Thinking about it, she should have noticed it long ago, otherwise she would not have obeyed Athena's orders and exposed Jason's original fate to Hera.

"Hera's hatred for the child reached a climax, but so did her love for the child.

Whether hatred turns into love, or love turns into hate, is obviously the key to the next step... Since you all want that child to be the one who is favored by the gods, not the one who kills the gods, So it must be love, right? "

Hephaestus could not help but feel a little unhappy when he heard this.

Having Hera fall in love with Jason made her uncomfortable.

But no rebuttal.

"You are so sure that Hera's contact with Jason will make her fall in love with him a little bit?" Hecate looked at Athena and asked.

"Of course, because she loves Jason herself, but she doesn't know that... In fact, her attitude towards Jason has been affected and changed a lot, right?"

The corners of Athena's mouth rose, revealing a picture of everything being under control.

"And no matter what kind of problems Hera created for Jason, it's absolutely impossible to stymie that kid, because that kid is your student.

It's Jason, whom the gods love! "

Hephaestus was silent for a while after listening.

Then he looked at Hecate.

After seeing Hecate nod, she looked back at Athena and said, "Although what you said is very reasonable, I think that even if things end as you expect, you will be miserable."

"You should also know the character of my student... and even if you deal with it, Hera will never let you go easily!"

"Ah, it doesn't matter, anyway, little Jason will definitely make a beautiful tribute for me."

After Athena didn't care about the reply, she paused for a while, and then said with a smile: "And I'm actually looking forward to it. I'm looking forward to the angry little Jason, how will he punish me~~"

This goddess... is completely helpless!

Looking at the front, the goddess of wisdom who has a bad taste for Jason is completely awakened.

Hecate and Hephaestus glanced at each other, then shook their heads together.

————————————————————Demarcation line—————————————————

PS: Five thousand three, wait for me to have dinner.

If you don't have it before ten or ten thirty, don't wait for the next chapter.

There is no update today, there will be tomorrow!

Chapter 210 Heroes, gather together! (3k)

Take the Argonaut on your way to find the Golden Fleece.

In a faraway country, I met the destined beautiful woman.

And in the end, he died on the Argonaut, which represented the glory of his life.

This is the great hero named Jason, his glorious life.

For such a great deed, this young man who came from across will not deny it.

But it doesn't mean that he wants to be such a person.

Therefore, after inheriting the name of Jason and learning of his future, the teenager has been struggling, exhausting his strength, eager to get rid of this fate.

So Jason is a little **** now...he's really pissed.

Offer her beloved tribute to the great and wise goddess Athena.

With this thought in mind, Jason embarked on the path of the Golden Fleece that he least wanted.

And this, this is the fate that Jason is most reluctant to touch!

"...I thought you could understand me a little bit."

When Chiron told Jason what had just happened, Jason couldn't help laughing in the long silence.

"It seems that I think too much after all... No, you should understand me, after all, nothing can escape your eyes.

You just don't think you need to care, goddess of wisdom. "

Jason said softly in his heart.

Chiron stood aside, watching Jason whose emotions gradually calmed down in front of him, his brows could not help frowning slightly.

Goddess of wisdom, this really hurt this child.

No matter what purpose you have, whether it's for the good of this child, but... you haven't thought about his heart.

In place of Athena, Hecate, Jason's teacher, was Hecate.

In fact, this can explain a lot of things.

After all, if everything was bad for Jason, Hecate would not be able to replace Athena and tell Hera about Jason's fate.

Jason wasn't stupid either, he naturally thought of that too.



Chiron looked at Jason worriedly.

Hearing this, Jason tilted his head and looked at the worry about himself in Chiron's eyes. He couldn't help but warm in his heart, smiled gently, and shook his head at him: "Don't worry, Mr. Chiron, I'm fine... I won't say anything and I won't resist anything.

The road of the Golden Fleece, I will take it well.

According to the expectation of the goddess of wisdom, I will end the conflict between Hera, the queen of the same day, I will solve the difficulties along the way, and I will go to Medea's hometown to bring back the golden fleece.

I will also sincerely offer my tribute to the goddess of wisdom.

Because...that's what I have to do. "

Jason's voice was unusually calm.

Jason will be angry and angry, but he will not just choose to leave.

He will still follow the guidance of wisdom and always walk on the right path.

Take all of this as a 'nutrient' to fully absorb.

Keep growing, and eventually grow into an existence with absolute power, who is not controlled by anyone, and does not need to be at the mercy of anyone!

Everything is the same as before... yes, exactly the same as before.

Chiron looked at Jason, whose eyes gradually calmed down, he hesitated again and again, and finally sighed and said nothing.

Goddess of Wisdom, is this what you expect?

That's right, difficulties really can't overwhelm him, he has a toughness that ordinary people don't have, and he is a natural hero! know what, did you miss something?

This child, was prepared to entrust everything to you and trust you.

But now this cracked.


the next day,

After a night of rushing to work, Jason carefully wrote every letter.

Now, it's just a matter of sending it to the hands of the senior brothers in various places.

Chiron was going to do it for him, but Jason rejected Chiron's kindness and told Chiron that he had a better way.

Immediately after learning the location of the brothers from Chiron, Jason came to the outside of the cave.

He called, the creatures of the world.

As the son of the gods...the son of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture.

Listen to the voice of all things, this is Demeter's return gift to Jason.

Under the call of Jason, in Chiron's slightly surprised eyes, the creatures in the world quickly responded to Jason's call.

Birds came flying and landed in front of Jason.

Jason took out the food that had been prepared and fed it to them.

And after turning around and asking Chiron, after confirming that Hera was not there, he was relieved to take out the golden lyre from the shining light.

All creatures in the world are immersed in this wonderful sound of the piano.

Even the most ferocious beast in the world will put away its brutal ferocity in the sound of this piano.

The birds heard the wonderful sound of Jason playing the lyre, and pecking at the food that Jason specially prepared for them.

Then, after expressing thanks to Jason, they took the letter prepared by Jason in their mouths, flapped their wings, and flew into the distance at Jason's order.

Watching them go away, Jason began to pray to the great god.

"May your trip always fly under the beautiful blue sky and the dazzling stars.

May the great **** of light, Lord Apollo, protect you in the bright light.

May the great moon goddess Artemis protect you in the full moon of the night.

May you always be at peace under the watchful eyes of the great gods. "

After praying, Jason turned around and looked at Chiron behind him.

"Mr. Chiron, I'm leaving again... The next time I come back, it may be a little longer."

"Well, go child." Chiron said to Jason with a smile: "I will wait for you to come back and bless you forever."

After a short farewell, the beautiful golden-horned deer slowly walked out of the forest.

With Jason, once again set foot on the forward direction.

Under the gaze of the gods, just as Jason expected, the birds flew all the way under the bright light and dense stars.

No danger was encountered.

Never had bad weather.

Thirsty, there will be collected nectar in front of them.

When you are tired, sweet fruits will appear to cheer them up.

They flew and flew, and finally came to the recipient with 'lucky'.

In front of them, he handed the exquisite envelope made by Jason into their hands.

Heroes from all over the world, those heroes and princes who left from Chiron Mountain, the sage of the centaur, have all received letters written by their most beloved junior brothers and sisters.

And these teenagers who have done a lot of deeds or not, after opening the letter and knowing who invited them, without exception, they all put down the important things in their hands.

On the day he received the letter, Meleagerus, the prince of the kingdom of Calydon, disregarded the obstruction of his parents, and that night he climbed the wall and ran out.

The hero Hercules took Iolaus, who had been cured, and hurriedly embarked on a journey after receiving the letter, and began to feast.

In the distant city of Athens, Theseus has been in deep remorse because of the last incident in the underworld.

Therefore, when the bird arrived, the day he received the envelope, the whole person couldn't help shouting excitedly, and hurriedly abandoned everything and started to go.

At the same time, this letter naturally fell into the hands of the beautiful hunter in emerald green clothes.

Atalanta wiped the letter open, and when she saw the invitation above, the corners of her mouth could not help but rise slightly.

"This time, I didn't come to you, but you invited me!"

The birds, who were looked after by the gods, completed their missions one by one.

Then I saw the heroes who received the envelope, and immediately took the best swords and rode the best horses.

Pack your bags and start your journey to the meeting.

What's interesting is that the birds who delivered the letter did not leave after the letter was delivered, but instead followed the heroes who received the envelope.

on their shoulders, on their heads.

Or fly and linger beside them.

In the face of the heroes' inquiries, the birds answered in a chattering manner.

But they obviously didn't listen to the voice of all things, and they didn't know what the birds were talking about.

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