Uchiha’s Life Simulator

Chapter 114: Danzo: You don't talk about martial arts!

"Danzo-sama, what do you mean?"

Danzo's eyes flickered, and he said: "If it is Uchiha Itachi, then there is a high probability that he knows that the old man himself is behind the ninja in the tavern. This is a trap for the old man."

"But it's also an opportunity."

"Everyone knows the rebellion of the Uchiha family, but there is no conclusive evidence."

"This time, if Uchiha Itachi takes action against me, then I will sit back and watch the Uchiha clan's treason."

"Konoha can justifiably strangle the Uchiha family."

"There is no need to worry about Sun Slash."

In fact, in Danzo's view, the sooner the Uchiha family is strangled, the better, but unfortunately Danzo is not Hokage, and Hiruzen Sarutobi is Hokage, and Danzo has to listen to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Sarutobi Hiizan was worried that he would rashly attack the Uchiha clan. Without knowing the Uchiha clan, he was worried that his Sarutobi clan, Konoha Maru, and Asma would suffer harm.

The other is that I feel that such an injustice and unruly words will affect my reputation.

Sarutobi Hizan didn't want to take action now.

But Danzo thought, so he planned to use this opportunity to force Sarutobi Hiizan to take action against the Uchiha clan.

"But this is too dangerous for you, Danzo-sama."

Shan Zhongfeng said worriedly.

"For the sake of the village, what kind of danger is this?"

Danzo said: "As long as it is for the good of the village, I can do anything. This is the meaning of our existence and the meaning of the root organization."

"Konoha is like a big tree, how big it can grow is determined by the rhizome."

"We are unknown and hidden in the dark, but our contribution to Konoha is no less or even more than those ninjas on the bright side."

Not being able to become Hokage, Danzo can only comfort himself like this.

After talking for a long time, Danzo himself believed it.

"I will personally lead the team there."

"Go to Naruto and persuade them to come together, including the chiefs of the major ninja families."

Danzo looked at Shan Zhongfeng and ordered.

"Yes, Danzo-sama."

The mountain wind quickly went in the direction of the Hokage Building.

Danzo brought a dozen root ninjas with him.

After hesitating for a while, Danzo found Kakashi again and brought Kakashi with him. From Danzo's point of view, Kakashi and Uchiha also have a writing wheel eye, which is used when dealing with Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha stood at a high place.


A shadow clone technique was used as an attraction, and Uchiha instantly knew that Danzo could see it.

However, the effect can still be achieved.

Attracts several ninjas from the root organization.

Uchiha instant's body approached Danzo at a very fast speed.

"Fire escape, the art of arrogant fire extinction!"

A huge flame erupted.

They came to Danzang and other dozen people, so they had to spread out.

Some root ninjas did not retreat in time, and received splash damage from the flames.

Danzo's pupils shrank.

"Don't be a god!"

Now that the ninjas of the Hinata clan have not come, Danzo is not worried that the writing wheel eye of his right eye will be discovered, but in fact, even if he is seen by the ninjas of Hinata, Danzo feels nothing.

The weakness of the Hyuga clan has been vividly manifested in the incident of the Hyuga Rigai.

But Danzo's kaleidoscope is not the kaleidoscope that Uchiha Shisui used for Uchiha Fuyue, which can only be affected for a short time.

And Uchiha's instant opened the existence of the kaleidoscope writing wheel, and also has the cells between the columns.

Therefore, the influence of Danzo's other gods on Uchiha's moment is extremely limited and very small.


Uchiha's figure rushed to Danzo's face.

"Monthly Reading!"

A burst of illusion power fell on Danzo's body, Danzo felt it, and snorted coldly in his heart.

"How long can Uchiha's illusions trap me?"

Danzo's kaleidoscope is spinning rapidly.

The root ninja who had scattered before rushed towards Uchiha Setsuna.

Contain Uchiha Setsuna with his life.

Danzo took advantage of this opportunity to break free from Uchiha Setsuna's Yueyue control.

"Huo Dun, the art of Longyan singing!"

Four flame dragon heads came from four different directions. This time, those ninjas at the root didn't have much chance to dodge, and Uchiha was in the center in an instant.


An explosion sounded, and those root ninjas flew out.

Tuanzang's heart tightened.

The strength Uchiha showed in an instant exceeded Danzo's expectations. Danzo did not expect that the root ninja he brought would be defeated so quickly. Danzo thought that he could persist until the mountain wind brought people.

"Isn't it here yet?"

Danzo looked back and gritted his teeth.

After that, he looked at Kakashi and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I brought Kakashi."

"Uchiha Itachi's strength is much stronger than what he has shown before."

"I knew that this guy had bad intentions. Any loyalty to Konoha is a lie."

"It actually hides strength."

"Kakashi is here, so I don't have to use the wooden escape."

Danzo's body has been transplanted with intercolumnar cells, so he can use the kaleidoscope to write round eyes. Otherwise, Danzo's physical condition is even worse than Kakashi's. A dry old man can't hold it at all.


Danzo looked in Uchiha's direction.

"Uchiha Itachi, you have hidden your strength, but why isn't this old man?"

"It's impossible to kill the old man to avenge Zhishui!"

"Today is the beginning of the destruction of your Uchiha clan!"

"Even if you hide your strength, the old man is not worried about being killed by you. The old man is worried that it may be under extreme circumstances that the old man's wooden escape will have to be exposed."

Danzo looked at Kakashi.

Kakashi nodded, waiting for Uchiha for a moment.

But at this time.

Uchiha spoke in an instant.

"Kakashi, do you remember what I said to you that night?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Kakashi's pupils shrank suddenly.

"It's you?"

Danzo's heart skipped a beat when he saw Kakashi's reaction.


Danzo subconsciously wanted to open the distance between Kakashi and UU reading www.uukanshu. At the same time, com was highly vigilant about the illusion and fire escape that Uchiha instant might use, and even prepared the opportunity to use wood escape.

Expose the matter of transplanted intercolumnar cells, the effect will be very bad.

But at least better than being killed.

Danzo breathed a sigh of relief when Kakashi didn't shoot himself.

"Is it illusion next? Or fire escape?"

Danzo nervously looked at Uchiha's direction for a moment. At this moment, Danzo was really panicked.

The corners of Uchiha's mouth twitched slightly.

"The art of turning the heart!"

Danzo's pupils shrank sharply.

- You, don't talk about martial arts!

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