In order to intercept Iwagakure, it can also be regarded as buying time for Uchiha.

Wakahata left a total of six shadow clones.

The enhanced shadow clone has a limit on the amount of chakra, and the ambition of the Nine-Tails solves this problem very well.

The amount of chakra in the three-tail mode is not as simple as the sum of the three tails.

The skin of the “four-tailed” Naruto was peeled off, and he was equivalent to a “little nine-tailed”.

The chakra of three tails is considered to be the limit of a certain conventional mode, but the amount of chakra is not small.

Evenly distributed to the six shadow clones, only one tail was reduced!

Wakahata also took some for himself to establish a tailed beast chat group, and the rest was returned to the Nine-Tails, so that one was not wasted.

The Nine-Tails chakra does not increase the ninjutsu, and Wakahata still has the boiling chakra of the Five-Tails in his body, which is also convenient to use.

However, with the Nine-Tails’ chakra, the buff of “Little Fire God”, and 300% damage resistance…

Wakahiro’s shadow clone team is really no worse than the original body.

And every time before using a big move, he will not forget to put the Uchiha clan logo…

This effectively intercepts the Iwagakure ninjas, and can also ensure that the “war merits” are retained to the maximum extent before the Uchiha arrives.

On Wakahiro’s side, after the Five-Tails’ “Boiling Escape Mode” rush, he finally broke through the blockade of the sea of ​​fire and came to the front line – a rocky valley that looks familiar.

“I think I passed here on the way back to Konoha with King Mu for the first time.”

Wakahiro looked at the rocks on both sides and remembered the Iwagakure team that tried to seal the Five-Tails with earth escape and sealing squad.

“This is already the territory of the Land of Earth, Wakahiro-kun.”

Orochimaru did not take out the map this time. He is much more familiar with the battlefield environment than Wakahiro.

“King Mu likes this place very much. It feels much better when running without trees.”

Wakahiro looked at Orochimaru and said seriously: “Teacher, if I want to own this place, what procedures do I need to go through?”

“…” Orochimaru was stunned, and immediately emerged in his mind with keywords such as “negotiation”, “fighting”, “ceding land and compensation”, “land expansion”, and above these keywords there is “Wakahiro’s will”.

“This may be a complicated question, Wakahiro…”

Orochimaru smiled and said: “I think you can ask the third generation Tsuchikage of Iwagakure in person.”

“Of course, it would be best if you can go with Lord Hokage…”

“Is that so.” Wakahiro nodded thoughtfully, and felt a gaze again. He turned his head and found that Kushina was looking at him with a complicated expression.

“What’s wrong?” Wakahiro asked.

“Nothing…” Kushina retracted her gaze and shook her head, “I just think that your relationship with…King Mu seems to be very good.”

Ruohuo is thinking about how to find a comfortable “home” for the Five-Tails, but the big fox currently only has a locked cage, which makes Kushina feel a little guilty for some reason.

“Of course.” Wakahiro noticed Kushina’s mood, raised his eyebrows, looked into the distance, and said: “King Mu is my best partner.”

“King Mu and Kurama have a good brother, the Four-Tails, who is still controlled by the evil Iwagakure. I decided to help King Mu rescue his good brother first.”

“Sister Kushina, do you want to help?”

Wakahiro threw out an olive branch, “If there are two good brothers to guide him, Kurama may be able to recover sooner.”

“Recover?” Orochimaru next to him caught a strange word and asked curiously: “Kyuubi… Kurama, is he sick?”

“That’s what I mean, Lord Orochimaru.” Kushina was not in a good mood, “The big fox has been locked up for too long, it’s easy to be stressed…”


Will the tailed beasts also be stressed?

Orochimaru looked at his students silently.

The key words in his mind, headed by “Wakahiro’s Will”, seemed to have another dangerous thing behind them: “Treat the Nine-Tails, liberate the Nine-Tails”.

The problem is here.

So, as the teacher of this child, should I help my student fulfill his wish, or stop this dangerous idea…

It’s so hard to choose.

Orochimaru showed a smile that was not elegant at all, which was very small but very pure.

“I’ve decided, little Wakaba.”

Kushina waved her fist and said with a firm look in her eyes:

“It’s my responsibility that the big fox became like this… I will help you rescue the good brother of the big fox!”

“Yes!” Wakaba encouraged: “We will definitely make Kurama recover soon!”

Kyuubi, as the most powerful partner of the Uchiha clan.

Ruokahui definitely didn’t want him to be stranded outside and locked up in Kushina’s place.

In order to let Kushina understand his feelings and give some support…

So, Ruokahui also tailored a plan for Kushina:

First understand the feelings of the tailed beast → then reconcile with the Nine-Tails → take the initiative to let the Nine-Tails regain freedom → give up the identity of the Jinchūriki → Nine-Tails is free√.

In short: Tailed Beast Peaceful Breakup Plan!

This plan is very safe.

It can be implemented step by step in the five-year development plan.

There is no need to worry that Konoha will get angry, which will affect development and make the Uchiha clan’s strength rating drop.

You know, if you don’t have the confidence to win, and force a fight with Konoha, then even if you win, the Uchiha’s strength will probably be completely lost.

This plan is safe throughout the process and the cost is extremely low.

Only one small problem needs to be solved: the life guarantee after the Jinchūriki is separated from the tailed beast.

This is not difficult.

If you just want to save your life, you can consider arranging a small drama of reincarnation to reassure Kushina.

Or you can use the Shikigami Fuujin to leave a life-saving amount.

This process is best performed by “the resurrected Danzo”, and Utatane Koharu and Mitomon En can also be performed.

Of course, if the Sandaime is willing to support it, he will definitely welcome it.

Anyway, under the illusion, the elders of Konoha can become the spokespersons of the Will of Fire.

The Uchiha Root, which is about to be established, is specifically for this purpose…

As for the possible rebellion from Konoha after the plan succeeds.

Well… then let’s do it.

Resist more, otherwise this copy is meaningless~

“So, kids… our current goal is officially changed to finding the Four-Tails Jinchuriki of Iwagakure and rescuing the Four-Tails, right?”

Orochimaru asked with his new smile: 95% elegance and 5% evil, looking into the distance.

There are densely packed Iwagakure ninjas there.

The Five-Tails was too big to conceal its whereabouts. It rushed all the way and even rushed into the Land of Earth.

Iwagakure had already prepared to retrieve the Five-Tails!

“There are so many people…”

Kushina muttered, closed her eyes with her hands in a seal, and pointed in a direction when she opened her eyes again.

“Little Ruohu, there, there, see that… it’s there anyway.”

There were too many people, and Kushina couldn’t point it out.

“Lord Mu.”

Ruohu patted the Five-Tails’ horns.

“Aim at that area, three rapid shots, ready… fire!”

Lord Mu:……

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