Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 080: Perfectly unreal, marriage

After Jingwan heard Sun Yijia's address to the other party, she immediately realized who this person was.

And Ruan Fangfei's first impression on Jingwan was that she was worthy of a woman as famous as Sister Jia, a beautiful hibiscus, gentle and elegant.

Ruan Fangfei also held a peach blossom in her hand, and walked over in a hurry, with a calm smile on her face, under the delicate peach blossoms, she did not lose her color, and it made her different, making Zhou seem lost. The color, the moment you notice her, it's hard to see other beautiful colors. It's true that people are more beautiful than flowers. If Sun Yijia wasn't wearing a white cloth on her face and dressed casually, she might still be able to interact with her. She is evenly divided.

However, from now on, no one will compare the two of them together. No matter how good Sun Yijia is, the first time others think of her will be her ruined face, one that has turned from treasure to rubble. , one is still a treasure. When referring to the two of them again, they will probably use the word once. Normal people may sigh about what happened to Sun Yijia, but more of it is ridicule and schadenfreude.

Because these two are the best among the noble girls, they both say that they repel each other of the same sex. In addition, the positions behind these two people are different, so I may not have the heart to compare myself, but I can’t help but listen to other people’s words too much. There is some concern.

It is rare to meet each other on weekdays. Now that such a situation meets, should it be said that it is fate, or is it God's will?

Ruan Fangfei was very calm, and there was no difference in her face. It seemed that she was facing the intact Sun Yijia. This kind of person is either really in a good mood or very good at pretending. Rao is Jingwan for a while. You won't be able to tell which one she belongs to.

The youngest daughter of the chief assistant in the cabinet, when she was born, her brothers and sisters had grown up, so naturally they would not argue with her any more, and all her children and nephews were the same age as her. As an elder, naturally only others gave in. The above is still spoiled by her parents, and Ruan Ruizhong can see clearly better than Ding Guogong, not using her daughter as a tool in exchange for benefits, she is the real Jiaojiao who grew up safely and smoothly!

So is it okay to think that she belongs to the kind of person with a good attitude?

However, Jingwan still felt that there was a little bit of disobedience. In this environment of thousands of pets, it would be good to develop unruly willfulness. How can she be so good when no one is persecuting her? After all, there are so many things to learn, to be called excellent, of course, not only skilled, but also refined. It is impossible to do it without putting in some effort. How can a child have that self-awareness? Can you have that patience? Can you have that determination? Or is she really a genius, and many things can be learned once they are learned, and then they will become better? You know, Sun Yijia, an excellent lady, was really raised under a high-pressure policy.

Or there is another possibility, she actually has the same fate as herself, so is it a time-travel or a rebirth?

Jingwan looked at Ruan Fangfei carefully, trying to find something out of her to prove her guess, but naturally there would be no results in such a short time.

Sun Yijia and Ruan Fangfei greeted each other, and then Ruan Fangfei's eyes fell on Jingwan, I don't know which girl this is, such a beautiful sister, I have never seen it before, I think she just came to the capital. ? The smile was faint, but it was very comfortable to look at.

This is Luo Shangshu's granddaughter. She is in the third row, and her boudoir name is Jingwan. She just came to Beijing with Mrs. Luo a few days ago. Sun Yijia introduced.

Jingwan squatted down at the right time, Hello, Miss Ruan.

Ruan Fangfei hurriedly returned the salute. Who doesn't know that our grandson has the most critical eyes. To be able to get Sun's green eyes in these short days, Luo San must be extremely outstanding in all aspects. The eyes were clear and flawless, and the smile was full of jokes, It's hard to feel resentment.

Miss Ruan is very praised. I met Sister Jia, probably because of fate. Compared with you and Sister Jia, you are so talented, I just don't know anything, and I'm vulgar.

Okay, it's boring for sister Wan to be too modest. Sun Yijia took Jing Wan's hand, Everyone has their own strengths, and sister Wan is not good at that.

Ruan Fangfei looked at Sun Yijia's movements, her eyes flickered slightly, why did she feel that Sun Yijia was deliberately pretending to be her, as if she was declaring, this is my person, don't pay attention, it's like a child Her attitude can only show her concern. She couldn't help but set her eyes on Jing Wan again. How should I put it, a woman who feels very unique. She doesn't have the kind of beautiful face that people notice at the first time, but once she notices it, it's hard to ignore it. It's hard for her to be annihilated by others, no matter how graceful and splendid others are, and the leisurely leisure that exudes from her bones is very attractive. Ruan Fangfei covered her mouth and smiled, Miss Sun, is she worried that I will steal someone?

Yes, it's mainly because Sister Wan is too attractive. I'm worried that if I don't pay attention, she will forget me when she turns around. Sun Yijia said calmly.

What nonsense. Jing Wan gently twisted her.

Sun Yijia immediately showed her grievance, and pretended to be in pain and rubbed the twisted place, I'm talking nonsense? I have proof!

Jingwan was made to cry and laugh by her, Okay, don't get excited, be careful of the wound.

It hurts... Sun Yijia put his hand to her lips like a child, wanting to whistle, and the ending sound, which made people almost goosebumps.

Jing Wan is extremely speechless, is this still addictive? Seeing her tenaciously stretching out her hand, it seemed that she would never give up if she didn't meet her requirements. Jingwan blew two breaths at her hand angrily.

This scene surprised Ruan Fangfei. She didn't have much contact with Sun Yijia, but she knew exactly what her temperament was. Does she actually look like another person in private? It should be impossible, if it is true, there will be no wind at all, then, just because the Luo family

three girls? Very interesting. Look at Miss Luo San, who is obviously younger, but she is indulging and pampering her. This picture is really warm, really... dazzling, and I really want... to destroy it!

So many flowers, what are they doing? Ruan Fangfei once again mentioned the initial question.

We originally came to enjoy the flowers with four people, but now it's not convenient for them to come out, so they're going to fold some and go back to make a bottle. Jingwan explained, her tone a little lighter.

Ruan Fangfei's smile stopped, I'm sorry, I don't know, I'm also responsible for talking about this. If the groom can control it, maybe...

This matter has nothing to do with Miss Ruan, and Miss Ruan is also quite frightened, so you don't need to worry about it.

Miss Luo's temperament.

Just seeking truth from facts. Jing Wan smiled lightly. It's just that Ruan Fangfei wasn't seriously injured, and now she looks like nothing has happened. However, she was in a coma for a long time, and she didn't wake up until yesterday when someone came from the capital. However, she was in good spirits after waking up, and she should not be too shocked. She looked down on her. the affordability of these girls.

Girl, go back, it's not too long to come out, the old lady should be worried. said the maid next to Ruan Fangfei.

Jingwan was still thinking, why wasn't Ruan Fangfei's mother here, and immediately realized that this old lady is Ruan Fangfei's mother.

To say that Jingwan sometimes feels helpless and sad about the fact that the old cows in this world eat the grass There are people who fill in houses, and men, in their 50s and 60s, have no one to bite the thirteen or fourteen-year-old girls. Men are the same age as flowers when they are forty, and women in their forties can be classified as The old man ranks, it is so unfair.

Ruan Fangfei came and went like this. It seemed that she was bored in the room. She came out to get some air, blow the wind, and then folded a peach blossom along the way.

The two continued to fold the flowers, Sister Wan, is it a coincidence that Miss Ruan is here, or something else?

Huh? Jingwan turned her head to look at her, Sun Yijia was raising her hand to fold a flower, breaking a branch and then reaching down to another, the whole person was quiet, and there seemed to be something else in the silence, No matter what it is It probably has nothing to do with us.

Sun Yijia finally looked back at Jing Wan, What does Miss Wan think of Miss Sun?

But the first time I saw you, it was only a little time before and after, just a few words, I didn't feel anything.

Sister Wan, do you know that when I was a child, my mother always told me what the Ruan family girl, who was two months younger than you, did. People never want parents to worry about it. What about you? You just want to play all day. If Miss Ruan learned something, but I didn't, and I couldn't learn it well, my mother would let the female husband beat me on my hands, which hurt my heart. At that time, I hated Miss Ruan, and I wanted to rush to her every time I saw her. Hit her, but I can't. Then I study hard, and I think, if I surpass her, my mother won't say she's okay, so she won't hit me. After I get used to it, I don't need anyone to supervise me. , I go to learn it myself, I don't want to know everything she knows, but learn something I like. Until now, she is still so perfect, so perfect that it is unreal.

Jingwan guessed that Sun Yijia grew up under high pressure, but she didn't expect that she also had a child from another family in her life, and this person's influence on her was not so great. However, Jingwan noticed Sun Yijia's last sentence It's too perfect to be true. This kind of person often hides an unknown side. This person always has emotions and desires. , where others can see, she has never shown it, so what about the invisible? If it's just a normal vent, such as crying or something, it's naturally fine, but there is another kind of person who is called a pervert.

Of course, Jingwan will not speculate on others with malice. Maybe Ruan Fangfei is just a little picky in pursuit of perfection. Maybe she has lived a lifetime like her, so her emotions will not be easily affected. As for whether the other party is or is not, Jingwan never thought of deliberately seeking evidence, it has nothing to do with her, doesn't it?

However, if it's not a coincidence, and Ruan Fangfei is really not as beautiful as she looks, perhaps the purpose of her coming here is to see with her own eyes whether Sun Yijia, who is as famous as her, is really disfigured? There used to be two firsts, and now she has become unique. It should be something to be happy about, right?

Does Sister Jia care?

How could you still care.

So, after Ruan Fangfei appeared like this, they were left behind by them, each holding two peach blossoms in their hands, and the big baskets in the hands of the maids were also full, but they did not go back directly, they also went to many others Going around the place, although Bailong Temple is famous for its peach blossoms, it doesn't mean that there are no other flowers, no, and they are more or less folded. Jingwan even asked her maids to pick a lot of wild flowers, and then brought them along with them. go back.

Because Yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou Yingshuang were in the same courtyard, they simply moved both of them into the courtyard.

People around her have long been accustomed to Jingwan's flower arrangement, although she still thinks it is amazing every time she sees it.

It was the first time that other people saw it. Although the peach blossoms are beautiful, they are piled up together, and there are other miscellaneous ones. It looks like that. However, under Jing Wan's hands, they are pruned and trimmed, no matter what. Whether it's a basket or a vase, she can quickly put on various shapes, plus some other embellishments, it's obviously those things, but it just doesn't look the same, it's not too pretty.

Sun Yijia and Yuan Qiaoqiao stared at Jingwan and couldn't help but admire, how amazing!


Wan smiled and said nothing. Seeing Zhou Yingshuang's anxious and lonely expression, she moved the prepared flower arrangement to a place within her reach, Yingshuang, smell it.

The two ladies not far away couldn't help nodding, and Mrs. Zhou said to Jingwan's aunt Luo Ronghui, Your girl's skills are absolutely incredible.

She has always lived with my mother in Qi'an Mansion, and this is the first time I've seen her. After a moment of silence, Luo Ronghui continued, My mother loves her the most, my mother is actually a love at heart. She hates clearly, likes it, likes it, doesn't like it, doesn't like it, doesn't rub the sand in her eyes, it's hard for ordinary people to get into her eyes, but she always puts the three girls on the top of her heart and loves them, even if we have a few brothers and sisters, When I was young, I was far behind. Three girls, in fact, is really a good child.

Mrs. Zhou actually understood what Luo Ronghui meant, and saw that Jingwan was always thinking of her daughter, I know it's not her fault, but it was difficult to accept it for a while, and more importantly, our family Ying Shuang is sacrificing to the son of the lord of the wine family with Guozijian. We are all ready to exchange Geng posts, but my eyes are suddenly invisible, and this matter is very yellow, do you think I can't feel uncomfortable? As he spoke, he couldn't help but shed tears.

Don't cry, they're happy now, they'll hear it, it's a lot of disappointment. - I must say, Lord Jijiu is a kind person, it's not that your family Yingshuang is not without the possibility of regaining his sight, and maybe there will be nothing wrong with the marriage. Mischief. Luo Ronghui comforted.

Mrs. Zhou wiped away her tears, I hope so.

Sister Wan, teach us. Sun Yijia looked at her expectantly.

Okay, it's actually not that difficult. Jing Wan sat next to Zhou Yingshuang, and asked the maids to bring scissors to fit things. Then, while talking, she taught her to cut with Zhou Yingshuang's hand. Say a few words.

Zhou Yingshuang smiled happily. She touched it with her hand when she couldn't see it, even if she was accidentally stabbed, she didn't care.

After Sun Yijia and Yuan Qiaoqiao saw each other, they looked at each other and smiled in unison. Although it was bad when they first arrived at the White Dragon Temple, it is also a good thing that they can still happily get together now.

In fact, women in the boudoir have more or less contact with flower arrangements. The basic things are not difficult. The key is some small skills taught by Jing Wan, which are very useful.

She is the youngest, but the one who is the most considerate and caring. Such a caring girl, if I were your mother, I would definitely like it. Mrs. Zhou replied.

Luo Ronghui smiled, Our family Qiaoqiao has been ill and lethargic before, or else we were screaming about leg pain, but this time, we were so happy that we forgot all about it.

Yes, this situation is much better than expected. They are in a good mood and can recover faster if they think about it.

Girl, here's what you asked for. Gong mama led someone and carried a heavy wooden box.

What is this? Yuan Qiaoqiao asked curiously.

Jingwan didn't even sell her off, she opened the wooden box, and it turned out that it was full of square-shaped mud blocks.

That's what you asked the monks to do just now? What is this thing used for? Sun Yijia was puzzled.

Of course it's arranging flowers. I didn't explain much, I just started doing it.

He brought the table and piled up the mud blocks one by one. Some places were higher, and some places were lower. Of course, Jingwan didn't need to do this by herself, and a maid would do as she said. After the first step was completed, Jingwan started to modify it. She didn't move the original square mud block, but decorated it with various leaves, branches, and some wild flowers of different sizes and colors. Waiting for her to stop, The mud block is no longer its original angular appearance, it is completely a large and beautiful flower arrangement base.

Later, Jingwan began to arrange flowers on this basis, because they were all ooze, so it was easy to make them.

The flower arrangement, which took up most of the table, was quickly formed under Jing Wan's hands.

The flower arrangements they had seen before were basically the ones in the vase. It was the first time they knew that flower arrangements could still do this. Sun Yijia couldn't help but stepped forward and wanted to reach out to touch it, but she seemed to be afraid that it would be damaged. Can't stop admiring, It's really beautiful.

Luo Ronghui and Mrs. Zhou couldn't help but come around to take a look, Miss Luo's skillful hands are really speechless.

It's just that I think a little more than others. In fact, anyone can do it.

But it's just the fact that others can't think of it.

Jingwan blushed slightly, this is not what she thought, she just learned a little bit more, but she couldn't explain it.

Mother, don't block it, let me take a good look. Yuan Qiaoqiao couldn't help saying.

Okay, I'll let it go. Luo Ronghui moved aside.

Zhou Yingshuang couldn't see the lively scene. She was anxious, but she lay down quietly and imagined that special flower arrangement. During the whole process, the maid talked to her in her ear. She can think as much as she can, but what she thinks is very empty, she doesn't think it is beautiful, and she is a little powerless.

His hand was suddenly held, and Jing Wan's soft words came to mind, When your eyes are healed, I will arrange flowers for you, all kinds.

This is what you said. If I can't meet my requirements by then, I won't obey. Zhou Yingshuang shook Jingwan's hand lightly.

Jingwan did what she said, and added a lot of flower arrangements, filling Yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou Yingshuang's room.

On their side, they were happy, but Li Hongyuan's side was not so wonderful.

... Ruan Fangfei went there deliberately after knowing that Wanwan and the others had gone to Taolin? She didn't respond when she saw Sun Yijia, and instead focused more on Wanwan?

Go back to my lord,


To say Li Hongyuan's understanding of Ruan Fangfei is that she is unusually cool, but she never thinks there is anything wrong with her, that is because of her strange thoughts, and as for whether she is jealous of other outstanding women, really I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing, but she is staring at Wanwan inexplicably, so she can't ignore it.

Li Hongyuan pondered quietly for a moment, before speaking after a while, Prepare the person, and send Wanwan to her immediately after returning to Beijing. In addition, Ruan Fangfei can't relax, and the capital is always watching, the father finally How to deal with this matter, this king wants to know as soon as possible.


In fact, whether it was Eunuch Mu or An Yi, in this case, why didn't he just deal with Ruan Fangfei, or he really had something for that girl Ruan in his heart...

Li Hongyuan glanced at it, and the two immediately discarded the thoughts in their hearts, as if they were afraid that their master could see it.

In the next few days, Jingwan and the four lived peacefully and happily. Jingwan not only made flower arrangements for them, but also taught them to make rouge with peach blossoms as the main ingredient...

Once or twice, they even carried Yuan Qiaoqiao and Zhou Yingshuang out with a slack and ran all over the mountain. They were happy, even those rough old women suffered a little bit, but, for the sake of a few sisters, Jing Wan could only apologize to them.

The three ladies, watching their girls happy and recovering quickly, opened one eye and closed one eye even if their words and deeds were out of line. Several people often gathered together and talked happily.

Sun Yijia may be used to it, and she doesn't say anything about her mother's absence.

And Li Hongyuan didn't say that day and night attack, at least once every other night, but fortunately, except for one of the nights, he gave Jingwan some tranquilizers and slept with her in his arms. The rest of the time, he just looked at her and sat for half an hour. just leave.

This kind of day lasted for seven or eight days, and Li Hongyuan waited for the news from the capital.

Marriage? Father gave Sun Yijia a marriage to this king? Li Hongyuan tapped on the table lightly, Knowing that this king likes beautiful women, he gave this king a disfigured one. In total, because this king's whereabouts are unknown, If you don't know about this, you won't resist the decree, will you?

They lowered their heads one by one, not daring to breathe. In other words, this is the first time that the master has been given marriage?

Let's make arrangements, and let Ruan Fangfei give this king as a concubine. The time can be slowed down, and it can be delayed for ten days and a half months.

Master, what do you want to do?


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