Even Jason has considered whether he should go to the underworld to seek a position after he became immortal with the help of Athena.

It's better to be a neighbor with Hecate-sensei.

Just when Jason was thinking about this...

"Child, come here."

"My child, I know you can hear my voice, come here, I won't hurt you."

In Jason's mind, a faint voice suddenly sounded.

Jason was stunned for a moment, but he didn't look too surprised, because the sound...he had heard it a long time ago.

"Son, I feel the devastation in you...Come here, child, I will help you."

Jason listened to the call silently.

He tilted his head slightly and turned his eyes to Tartarus, the abyss of the underworld.

"...Sorry, son of the great primordial **** Tartarus, Lord Typhon, **** of the Titans, I will not come to you."

Jason said softly in his heart.

"No children."

Typhon's ethereal voice sounded in Jason's ear, "I know you'll come to me one day...I'll be waiting for you, child."

Jason let out a slow breath.

"What's wrong child?"

Charon looked suspiciously at Jason, whose expression suddenly became suspicious.

"No...it's fine."

Jason shook his head slowly, and smiled again at Charon.

Typhon, the ancestor of all demons, is the son of the five primordial gods at the beginning of the world, Tartarus, the **** of the abyss of hell, and Gaia, the goddess of the earth.

Its birth means its destruction.

It can even be said that its existence represents destruction!

So what other gods can't feel, it... has already felt.

And this call has already begun a long time ago.

————————————————————Demarcation Line——————————————

PS: Ah, I was going to write a tribute to Artemis in one breath, but I haven’t finished writing it in 4K. It is estimated that I need to write nearly 10,000 words. Let’s write it first and divide it into two chapters.

Today, I will write a little more overtime and see if I can finish it.

Chapter 67 Tribute to the Moon God Artemis! (9k)

Shortly after,

When Jason went ashore, he saw Persephone, the queen of the underworld.

"I heard that little Jason, you made a tribute to Athena, right? ... Because of this matter, my mother sent a messenger to complain to me, saying that little Ia Song, you didn't even offer her any tribute."

Persephone with blond hair and golden eyes came to Jason and said with a smile.

"Did Lord Athena also go to Goddess Demeter?"

When Jason heard this, he couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Yeah, according to Mother Mother, Athena showed off to Mother Mother, so...what about my tribute?"

Persephone blinked his golden eyes, looked at Jason and said with a light smile: "You are not unprepared, right?"

"This...Sister Persephone, I'm really preparing, I'll bring it to you next time!"

Hearing this, Persephone also knew that Jason had been having a headache recently because of this, so he smiled and stopped mentioning the tribute.

Then, under the leadership of Persephone, it didn't take long for the two to arrive at the gate of Hecate's temple.

Persephone knocked on the door and asked the puppets in the temple to inform Hecate that he was here for a while.

"How did you come?"

Pushing open the door, Hecate, who was wearing a long black dress and had black hair reaching her waist, came out with a slightly lazy and unrepaired fringe.

After his eyes swept over Persephone, he naturally saw Jason who was smiling and looking at him.

Slightly stunned for a second.

the next moment.


The door was closed.

"Teacher, teacher, open the door!"

"No, your teacher is not here!"

Persephone watched Jason who was knocking on the door, and Hecate, who was screaming in exasperation, and couldn't hold back his laughter.

After a while, Hecate opened the door and held out his hand to Jason.

"Give me the tin stick."


The startled Jason hurriedly hid behind Persephone.

Hecate was obviously going to destroy the teleportation magic on the tin staff, so how could Jason give it to him.

"Okay, okay." Persephone stopped Hecate and smiled: "Don't make it hard for him... and I want to see my brother often."

Hearing this, Hecate knew it was over, so he could only glared at Jason, then turned around and walked in not very happy.

After Persephone and Jason walked in, the puppet came over and served tea...but without Jason's share.

Jason didn't mind this, and he skillfully made a cup for Hecate.

"Tell me, what's wrong with you outside?"

Hecate gave up the tea and glared at Jason Road.

"Look at what you said, teacher, what trouble can I cause."

"You didn't get into trouble and came back so soon?"

Hecate was clearly in disbelief.

"This child is outside this time, and it's really not a disaster... It's just causing a whole lot of trouble."

Persephone took over with a smile and told the tribute.

And when Hecate finished listening, she frowned and thought for a while, then she looked at Jason and asked, "Did Athena tell you to leave me and go to her?  … I didn't expect her to appreciate you so much."

Jason was stunned when he heard this, and then quickly replied: "Teacher, I didn't agree."

"I'm only happy if you promised me." Hecate pouted, "I'm too happy to leave the trouble to her."

"Don't do it." Hearing this, Jason answered very decisively: "As the saying goes, you are a teacher for a day and a father for life. Teacher Hecate, you are so good to me, you are my reborn parents, and I will never leave you. go!"

Looking at Jason who said righteously to him, Hecate scoffed.

After three or four years of saying this, Hecate might have believed it, but now... come on.

You are a villain!

"Okay, don't do this in front of me... Tell me, what are you doing when you come back to me? As for the tribute, you can prepare it at ease, although it is indeed very troublesome, but if you deal with it If you do it right, it will do you no harm."

Hearing what Hecate said, Jason nodded.

"Actually, I came this time because of the tribute to Artemis, the moon god... Sister Persephone, can I ask you for some seeds? That means holiness, Majestic and noble white lily seed."

After finishing speaking, after Persephone was puzzled but nodded, Jason continued to say to Hecate: "And Mr. Hecate, if I remember correctly, there should be in the laboratory, right? It's me. During Chinese New Year last year, Medea and I used magic to create fireworks..."

Soon, I got what I wanted.

A bag of pure white lily seeds and a firework ball made of magic.

Jason thanked the two and left.

"Fireworks... What are Hecate fireworks?" Persephone asked Hecate curiously after Jason left.

"A kind of toy made by Medea last year, on New Year's Day, and made Medea use light magic and sound magic...it was useless, but when it exploded, it was very beautiful."

"Pretty?" Persephone looked even more curious.

Hecate recalled the scene he saw during the New Year's Eve last year, nodded and said, "Well, it's really beautiful... But if that's the case, isn't this tribute a bit too shabby?

No, that guy is so cautious and logically wouldn't make such a low-level mistake... What the **** is he trying to do? "

"Eh...then Hecate, let's go out and have a look."

Hearing this, Persephone couldn't help but say: "When you say that, I'm suddenly curious about the tribute Jason gave to Artemis... And speaking of it, I haven't seen it for a long time. past Artemis."

"You are the queen of **** now..."

"Oh, it's fine, anyway, it's just one night, you sneak me out, others won't know about it... and even if you do, it won't be a problem!"

At Persephone's begging, Hecate finally had no choice but to agree... At the same time, the most important thing is that she was also a little curious, Jason came here specially to ask for seeds and fireworks do what.

After all, these two things are not noble, although they are pretty good-looking, but if they are used as tributes, they will only make people laugh.

But Hecate also knew Jason's character well, and knew that he was cautious and rarely did things that he wasn't sure about, especially when it came to dealing with gods.

And just when the two of them set off, Jason had already returned to the world.



"You're back?... You really went to the underworld?"

When Atalanta saw Jason, she couldn't help but ask again.

"Yeah." Jason nodded casually, then looked at the sky.

Then I found out that it was still morning before he left, but it was already afternoon, and it would be sunset and dusk in two or three hours.

"I'm running out of time... Atalanta, go!"

After taking Atalanta on the Pegasus and wandering over the ancient forest for a while, Jason finally stopped in a relatively wide meadow.

"Well, it's pretty good here, and the location is high. When you look up at night, you can see the stars, and the scenery is also very good..."

After letting Pegasus fly at a low altitude and turning around, Jason nodded in satisfaction.

After falling, Jason took out the blueprint and made a hasty plan based on the terrain of the site.

After spending more than an hour, under Atalanta's puzzled gaze, Jason took out the bag Persephone gave him, took out the almost inexhaustible lily seeds from it, and started. Make arrangements.

"Here, here... Yes, some seeds are also planted on those big trees over Atalanta."

"Oh and Atalanta, Lord Artemis will definitely come and ask us what we are doing later, then you will take Lord Artemis away and let her go to another place to play for a while, and so on. After I set it up in the evening, I'm calling you over here."

Although Atalanta couldn't understand what Jason wanted to do at all, but since he had promised Jason to help, she could only do it.

Just like this, another period of time passed, and as Jason expected, Artemis, who was riding a golden-horned deer, came here soon.

After all, one is his favorite believer, and the other is Jason, so it is naturally impossible for Artemis to come.

"Little Jason, little Atalanta, what are you doing here?"

Artemis looked at the busy Jason and Atalanta suspiciously.

"I'm preparing a tribute for you, Lord Artemis."

Jason came over, didn't hide it, and told Artemis his purpose directly.

"The tribute to me?" Artemis was stunned, then quickly looked around: "Where, where is my tribute?"

"Sorry, Lord Artemis, the tribute can't be given to you right now, it needs a little time to arrange... But before that, in order to be able to offer tribute to Lord Artemis, so I can trouble Artemis Do you have one thing?"

Jason said to Artemis, who tilted his head in doubt: "Can this area show a full moon tonight? ... Because if it is a full moon, I can be more grateful for Artemis. Sir Si, make a tribute."

"Is it a full moon?... That's fine, but what is the tribute to me, little Jason?" Artemis asked curiously.

"This... You will know it tonight, Lord Artemis."

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