"Little Jason, when my sister went to see Artemis this time, she was shocked, but she was ugly."

Amphitrite said, reaching out and stroking Jason's cheek, the corners of his mouth puffed up slightly, and said, "Then my elder sister's tribute will never be worse than that of that child of Artemis, right?

If you can satisfy your sister, she can introduce you to the most beautiful woman in the world, even my sister and my daughter. "

"Lord Amphitrite, this is unnecessary..." Jason replied hard.

"Oh, it seems that you really don't care about this aspect of things." Amphitrite continued, "Everyone is saying that Hephaestus gave you a golden mountain, you don't want it, you get one. You don’t have any artifacts in the room, and you’re not even interested in hundreds of handy dolls… but you’re not a person who wants nothing.”

"Well... Forget it, my sister's daughter is very cute. Are you sure you don't want to meet her?"


Just as Jason was racking his brains to figure out how to deal with it under Amphitrite's gaze.

With the sound of a horse croak, Tianma stopped over a small island, and indirectly saved Jason's life.

"Ah, Goddess Amphitrite, here we are, here we are!"

The ecstatic Jason hurriedly diverted Amphitrite's attention and looked at Pegasus gratefully.

His lips moved slightly, and he said to Tianma, "Brother Ma, thank you for saving your life. Today's grass cake is enough!"

Although Jason's small movements did not hide from Amphitrite's sight, after Amphitrite shook his head in amusing, he followed Jason's wishes and did not continue to force it.

But... the more you resist, the more excited the gods may be!

Because the gods of Greece, as long as they are interested, before the interest completely dissipates, they want the other party to give up completely... This is really too difficult.

So the more Jason showed no interest, the more interested Amphitrite became...

Simply put, there is no help, just wait to die.

If not, Jason wouldn't have been getting headaches and tingling scalps from encountering gods.

Because as long as it is a god, it is a kind of trouble.

———————————————Demarcation line —————————————————————

PS: Tonight, my aunt invited me to dinner, but I was helpless.

Chapter 91 The Giant Gryon, With His Herd (4k)

The giant Gryon, with his herd of red-brown cattle.

In fact, it was originally one of the twelve impossible tasks that the future hero Hercules had to complete.

But now, under the leadership of the sea queen Amphitrite, the 'Hercules' came to this small island.

and will contaminate this herd.

"The herd is not what Gryon owns."

When the horses landed on the island, and Amphitrite and Jason got off the horse, Amphitrite suddenly said to Jason: "The cows were originally owned by one of my sisters, Callilohe. thing.

A few days ago, I went to her specifically, and she said that if you can really get it back, she would be happy to give you the bounty of cattle. "

Hearing Amphitrite's words, Jason was stunned, and immediately thanked Amphitrite.

Although in the world of Greece, many things are robbed and robbed.

Whether it is a beautiful man or a beautiful woman, or a rare treasure.

As long as you can grab it, it is your own thing, and it is even a kind of capital worth showing off.

A lot of heroes did this too, and the Greek gods were accustomed to it.

But the only exception is when facing Jason.

Because the Greek gods who knew Jason obviously didn't want to let such trifles pollute Jason's pure heart!

And at this moment, a beautiful woman with blond hair and blue eyes was the sister Calliloe in Amphitrite's mouth.

From the water not far from the shore, he slowly walked out.

"Sister Amphitrite, is she the child you mentioned?"

The beautiful woman with her blue eyes blinked, looking at Jason curiously.

Soon after, he nodded with great satisfaction and said with a smile, "Indeed, he is a very cute child."

By the way, here is the point about the relationship between Calliloe and the Amphitrite sisters.

They are all children of the ocean **** Okeanos.

At the same time, the original goddess of wisdom, Athena's mother Metis, was also the child of Okeanos, and one of his favorite children.

The ocean **** Okeanos was because of Metis, and finally turned to Zeus in the last battle of the gods. It was also because of Metis that he finally ran away angrily, swearing that he would not return to Olympus in this life. Mountain.

And talking about the ocean **** Okeanos, there is something very interesting.

Zeus and Poseidon are obviously famous stallions in Greece, but they are comparable to Okeanos.

When it comes to having children, it's simply a weak explosion!

Because the ocean **** Okeanos and his wife gave birth to a total of 3,000 sons and 3,000 daughters!

"Why are you here, Kalilohe?"

Amphitrite looked at the blond and blue-eyed sea fairy suspiciously.

"Because of curiosity, sister, you left suddenly, and because of a child, so I sneaked over here... But now, I can really understand it."

Callilohe said, and walked towards Jason.

And just when she wanted to touch Jason, Amphitrite reached out and pulled Jason back behind her.

"Sister Amphitrite, don't be so stingy..."

"It's not that I'm stingy, you can't touch this child, because you don't have the qualifications."

After Amphitrite finished speaking softly, Kali Rohe's face naturally showed dissatisfaction, but she did not dare to disobey the sea queen sister in front of her.

"Then I won't touch it. I came here mainly to say one thing... This child can ask for the herd of cows, but you can't help me, sister."

Calliloe said, seeing Amphitrite's brows wrinkling, she quickly continued: "At least when the child goes to capture the cattle, you can't help Sister Amphitrite!"

"You said this." Amphitrite's brows loosened, and she said to Calliloe with a smile: "Of course, Geryon took the cattle from you by his own strength, so this child is indeed I also have to rely on myself to bring back more cattle."

As she spoke, Amphitrite turned her head to look at Jason, and said to him: "Jason, listen carefully, that group of red-brown cows are now on the highest mountain on this island, by half a The centaur Eurydion and the two-headed dog Otter Hughes are in charge.

Gryon was not there, and he came back at sunset.

So you must drive the red-brown cattle into the sea before sunset, and then I will sweep away the cattle and stop Gryon's pursuit. "

Jason nodded, indicating that he understood.

Then Jason, who rolled his eyes, suddenly looked at the two of them carefully and asked, "Then Goddess Amphitrite, Goddess Calliloe, can I ask one thing?  … Whose child is the giant of Ryon?"

"Gerion..." Amphitrite looked at Callilohe.

Kali Rohe thought for a while and said, "I don't know either, it seems...is a child of a sea god."

When Jason saw this, he immediately asked: "Then do I use any method, as long as I can bring the cattle back?"

"Yes." Amphitrite nodded.

"Oh..." Jason looked at the reaction of the two and nodded, indicating that he understood.

And Tianma looked at Jason like this and blinked.

So Amphitrite and Callilohe took Pegasus away, and Jason walked alone toward the highest mountain on the island.

"Sister Amphitrite, even if he can take back the divine bull from the centaur Eurydion and the two-headed dog Ottersius, can he really escape the pursuit of Gryon?"

Calliloe looked at Amphitrite suspiciously, then looked at Pegasus beside him, and said, "I thought you would give Pegasus to him, but you..."

"Don't worry." Amphitrite said with a smile: "When the time comes, I will take action."

After speaking, Amphitrite paused slightly, and then whispered in a very low voice: "The main reason is that if I don't do this and leave a good impression on this child, how could he keep thinking about me and give me Prepare the tribute."

Tenma looked at the muttered Amphitrite. Although it didn't know what Goddess Amphitrite wanted, it knew that Amphitrite's expectations were about to fail.

Because Tenma knew Jason too well.

And one of Jason's laws of survival.

If you don't make a move, you won't make a move, and as long as you are sure to make a move, you must solve it as quickly as possible. When dealing with the enemy, absolutely do not show mercy. It is even better to give the opponent's ashes to Yang!

However, that is an established enemy.

In this crisis-ridden Greece, if you can not establish an enemy for yourself, you must not establish it.

Therefore, even if he knew about the two goddesses Amphitrite and Calliloe, and watched from a distance, Jason still did something that the two of them did not expect.

With Athena's guide in his hand, Jason moved towards his destination.

At noon, they saw the herds of cattle being grazing on the high mountains, as well as the centaur Eurythion and the two-headed dog Otter Hughes guarding the herds.

He didn't rush to take out a tin cane to apply stealth magic to himself and sneak behind them to make a sneak attack, but took out the harp that Amphitrite lent him.

The beautiful sound of the piano was played, and the beautiful sound of the piano made the cattle grazing couldn't help but look up and look at Jason.

Then the natural centaur Eurydion and the two-headed dog Otter Hughes also immediately discovered Jason, the uninvited guest.

"Who are you!"

The centaur came to Jason and looked at Jason warily.

But it may be because Jason's piano sound is too beautiful, and Jason's good looks, he did not take out the bow and arrow on his body.

Not even the two-headed dog grinned at Jason.

"This strong centaur warrior, and the ferocious two-headed dog brother, I am a singer who came here in accordance with the oracle of the great God."

Jason didn't stop playing, and said to the two with a smile while playing: "I am willing to present you music that can soothe your mind, and at the same time... I also hope that you will promise me one. Small request."

"What request?" The centaur looked at Jason suspiciously.

"I'd like to see Gryon once."

When Jason spoke his mind, the centaur was surprised, but after a moment of hesitation, he turned around and went to find Gryon.

And what Jason did was naturally seen by the two goddesses.

When they were surprised that what Jason had done was completely beyond their imagination at the beginning, they were also curious about what Jason was going to do.

Immediately, Jason continued to play the beautiful lyre, and with the passage of time, before the sun went down, the centaur brought Geryon back.

It was a tall giant, and Jason couldn't even match his feet in front of him.

In mythology, Hercules relied on arrows painted with the blood of Hydra, the hydra, to successfully kill the giant.

"Small human, do you have anything to do with me?"

The giant lowered his head and looked at Jason in front of him.

Hearing the sound of his playing, he asked calmly.

"Honorable giant of Gryon, I am the one who came here under the guidance of God, you may call me... Hercules."

Jason smiled and reported his 'name', and when he smelled the name of Hercules, Gerion couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Hera, the Queen of Heaven...Human, what are you doing to me?"

Gryon was silent for a while, then asked.

"Honorable giant of Gryon, I hope you can trade the cattle in front of you with me." Jason directly explained his intention, saying: "Because I need to sacrifice them to the great god, the one of light. Lord Apollo."

"You want my herd?"

Gryon was stunned for a while when he heard this, and then laughed out loud.

Laughter sounded like thunder in Jason's ears, and the tall giant Gerion said to Jason after laughing: "Humans are so absurd!

But I can forgive you for being unreasonable, seeing as your violin sounds so sweet and you're still Hera's child

As for the deal... what can you bring me, a little human being? "

When the words fell, Jason took out a huge red gem from his arms under the gaze of Gryon.

That was the gem that was obtained from the temple of Hephaestus that day.

"If you are willing to trade with me, I can take out the treasures that fill the entire palace hall!"

Holding the gem, Jason motioned to show it to the stunned Gryon.

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