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The time-space tunnel unfolds, and the Ultimate Time Magic Machine comes out.

Due to the changes in history in 2015, Meijia's memory has also changed.

She has known Xiao Tian for three years since she met him in 2015.

Xiao Tian saved her brother and is a hero in her mind. She has always been looking forward to meeting Xiao Tian again and thanking him once and for all, but she has not seen Xiao Tian again in three years.

Until today, they officially met.

Meijia's original three years of painful memories have disappeared, replaced by three years of looking forward to seeing Xiao Tian again.

"Thank you, Brother Xiao Tian..."


Hearing that he changed from Xiao Tian's brother to Xiao Tian's elder brother, he knew that Mei Jia's memory had changed from the changes in history. The current Mei Jia was no longer the Mei Jia in 2018 who lost her brother, but the Mei Jia who evolved after he saved her brother.

"You're welcome. Don't be so polite to me. How is your brother?"

"Well, he is doing well. He is still working at the original police station. He really wants to see you again to express his apology for what he did to you three years ago."

"Really? In 2015, he was very mean to me."Xiao Tian joked.

Xiao Tian was quite impressed. Time is so unpredictable. He just passed through a tunnel, but for others, three years had passed in a flash.

"Brother Xiao Tian, do you know?...I miss you..."

The flying Ultimate Time Demon Machine shook, and Xiao Tian was startled.

"Huh ?"

Didn't her brother ask her to be on guard against him? How dare she say such a thing?...I feel so good. Hahaha. I feel a little bit dizzy....

"I have been looking for you for three years. I want to say thank you to you. You are a great benefactor of our family. Can you come to my house for a meal? I want to cook a meal for you...."

Meijia blushed slightly, she felt a little shy when she said this

"Okay, then I'll go to your house."

You bastard who doesn't eat when you have food."

At Meijia's house, the table was full of food, and Xiao Tian was drooling at the sight. His cooking skills were too good.

"Come, eat."

Meijia served Xiao Tian a bowl of rice like a virtuous wife, smiling.

Xiao Tian was not polite and took it and started eating.

It must be said that Meijia's cooking skills are really amazing. The food she cooked is delicious!

"Where's your brother? Hasn't he come back yet?"

"He doesn't live with me. We each have our own house. He occasionally comes over to eat with me. I sometimes prepare his lunch box for work."

"So, they are really rich."

There are many people and little land in the island country, but the brother and sister each have their own house. Why would they go to work if they are so rich?

Bang bang bang...

There was a knock on the door and her brother's voice calling out.

"Meijia, are you home?"

Speaking of the devil, the devil appears.

Meijia went to open the door, and her brother Meijia, wearing a police uniform, walked in.

"It smells so good, are there guests at home?"

When Meijia came in, she saw Xiao Tian wolfing down his food, and was startled.

When did Meijia...

Has she brought Xiao Tian to live at home without telling him?

This sister is really good, she's quick enough, hahaha

"It's Xiao Tian! When did you come? I've been missing you for a long time!"

Brother Meijia took off his hat and walked up with a smile.

Xiao Tian laughed in his heart. Things are unpredictable. When her brother called him a pig's hoof, it just happened.

But for them, it was three years ago.

The ability to travel through time and space is really abnormal.

For Xiao Tian, they just met, but for Meijia and the others, it has been three years since they last met.

"I have been asking for your news, but I only found you recently. I have always felt sorry for what happened three years ago. I hope you don't hold it in your heart, hahaha." Meijia's brother laughed heartily.

"No, you don't need to care."

"If you hadn't saved me three years ago, I don't know what I would be like now. Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome, it's just a small favor. Also, the food your sister cooked is delicious."

Xiao Tian gestured and continued to eat with his chopsticks.

"I heard that you are renting a house in the clock hall now. Is it true? If you don’t have a house to live in, you can come and live with Meijia. Meijia’s house has many rooms. Don’t worry, we don’t charge rent."


Xiao Tian almost vomited the meal he had just eaten. What the hell is this? In 2015, he was still guarding against him like a ghost, not letting him get too close to his sister. How come there is such a big change just after he came back in 2018?

He thought this brother-in-law was difficult to deal with, how come he suddenly got through without any obstacles?

""Brother! What are you talking about!"

Meijia blushed and cursed in a low voice

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm here to make the decision for you. It was my fault for not supporting you three years ago, but isn't it the greatest kindness to correct your mistakes? It's your business, I support you! I support you! Hahahaha..."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download

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