Uchiha's opinion

Chapter 397: Leave Frogs Under the Sword!

"Immortal Technique: Whirlwind Returns!"

Asura once again used his whirlwind bodyguard to deflect the Fire Rat Jade attack from the Erwei Brigade.

"Immortal Technique·Five Escape·Five Dragon Continuous Bullets!"

The demon god's head in the center of the powerful Susanoo took the lead in spraying out the intertwined attacks of the five dragons, blasting towards the Asura group; at the same time, the powerful Susanoo charged again with his sword under the cover of the five dragons' continuous bullets.

"Immortal Technique·Fire Release·Toad Oil Flame Bullet!"

While Asura was spitting out the celestial flames, the two immortals from Miaomu Mountain on his shoulders also quickly puffed up their mouths and sprayed out rich oil towards the sea of ​​fire. After adding fuel to the fire, a sea of ​​​​fire was formed that was no less than five dragons. He attacked Uchiha Tokko's senjutsu.

"How stupid!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted coldly and accelerated the attack speed of the powerful Susanoo.


As expected, the five immortal dragon bullets immediately wiped out the toad oil fire bullets, and then continued to attack the Asura combination with undiminished power.

The Uchiha clan is already known for their specialization in fire escape. Although Myokiyama's combination of oil and fire magic is powerful, it is still much inferior to Uchiha Tokumitsu's five-dragon bullet with all five attributes.

Before the Asura group could react, a blade of light flashed out from behind them again and swept towards their knees.

Hatake Sakumo took the risk of being affected by Uchiha Tokumitsu's magic and launched another sneak attack!

And Uchiha Tokumitsu's powerful Susanoo also followed up with the extremely fast-shooting Senjutsu Five Dragons to kill him!

Asura just made a slight mistake in his response and fell into a pincer attack!

"Immortal Technique: Whirlwind Returns!"

Asura had no choice but to use his old skills again, setting off a body-protecting whirlwind to try to block Hatake Sakumo's disgusting sneak attack, and at the same time quickly formed a seal——

"Immortal Technique·Wind Release·Super Hurricane Linking Ball!"

A huge wind ball of chakra condensed in Asura's palm, and headed towards the five dragons at the critical moment!


Along with the chakra storm stirred by Senjutsu's annihilation, Hatake Sakumo, whose sneak attack was blocked, disappeared without a trace again, and Susano controlled by Uchiha Tokko had already waved various weapons and attacked the Asura group head-on.

"Senfa Frog Kumite!"

The Asura combo tried to reuse their old skills to block.

The three heads of the powerful Susanoo continued to spray out various magical techniques at close range under the urging of Uchiha Tokumitsu for bombardment.

Just like the previous round of battle, the Asura combination was at a disadvantage again!

"The origin of my chakra..."

Feeling the massive amounts of chakra consumed by the two sides as they fought each other, Asura couldn't help but groan secretly.

Uchiha Tokumitsu did guess the secret of his continuous reincarnation.

His consciousness is indeed contained in chakra. Therefore, with the original power of chakra, especially consumed in battle, there is a real possibility that his will will be confused or even annihilated!

This is also the reason why in his past reincarnations, he only influenced the hosts of his descendants' bloodline through chakra.

But this time is different. In order to quickly form combat power and compete with Uchiha Tokko, who is rampant in the ninja world, Asura has adopted an unusual reincarnation method, and his original chakra has suffered a certain amount of loss.

In the battle with Uchiha Tokumitsu, the continuous power of flame escape was forcibly counteracting Asura's chakra, making him suddenly feel dizzy.

This is a manifestation of excessive chakra consumption affecting the will!

"The Secret of Konoha Taijutsu: Thousand Years of Killing!"

Just when the Asura group was retreating step by step under Uchiha Tokumitsu's fierce offensive, a figure burst out from behind him again and launched a surprise attack wrapped in the light of a cold sword!

This time it's no longer a simple slash with the knife, but an indomitable thrust!


Asura reluctantly moved his body, slightly avoiding Hatake Sakumo's upward sword light, so that he would not end up with a chrysanthemum blooming. However, his left thigh was specially replaced by Hatake Sakumo. White Fang's dagger stabbed him through!

"good chance!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was immediately overjoyed, and immediately accelerated Susanoo's six-arm attack speed again when Ashura was injured and unsteady in his steps!

At the same time, the Fire Lord floated into the air again and rolled towards Asura!

After Hatake Sakumo stabbed Asura's left leg with one knife, he twisted the White Fang dagger to the left and pulled it hard!


Asura couldn't help but let out a scream. His left leg was instantly cut in half, and the pain also deformed his parrying movements.

While Uchiha Tokumitsu's Susano giant arm blocked the frog kumite block of the two Sentos of Mount Myoki, two giant arms, one on the left and one on the right, passed over from below and held Asura's body in his palms!


As Uchiha Tokko increased the intensity of the kaleidoscope's power and chakra output, wings were born from the back of the powerful Susanoo.

The powerful Susanoo's wings shook and he flew up into the sky.

The two immortals Asura and Myobokuyama, who were caught by Susano's giant arm, fell into complete passivity!

The mighty Susanoo can fly, but they can't!

Even if Asura is not injured, there is no possibility of winning in aerial combat while his body is controlled, not to mention that one of his thighs is basically useless at this time!


The two immortals from Miaomu Mountain who were trying their best to parry were also anxious at this time!

If you were taken into the air, you would really be asking for help every day, screaming and screaming!

"The Art of Darkness!"

Although Ashura couldn't break free from the control of Susano's giant arm, he still cast an illusion instantly to create darkness.

"What's the use of this!"

Uchiha Tokumitsu was amused!

"Flame escape, burning!"

The purple flaming arrogance surged up in an instant, and at the same time it broke through the shady curtain created by the technique of darkness, it also wrapped Ashura and the two immortals of Miaomu Mountain and refined them in midair.

At the same time, Huo Guangzun entangled it again, spewing out his own magic power to boost the fire!

"Since it's a remnant of ancient times, you'd better die obediently!"

While burning and refining, Uchiha Tokumitsu still did not forget to harass with trash talk.

He has seen it through the fight so far! Although Asura's chakra is extremely surging, his combat experience and means of fighting the enemy are surprisingly small!

Maybe it's because there weren't so many ninjutsu styles in the ninja period, maybe it's because they are used to crushing with chakra. When the Tailed Beast was the opponent of the charging treasure, Asura fell into a complete passivity!

This is also the closest one has ever been to complete death!

In Asura's induction, he clearly sensed that his original power was constantly losing!

And the "White-eyed Wolf" second tail and the continuous support of Chakra gave Uchiha Tokumitsu enough capital to spend with him!

"You look like Indra!"

Although Ashura is still trying to drum up chakra and try to break free from Uchiha Tokumitsu's control, but at this time he is in mid-air, and he really can't use his strength, and the threat of Yan Dun makes him unable to be distracted.

It's just that although his face was a little pale, his expression was unexpectedly calm.


Uchiha Tokumitsu smiled disdainfully, "Are you referring to the brave and foolhardy ancestor of the Uchiha clan?"

"Your strength is too foul."

Asura said to himself.

The bulging chakra protective layer around him became thinner and thinner under the refinement of Yan Dun, and the faces of the two immortals of Miaomu Mountain became paler and paler.

They planned to use some of Mt. Miaomu's trump card, but although the six-armed Xu Zuo used two giant arms to control Asura's body, he still had four giant arms to deal with them. At this time, the two immortals of Mt. Miaomu I really can't take my hand out to prepare the forbidden technique!

"Is this the logic of someone who escaped reincarnation by chance?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu once again increased the output of Yan Dun, and said with a smirk: "I thought you, as an ancient power, must be able to have high opinions, but now it sounds like your knowledge is shallow enough to make Konoha Shinobi Freshmen feel good about themselves!"

"Could it be that the ninja world will be manipulated at will in the hands of those of you who escaped reincarnation by chance!"

"Could it be that the future you predicted is real!"

"Why! Why should the dream talk of a mere toad be regarded as a canon!"

"This is a disgrace to the heroes of the ninja world!"

At this time, the purple flame of flame escape has turned into an incomparably deep black, and Uchiha Tokumitsu's refining speed is getting faster and faster.

Asura, who was in mid-air and couldn't use his strength, began to lose his breath, but his sanity could still be maintained temporarily.

"Maybe... Although it's very unfair to you who created the current situation..."

Asura said seriously: "But, after all, this is a necessary action for the future of the ninja world."

"...You should know that if the one on the moon gets out of trouble, even if I can survive, other creatures in the ninja world will be destroyed!"

"so what?"

Uchiha Tokumitsu snorted, "Most of the tailed beasts are in my hands. As long as there are no strange existences that can gather all the tailed beasts, even if Otsuki Kaguya escapes, so what!"

"Without the ten tails, she's nothing!"

In mid-air, Uchiha Tokumitsu also became unscrupulous.

I didn't mind saying things that I wouldn't say easily in the first place.

"...Sure enough, I am behind the times!"

Asura couldn't help shaking his head, while agitating the chakra to maintain the chakra protective layer around his body.

The two Immortals of Mount Miaomu on his shoulders stopped parrying, retracted their frog hands and began to form seals, pinning all their protection on Asura's chakra protective layer.

And although the chakra protective layer that is constantly shining with various colors of light seems to be crumbling, even if Uchiha Tokumitsu increased his strength, he still failed to turn it into ashes in a very short speed.

"Immortal Law·Water Escape·Water Break Wave!"

Another thousand-handed technique! It's as if Ashura's reincarnation is a thousand-handed door!

But Tokumitsu Uchiha didn't even bother to pay attention to the ultra-thin high-pressure water line sprayed from his mouth.

"It seems that we have to use the last trump card!"

Ashura sighed helplessly.

Then he opened his mouth and spit out a scroll that exudes light color light.


Uchiha Tokumitsu noticed the words Miao Mushan on the scroll.

It's a psychic scroll...


Asura shattered Miaomu's psychic scroll in one bite!

The rapidly spreading surging fairy chakra began to stir, and had an impact on the super-large sealing circle!

"Flying Thunder God Art!"

Just when there was turmoil in the sealing circle, Asura immediately sensed the psychic Kunai who had been randomly thrown on the ground before, and instantly cast Flying Thunder God to get out of control!

Uchiha Tokumitsu just felt very surprised!

There is still room for the ability to disrupt the super-large enchantment in a short time!

Although it was a bit sudden, Uchiha Tokumitsu's giant arm still tore off Ashura's broken left leg!


After landing, Asura ignored Hatake Sakumo's sneak attack and pressed his palms on the ground again!

"--Come out!"

"Toad Ball!"

Just as the enchantment was almost unstable due to the close-range shock of the celestial chakra, a white light flashed——

Under the maintenance of the frantic sealing class ninjas, the sealing circle regained its calm.

But an extremely huge figure also appeared in the half-open space-time gap!

However, the boundary-sealing magic circle still worked, but Asura's summoned object, that is, a pair of giant frog hands of the Toad Immortal, forcibly maintained a part of the time-space channel before the barrier was completely healed!

But Immortal Toad can't pass through this space-time channel to join the battle!

It's just that this is also similar to a portal, which is enough for the Asura group to return to Mount Miaomu immediately.

"Yasaka Qionggouyu!"

Tokumitsu Uchiha immediately condensed a series of crescent-shaped Chakra aggregates, blasting towards the half-open time and space!

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sound of continuous explosions came from the other end of the time-space channel, and at the same time there was the cry of pain from the Great Immortal Toad!

"I can't figure this out!"

Although Uchiha Tokumitsu intercepted Asura's left leg, he was unwilling to let it go, and then folded his wings and quickly fell towards the Asura combination.

"Stop fighting! Let's go!"

The two celestial beings on Asura's shoulders took the initiative to cancel the two-life technique that connected Chakra with Asura, and prepared to flee towards the time-space channel that the Great Toad was struggling to maintain.

"It's a bit reconciled..."

Asura, who lost his left leg, couldn't help but secretly sighed.

He wanted to imitate his father, Sage of the Six Paths, and summon the great sage of Mt. Myogi to fight side by side, defeating Uchiha Tokumitsu just like the story of the goddess of sealing Uno, but he failed due to some inexplicable interference!

That is the original psychic scroll of Mount Miaomu!

Immortal Fukasaku's heart is bleeding!


Immortal Zhima couldn't help but urged.

"All right……"

Seeing that Uchiha Tokuko was about to fall, Asura took a deep breath, kicked off with his right leg, and jumped towards the time-space passage.

A sword light broke out again!

Hatake Sakumo attacked again with a knife!

And after hastily dispelling the effect of the Twins Art, Ashura and the two Immortals of Mount Miaomu on his shoulders are no longer one!

Moreover, this knife light is really too fast!

Asura only had time to lower his body, but before the Immortal Shima on his shoulder could react, he was split in two by the light of the sword!

Then its head was grabbed by Hatake Sakumo, and it left in another direction instantly!

"My wife!"

Immortal Fukasaku was waiting to rescue him, but the Toad Immortal who was far away on Mt. Miaomu directly popped out his tongue to wrap Immortal Fukasaku, and then pulled him back towards the passage of time and space!

——The Immortal Toad is almost unable to maintain the time-space channel!

One after another Yasaka Qionggouyu shot into Miaomu Mountain when the time-space passage was about to disappear!


When the time-space channel was closed, an incomparably mournful cry of frogs echoed.

Continue to work overtime today, so I can only change it once.

But the progress is good, and there will be no need to work overtime tomorrow - so, double update tomorrow.

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