
Waver looked at Kotomine Kirei, the man who had teamed up with Tōsaka Tokiomi to deceive everyone in the beginning. He still didn't quite believe in him.

"That's right, our two families must form an alliance. Under the current circumstances, our strength is too weak. The relationship between Emiya Shirou and Emiya Kiritsugu is very good. Before, Emiya Kiritsugu even went to Emiya Shirou's house to have a secret talk with him. No one knows what the two talked about or what kind of deal they had, but we must consider the worst in everything. In this way, the plan we make will not miss any details."

Kotomine Kirei's decision to find Weber and Rider was certainly not a whim, but a choice he made after careful consideration. So far, he obviously couldn't deal with Emiya Shirou alone, and even without Gilgamesh's powerful firepower support, it would be difficult for him to kill Emiya Kiritsugu.

Yesterday, he launched a sneak attack on Emiya Kiritsugu's castle, using Assassin to attract attention and lead away Emiya Kiritsugu's Servant Saber, and then took the opportunity to go to the castle to meet Emiya Kiritsugu.

He originally had a great interest in this man, although this interest has dropped from first to second after Emiya Shirou's arrival, but judging from the current situation, it is not necessary to take the initiative to go to Emiya Kiritsugu. It seemed very unwise to provoke Emiya Shirou, and Emiya Kiritsugu was obviously much easier to approach, so he chose to use Emiya Kiritsugu as a breakthrough point.

Yesterday's action could not be said to be a failure, but it could not be considered a success either.

Kotomine Kirei fought with Emiya Kiritsugu, but the opponent seemed to have a powerful weapon that could cause great damage to him. Even weapons strengthened by Command Seals could be easily shattered, and he almost suffered a loss.

In addition, Saber and the opponent's assistant Hisau Maiya arrived in time, forcing Kotomine Kirei to retreat in a hurry.

Although Emiya Kiritsugu did not seem to be in good shape yesterday, he still did not kill the opponent easily. Perhaps this was his mistake!

But there will not be too many such opportunities in the future.

The other party should have known that Assassin could clone himself. It would be impossible to use the same method to lure the tiger away from the mountain next time. Unless he could find a helper to put enough pressure on the other party and make the other party's servants completely scattered, he would have a chance to compete with Emiya Kiritsugu again.

And this helper could not be Emiya Shirou. So looking at the remaining masters in the entire Fourth War, he had no choice but to find the princess and the emperor to cooperate.

"But, I can't make a decision on this kind of thing! Oh, no, I mean, shouldn't we be more cautious about such a serious matter?"

The princess had a hard time saying it. Although there was no problem with her being the master, in their situation, most of the decisions were made by the emperor himself rather than him, so she didn't dare to agree to Kotomine Kirei's suggestion of an alliance at this time.

Moreover, Kotomine Kirei didn't leave a very good impression on him. This guy was in cahoots with Tōsaka Tokiomi at the beginning. After doing such a false thing, he even took advantage of the loopholes in the rules and hid in the church to deceive everyone.

Even he and Rider were kept in the dark! No one would feel comfortable if they were deceived.

So judging from this one thing alone, he had reason to dislike Kotomine Kirei.

But there was one thing the princess had to admit. What Kotomine Kirei said was... That's right, if they don't form an alliance and rely on their own strength, it will be very difficult for them to win this Holy Grail War.

This guy Emiya Shirou not only has two Servants, but his Servant also turned Caster into his own Servant after destroying Caster's Master.

In this way, this guy has three Servants to use!

A Saber with comprehensive attributes and strong fighting ability; an elusive Servant of unknown occupation with the same assassination function as Assassin; and a Caster who is good at building positions and conducting positional warfare! This is a super powerful combination of three Servants. When any Servant faces them alone, I'm afraid the chances of winning will not be very high, right?

"What's the point of discussing this kind of thing!"

The rider's voice came over, Weber looked back and saw the rider smiling at him.

"Boy, you don't want to form an alliance with Assassin's Master, do you? I won't agree to that!"

The emperor put his heavy hand on Weber's shoulder, and half of Weber's body collapsed.

The emperor was more than two meters tall and weighed more than 260 kilograms. Even if it was just one arm, it would still weigh dozens of kilograms. Of course, the skinny princess couldn't bear it.

"Why...why don't you agree? I think what he said makes sense!"

The princess said as she struggled to pry the big hand off her shoulder.

"Boy, do you really think so?"

The emperor not only did not loosen his hand, but increased his strength. The princess felt that her shoulders were about to fall apart!

""Hiss, it hurts, it hurts, let me go! You stupid idiot!"

With a snap, the emperor flicked his forehead again.

"Boy, you have to remember that if you want something, you have to work hard to get it. Companions are indispensable, but it is also important to recognize the true face of your companions! Because they are the most important people around you. If they betray you one day, it will cause you the greatest harm. You must remember this truth!"

After a pause, the emperor pointed at Kotomine Kirei and the masked assassin behind him and said,"This person is not suitable to be your companion and friend.

He is not worthy of your trust.

Even if we fight alone, it is better than having a partner who wants to use us as tools.

What's more, you don't know my full strength!

Don't worry, boy, we will definitely win this Holy Grail War!

I will definitely help you get the Holy Grail!

" The emperor's voice became louder and louder.

At the end, he stretched out his arms, raised his head high, and showed the temperament of a king!

At that moment, Weber, who was sitting on the ground, almost thought he was a true god!

"Well said, you are worthy of being the King of Conquerors Iskandar, you really have such momentum, you really didn't let me down!"

Shirou walked in from outside while clapping.

The Cathedral Church, this is his second time to set foot here, the previous time was during the Fifth War, and this time was during the Fourth War. Speaking of it, the changes here are not big!

Ten years later, there are more trees here, and there is a small garden and a vegetable plot on the left side of the church. Maybe there is a problem with the funds of the Cathedral Church and the Magician Association! So they have to do it themselves, and now, this church still hasn't changed that much.

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