Jason thought about it, was he confused before? ...probably really confused.

After all, when I just crossed over and was about to learn martial arts with Chiron and become famous all over the world, I found that my name was Jason...

No one would be willing to accept their fate, not to mention that this young man came from the Great Celestial Dynasty!

"Well, now there is a goal to strive for." Jason nodded.

"Becoming immortal?"

"If you can't beat it, then break in!" Jason smiled brilliantly.

Hecate was stunned for a while, then couldn't help laughing, and said, "If you can't beat it, join in... Well, don't say it, it seems to be a good way."

"Then if you find out in the end, you can't join?" Hecate asked casually, after all, everyone knows the virtues of the Olympian gods.

What Hecate was thinking now was, if Jason succeeded in the end and didn't want to join Olympus, then as a teacher, should he just pull him over.

And just when she thought so...

"If you can't join, then destroy and rebuild the order... Ah, no, I didn't say anything just now, Mr. Hecate!"

Jason, who had said what he said in his heart, hurriedly changed his mouth after reacting, but Hecate heard it clearly.

At this moment, Hecate was really stunned.

Then I looked at Jason who was in a panic...


Wait, are you going to...destroy what?

No, you're just a human, how could you...how could you think like this!

Raise your sword to the gods,

In this era in front of us, there will never be a situation!

Not to mention the punishment of the gods, you must know that people in this world respect and fear the gods from the bottom of their hearts!

But I'm sorry, the current Jason, he is a transmigrator.

There is a sense of awe, of course, after all, Jason knows that in their eyes, he is just an ant.

But when it comes to faith, fear...

At this moment, Hecate's heart suddenly clarified one thing... clarified why the gods who met Jason would subconsciously pay attention to him!

Because he is different.

He is different from everyone in this world!

Although up to now, he has shown a respectful appearance in any of the gods, but his heart... is not!

Immediately, Hecate remembered Jason's first battle.

Facing those robbers, Jason hid from left to right, always reluctant to fight, but when Athena forced him to nowhere, he put them...

All were killed!

Even in the face of his power, the robber who chose to escape has collapsed.

He also killed it!

"That... Teacher Hecate?"

Jason saw Hecate suddenly froze in place, wondering when.

Hecate raised his head and looked at Jason in front of him.

"Jason, look me in the eyes!"


Jason raised his head subconsciously and met Hecate.

Those are a pair of beautiful red eyes, but at this moment, those eyes are exuding a strange light!

Under those eyes, Jason lost consciousness.

At that moment, the two came to an endless darkness, and Hecate, who was wearing a long black dress, came to Jason in the darkness.

Put your hand on Jason's body, and fully mobilize his divine power!

So I saw that under the divine authority of the road goddess Hecate, three broad roads and many branches began to be derived behind Jason.

Naturally, Hecate focused on these three avenues.

The first extension is that Jason gave up everything and became a mortal.

The second is that Jason was favored by the gods and became the favored person of the gods.

And the last one, it spawned very, very slowly, and at the same time made Hecate feel more and more wrong.

Even with its slow extension, Hecate felt her heart start beating faster and faster.

So at last, Hecate saw, it was a road... paved with blood!

The blood of the gods splattered recklessly on the branches of various roads.

And at the end of that road...the end of the road, what appeared in front of Hecate was Jason standing on the dimly lit Mount Olympus.

Raise the sword, the sword points to the picture of the gods!

And the **** he pointed at... was the king of the gods, Zeus!

It was almost at the moment when Hecate saw this scene and was shocked.

On the distant dazzling Mount Olympus.

Sitting in the splendid temple, Zeus was thinking about whether he should go down to find a woman to explain to Hera now, or to go to Hera to explain the situation now.

In front of his eyes, suddenly there was a picture of Olympus shattering...


Zeus was stunned for a while, and then he was extremely angry!

"who is it!"

This roar resounded throughout the Temple of Olympus.

On a sunny day, the roar of thunder continued to explode!

Hades in the underworld and Poseidon in the sea raised their heads, frowning and looking at the direction of Mount Olympus in confusion.

I don't know what Zeus is suddenly pumping crazy!

"not good!"

At this moment, Hecate suddenly didn't know what was going on outside, but she understood that at the moment when this road was derived under the urging of her divine power, God King Zeus couldn't have been unaware!

So she hurriedly injected all of her divine power into her, and at some cost, she also concealed this road for Jason in the river of time!

And when she just finished all this and left with Jason, Zeus also probed here, but it was obviously too late!

After going out, Jason, who was in the dark, passed out in Hecate's arms.

At this moment, Hecate's face was also very ugly, and even the shadow of the corner of his mouth had blood seeping out.

"I... seem to have stabbed a big basket!"

Hecate looked at Jason who had passed out in his arms and smiled bitterly.

A goddess who is unwilling to deal with the gods and at the same time does not want to be targeted by Zeus, Hecate who gave up her position and hid in the underworld.

A mortal who is also unwilling to deal with the gods, but because he wants to live, he chooses to become the immortal Jason.

A special road that no one and God had expected, also appeared in front of them at the same time!

—————————————————— The dividing line ——————————————————

PS: Chapter 1 today.

Chapter 29 Wait, Senior Sister, what do you say your name is? !

"Who is... Damn, who is it!"

Zeus, who peeped into the river of destiny but did not find the answer, was angry!

So at this moment, the sky is furious!

The silver-white arcs are like thin snakes, cruising in the sky.

Bright thunder and lightning, interweaving waves of destruction!

Because thunder is his symbol, the sky is his reflection, and he is the king of gods!


As for Zeus' anger, he didn't take it seriously at first, just as the gods who were his daily gasps.

Now including Athena, Apollo, Artemis and even Hera, they couldn't help but look up at the sky and frowned!

Not to mention that under this rage, how many people fell to the ground with their faces changed greatly, praying to the **** King Zeus to calm down his anger!

"Sure enough... stabbed the big basket."

Hecate looked up, also looking at the angry sky.

Looking at Jason who passed out in his arms, his expression was very helpless.

Now she would rather she hadn't peeped into Jason's future just because of a momentary curiosity!

And now... trouble!

Now she looked at Jason in her arms with a very hesitant look in her eyes.

As a goddess who doesn't want to be in charge, Hecate's first thought is to hand him over.

You must know that in order to resist fate, Zeus directly swallowed the original, brought him glory with one hand, and made him the wife of the current **** king with wisdom.

The first generation goddess of wisdom - Metis!

Therefore, the current Hecate is naturally hesitant.

Just the answer, in fact, has already been determined.

When she made a move subconsciously, even at the cost of being fed back, to hide the path for Jason, she already had the answer in her heart.


Under the angry sky, Hecate thought for a long time.

Finally picked up Jason, turned around and went to the underworld.

And now on the holy mountain of Olympus.

Wearing a silver robe, with a slender figure like a mountain, Zeus, standing above the sky, is now after a burst of anger.

It has gradually calmed down.

Lei Ting kept wrapping his arms around him, his expression gloomy.


"Yes." Hermes appeared beside Zeus, and his face naturally lost the playfulness of the past.

"Go and find the three goddesses of fate, I want to know what will happen!"


After Hermes left, the sky gradually returned to calm.

At this time, Hecate had brought Jason back to his own temple in the underworld.

After putting Jason on the bed, she frowned as she looked at Jason who had passed out.

She dared to bring Jason back to the underworld, naturally it was impossible for her to be unsure.

After all, no one will believe that there will be a human being who can destroy Olympus... Even she can't believe it now!

Therefore, in the next time, Zeus will only investigate the gods thoroughly.

Especially Hades, Poseidon, Athena and Ares, the **** of war!

And although she embodied three paths in Jason's body, in fact, Jason's future in the eyes of the gods is now.

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