Tyrannical Wang’s Beloved Wife

Chapter 031: A Gift to Grandfather

Jingwan returned to Haitang Yaju, changed into more relaxed clothes, and then looked at the few pots of treasures she brought to the capital from Qi'an Mansion. She didn't take good care of them along the way. She looked a little sluggish, and Jingwan was even worried. They can't live, but in the past few days, seeing the rejuvenation of Jingwan, Jingwan's happy mood is obvious, and then look at the pot of baby Molan, because there is no intention to prolong the flowering period, so I am surprised to find that it is actually about to bloom. These are enough to make her put all her worries aside. I stared at the orchid attentively, and the more I looked at it, the more beautiful it seemed.

Therefore, Jing Wan is the real nympho.

After watching for a while, Jingwan got up and asked the maid to prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. She wanted to draw, and she wanted to draw the whole process of Molan blooming. In her previous life, she studied traditional Chinese painting with her grandmother, and she also focused on flowers. In order to restore the beautiful posture of various flowers, she chose fine brushwork. When she started to learn painting in this life more than two years ago, she also used fine brushwork. , Her husband praised her for her high talent, and others also said that she was good at drawing, but Jingwan didn't care.

Jing Wan carefully sketched the shape of the orchid, from the start to the stop, it can be said to be done in one go, and a total of four sketches were sketched before and after, and she did not look at the pot of orchid again during the process.

Madam Gong carefully looked at the four orchids from different angles, and then turned around the orchids. Sure enough, the four orchids' outlines were consistent with the shape of Mo Lan when viewed from certain four directions. This meticulous, this amazing Her memory and painting skills, her poetry may not be good, and her chess and chess may not be good, but who can deny her excellence.

Afterwards, Jingwan added different backgrounds to the orchids and began to color them layer by layer.

When she was in Qi'an Mansion, as long as she wanted the color she wanted, she could tell the people below, it would take at least half an hour to three or five days, and she would always be able to get the available paint, either ready-made or with other substitutes. Jingwan knew that it was Mrs. Luo's connivance, and she was grateful for making the best use of these hard-won pigments. Therefore, her paintings were always rich in colors, which seemed to be the same color, but in fact they were layered and layered. A layer of different paints spreads out.

Every time a painting is completed, it always gives people the greatest visual enjoyment, and the picture is very agile.

For the rest of Jingwan's day, except for the meal time and the appropriate rest time, almost all the rest was spent on painting. It was not until the evening that the four small orchid drawings were completed, plus the background she matched, even Gives a dreamy feel.

The girl draws really well. The maids may not animate, but they understand beauty and ugliness, and they truly admire it.

Grandma Gong had seen many good things, and she couldn't help but admire them in her heart.

Then think about the girl's book of homemade fragrances, each flower is accompanied by exquisite pictures, the most detailed introduction, if those booklets flow out, they will definitely be worth more than the most valuable famous products that the girl planted by herself. Ten times and a hundred times, as the saying goes, it is better to teach a man and a fish than to teach him how to fish, but a few of those who really get it are willing to share it with others, not to mention the painting methods that have never appeared before, those Qunfang Manuals are the first, if you experience it successfully Hundreds of thousands of years of accumulation, the value is unimaginable. Although money is tacky, it is the most intuitive expression of the value of those brochures.

In the next few days, Jingwan spent all her energy on this, her grandmother was no longer with her, and she didn't mention going to her family school. Don't even think about making rouge gouache or something, and when Mrs. Luo knew that she was there After doing anything, let her toss.

One painting after another, Molan blooms little by little until it shows the most beautiful gesture.

Adding up before and after, there are more than 40 sheets in total. Although the paper is not large, it is quite tiring. Jingwan is relieved from that excited state. She estimates that she will not pick up paintbrushes for at least ten days and a half.

Everything is sorted out, and I appreciate them one by one. This time the state is very good, and Jingwan is very satisfied. However, Jingwan still thinks that the most important thing is to spend good flowers, and she is very fond of her, making her willing to become a flower slave.

Jingwan felt that adding these paintings to those group notes was enough as a return gift to her grandfather.

It is worth mentioning these few days that the youngest daughter of the old lady of Dingguo, the wife of Chengjun Wang, and the mother of Li Ruyu, dragged her sick body back to the Dingguo's mansion not long after the banquet in Dingguo's mansion dispersed. , Some people saw her pale and pale face and left, her eyes were red and swollen, and no one would believe that there was no intentional element in it. After all, what is the Dingguo Gongfu that outsiders can peep at will?

The choice of Sun Yilin's fiancée in the Dingguo Gongfu is still undecided. Then, he accepted the emperor's conferment of the post of Inner Court Bingbi. Although he was only an official of the seventh rank, he was often accompanied by the sage. In his spare time, he was responsible for studying for the sage. , Naturally, it is easy to know the various states of the saint. It can be said that the big bosses from all sides have to deal with it carefully and should not be underestimated. Then there were rumors that he was at odds with his brother.

Then it was Sun Yijia who was going to choose her husband. I don't know if it was because she wanted to clear the relationship with King Kang, and the matter of choosing a husband for her was very high-profile. Even the princess's choice of a concubine was probably just the same. Many people are guessing. , who can pick this high mountain flower. Although she danced at the banquet of Dingguo Gongfu, but there was a reason, and most people praised her for being affectionate and righteous.

The sage personally decreed that Concubine Kang was buried as a concubine, and everyone speculated whether this was a sign of something. Furthermore, during the period of Princess Kang's filial piety, King Kang's concubine, according to reports, was requested by Princess Kang before her death, and she was the younger sister of her mother's family, hoping to take good care of the children left by Princess Kang.

In the end, the Marquis of Wu'an got married, and the identity of the girl married was not obvious, but it was reasonable. In the entire capital, from princes and nobles to officials at all levels, almost all sent gifts. Of course, don’t expect these gifts to be valuable. Some kindness is quite satisfactory, but most people don’t go there. Some people follow the trend and deliberately exclude Wu’an Houfu, and there are

Some of them didn't want to cause trouble to the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion. There were too many people there, and they couldn't entertain them. They embarrassed each other and slapped the emperor in the face. After all, the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion is so valued today. The Luo family naturally belongs to the latter.

One thing after another, it can be described as splendid, especially the publicity of Dingguo Gongfu, which is enough to make people talk about it for a long time.

Jingwan knew the inside story of the Marquis of Wu'an, and she was so embarrassed that she came up with the idea of ​​​​killing a cunning rabbit and cooking a running dog, although the process took a little longer. After the founding of the country, he ended up like this. If you want her to say, it would be better to just lose like the other families. At least people are still there. Of course, this is just Jing Wan's own idea. .

In the past few days, other relatives have also come to the door one after another, but Mrs. Luo didn't even ask her to see the guests.

After Luo Shangshu went to the office, Jingwan packed up and brought her things and went straight to the study.

Jingwan didn't know that her grandfather worked so hard to teach his children and grandsons after he went to office, so after she was allowed to step into the study, she saw her father, uncle, and brothers who seemed to be standing in a row, and she couldn't help but pause, or else Go back first, and then find another time to come over? Unfortunately, Luo Peishan had already let her in, how could he let her leave without saying anything.

As soon as she came, she was at peace. In just a few seconds, Jingwan calmed down and greeted everyone in a proper way.

What's the matter with the third girl? Luo Peishan asked, his eyes falling on the tray in her hand.

Didn't I get a pot of treasure from my grandfather, and my granddaughter should also show filial piety? He put the whole tray in front of Luo Peishan.

Oh? Luo Peishan was aroused by curiosity, lifted the silk and satin on his face, and Mo Lantu's expression changed suddenly. Zhang, another painting, the same but different, but equally stunning. Luo Peishan couldn't wait to see the paintings below, but he was reluctant to just glance at them. (.92txt. Just Love Network)

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