Chapter 11

On the road where the battle took place before.

A young man with long flowing hair was jumping around a fainted man. He was the young man who created the Monster Build.

The fainted man was the basketball man who became the Monster Build. He had been defeated by Zi-O and turned back to his original appearance.

This young man with long flowing hair was a member of the Time Robber team, named Ur.

"Has Zi-O been born? Or are there two Zi-Os? What's going on? Never mind. The current situation is a little different from what was expected, but it's basically the same."

Ull said to himself, tapping the fainted man's forehead. The fainted man stood up like a zombie, and Ur took out the watch that he had stuffed into his body from behind.

Ur restarted the watch and stuffed it back into the fainted man's body. The man woke up and transformed into a monster Foundry again.

"Continue your path to dominance, Chuangqi."

Ur stroked Chuangqi's head as if he were stroking a pet, and then disappeared.


The monster roared twice, strode forward, and continued to kill the citizens in the city.

When the monster was killing the citizens, Gates and Tsukuyomi happened to pass by.

"It was that guy just now, why, wasn’t he defeated by Zi-O?!"Tsukuyomi frowned slightly, she saw Soki being killed with her own eyes, how could there be another one?

"It's an alien knight. It seems that the Time Robber has appeared in this era. Never mind. We have our own things to do."



" Ah...

"Alas, there is nothing I can do."

Gates took out his watch, started it, and inserted it into the driving console.

"Gates, transform!"

"Knight's hour, Kamen Rider Gates!"

Gates, transformed into Kamen Rider, rushed up to fight with the monster Foundry.

On the other side,

Black Woz was still questioning Xiao Tian's identity,"You shouldn't be here, how could there be a second Zi-O? This is impossible......."

"Don't worry about this question. You just need to know one thing. My goal is the same as yours, which is to help Sougo transform into Oma Zi-O."


Black Woz raised his eyebrows. This news surprised him, but it was good news. As long as they had a common goal, they would be friends.

As for Xiao Tian's identity, he would slowly investigate it. Woz decided to put this issue aside for the time being.

"Oh, I forgot to mention that the guys you defeated earlier were alien creation riders."

Xiao Tian nodded,"Alien creation riders, they are the ones created by the time robbers you just mentioned, it doesn't matter, I will kill them one by one if they appear."

"Sorry, to be precise, it should be called Kamen Rider Foundry. The Time Robbers changed part of history, and now that guy is Foundry. By the way, you two Zi-Os can't defeat Foundry either, because the current Foundry is endless."

Xiao Tian smiled indifferently,"Not necessarily. If I'm not mistaken, this monster Foundry should have been born in 2017. Now is 2018. As long as we go back to 2017 and get rid of the original Foundry, he'll be finished."

Black Woz raised the corner of his mouth, put away"The History of the Advent of Demons", and his body slowly disappeared,"You are really smart, Zi-O, I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation."......

"Ending moment! Time explosion!"

Kamen Rider Gates used another ultimate move to kill a monster Soka. Gates fell to his knees, breathing heavily. He has killed more than a dozen Sokas in a row, and his energy has been almost consumed.


The cold voice sounded again, and another Creation Rider appeared from the corner.

"What on earth is going on? Why is it never-ending?"


The Monster Build Knight charged and threw a light bullet. Gates, whose energy was almost exhausted, had no way to dodge.


At this moment, Kamen Rider Ultimate Zi-O and Zi-O arrived.

"Ultimate Sword!"

Ultimate Zi-O split the light bullet with one sword, and Zi-O rushed forward to fight with the monster Foundry.

"It's you."

The appearance of the two shocked Gates. He was chasing them before, but now he needs them to rescue him. Is fate playing tricks on him like this? Is he shameless?

"Are you okay, Gates?"

Xiao Tian asked with concern. Gates, who had run out of energy, changed back to human form from Kamen Rider and half-knelt on the ground weakly.

"Why did you save me?"

Xiao Tian smiled and helped Gates up,"I told you not to be impulsive, don't worry, I won't let Sougo become the devil who destroys the world."

Gates didn't believe it before, but in this scene, his heart was shaken, because they had chased them without reservation before, and now they saved him in turn, completely repaying kindness with evil. How could such a Kamen Rider be Oma Zi-O who wanted to destroy the world.

And the Zi-O he wanted to kill is now fighting with the Monster Foundry.

"Is this really the Oma Zi-O?"

Gates gritted his teeth secretly. Will this Zi-O really become the Oma Zi-O he knows in the future?

"Okay, I will trust you for now and not kill him for the time being, but if he shows any signs of going astray, I will kill him without hesitation."

Gates changed his mind and said to Xiao Tian

"up to you"

"Ding, successfully avoided Gates' pursuit, system task completed, attribute points obtained: 100, special move obtained: Time Blast"

"Wow, this mission reward is pretty good."

When Xiao Tian heard about the mission reward, his eyes lit up.

Time Blast is Gates's ultimate move, and he didn't expect that he could get it as a reward. It was really a pleasant surprise. Xiao Tian immediately allocated 100 attribute points and checked the attribute panel again.

System: Ultimate Zi-O System

Host: Xiao Tian

Kamen Rider Level: Bronze III

Strength: 190

Speed: 180

Agility: 180

Weapon: Extreme Sword

Ultimate Moves: Flame Phoenix Fist, Time Blast

"Hey, Bronze III?..."

Xiao Tian smiled secretly. His strength had inadvertently moved up a level. Gates' Kamen Rider level was Silver Five, with an average attribute of 500, which was more than twice as high as his.

But now the gap has narrowed, and his strength will become even stronger.

Xiao Tian couldn't wait to complete more tasks. The only way to do this was to constantly improve his strength.

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