-O. When you experience it yourself, you will know how terrible Oma Zi-O is. Although Ultimate Zi-O and Decade are very strong, I don't think they will be Oma Zi-O's opponents."

"Even joining forces won't work!"

Kadokawa Saya said with a smile:"Don't be so unconfident, Aura, how about we make a bet, I say Ultimate Zi-O can defeat Oma Zi-O, do you dare to bet?"

"What to bet on?"

"Well, what are you betting on?……"

Kadokaya Saya took another sip of coffee, thought about it seriously, and then said with a sly smile:"Whoever loses will go and kiss Brother Xiao Tian, how about that?" Aola just took a sip of coffee and almost spit it all out, so he forced himself to swallow it.

"Isn't this a bargain for that guy? Also, if he loses to Oma Zi-O and gets beaten to death, then you're going to kiss his corpse?"

Aura rolled her eyes. Although she knew that she had some feelings for Xiao Tian, she couldn't play it like this.

If she had known, she wouldn't have told her about Xiao Tian. Ever since Ultimate Zi-O defeated Decade, he's been like a little fangirl. He always thought of Xiao Tian for any good thing, and now he wants to get her involved too.

"Kiss the corpse, I'm not afraid! Sister Aura, are you afraid? Don't dare to bet?"

Aura was immediately angry,"Oh, you little sister, you are still playing tricks, right? Bet, just wait to kiss the corpse, I will set the time first, it has to wait until the day of the devil, when Zi-O becomes the Oma Zi-O, this bet will take effect, not the current Zi-O."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading-collect

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